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(Hinduism) Hinduism devotional singing, usually accompanied by musical instruments
[from Sanskrit kīrtanam praise, eulogy]
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THE Sikh community in Cardiff has held a three-day celebration called Nagar Kirtan.
The holy book was carried out with Nagar Kirtan (procession) from the Ramsar Gurudwara and was placed at the Golden Temple in Amritsar.
LAHORE -- A delegation of the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) of India has reached Lahore in order to monitor arrangements ahead of a Nagar Kirtan - all set to be taken out from Gurdwara Nankana Sahib on August 1.
COLOURS, sights and sounds filled the streets of Middlesbrough as this year's Nagar Kirtan procession made its way through the town.
The programmes of the festival began in the morning with rendering of Harisangkirtan, holding of Agnihotra Jagna seeking world peace and people's welfare, recitation of verses from Srimat Bhagabat Geeta, distribution of mohaprosad, discussion, rendition of padaboli kirtan and arati, cultural function, staging of religious drama and screening of religious films.
Addressing worshippers during the Vaisakhi celebrations, Conservative mayor Mr Street said: "So brilliant to be able to join the Nagar Kirtan here from the Guru Nanak Mosque in Smethwick."
Followers of the faith commemorate the day with processions, which are known as 'nagar kirtan'.
A: The word nagar means town and kirtan is singing of hymns.
You can experience a vast array of cultural events in London, fromChinese New YeartoNotting HillCarnival, but one you may not have heard of is the Nagar Kirtan Sikh street procession - part of Vaisakhi, a festival to celebrate the birth of the Khalsa.
Coventry's Sikhs are celebrating with their annual Nagar Kirtan procession, before later this year, they will mark the 550th birth of Sikhism's founder Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
She is also organizing an elevating evening of divine Kirtan music.