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 (kē-ro͞on′dē, -ro͝on′-)
A Bantu language of Burundi, closely related to Kinyarwanda and an official language of Burundi.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Languages) the official language of Burundi, belonging to the Bantu group of the Niger-Congo family and closely related to Rwanda
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Le Burundi a celebre vendredi la 9eme edition de la Journee internationale des peuples autochtones (Batwa, en langue nationale, le Kirundi) sur un constat d'une A de cette categorie sociale longtemps marginalisee dans le pays, souligne une declaration de circonstance du ministere des Affaires sociales, du Genre et de la Personne humaine.
They are employees of Trackman Security Services Company and had been hired by a faction led by Mr Chege Kirundi, who claims he is the bona fide chairman of the troubled tea factory.The guards had gone to "take over" from others from Cobra Security Company after the Kirundi-led faction claimed the factory's contract with Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA) had expired and had not been renewed.
Chege Kirundi, chairman of one faction in the factory in 2017, wrote to KTDA requesting renegotiation before the contract is renewed.
Their topics include locating the Bantu conjoint/disjoint alternation in a typology of focus marking, the Kikuyu focus marker ni: formal and functional similarities to the conjoint/disjoint alternation, the conjoint/disjoint distinction in the tonal morphology of Tswana, prosody/syntax mismatches in the Zulu conjoint/disjoint alternation, and the conjoint/disjoint alternation in Kirundi (JD62): a case for its abolition.
Yoruba Afrika; Akan Afrika; Kiswahili Afrika; isiZulu iAfrika; Kikongo Afelika; Hausa Afirka; Kirundi Bufirika; Gikuyu Abirika; Igbo Afrika; Luganda Afirika; Lingala Afrika; Malagasy Afrika; Sesotho sa Leboa Afrika; Oromoo Afrikaa; Fulfulde Afirik; Setswana Aferika; Tsivenda Afurika; Tsisonga Afrika; Siswati I-Afrika; Soomaaliga Afrika; Kinyarwanda Afurika, etc.) noting that Afrikan languages by-and-large do not use a /c/ for a hard /k/ sound.
En esta historia, triunfa la esperanza que encuentran Ssemande y sus dos hermanos menores en el amor y la atencion ofrecidos por las umuzungu, palabra en Kirundi, el idioma utilizado por varios grupos etnicos hutus y tutsis en Sudafrica, con la que Ssemande nombra a las mujeres blancas que ayudan a los huerfanos de la sierra.
Athens; French; and Kirundi Winters; Shelley WHEN: WHERE WH| WHO
When the central market in the Burundian capital, Bujumbura, burned down in 2013, a disabled man called Majambere, whose name translates as "progress" in Kirundi, the national language, lost everything.
SOUNDBITE (Kirundi) Manase Gahungu, Burundian refugee:
Three major languages are spoken in Burundi: Swahili, French, Kirundi. In Burundi a typical family size is 4.7 people (two parents and two children).