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(Placename) another name for Chisimaio
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Critics have questioned the stand of Somalia on the fight against Al-Shabaab after Mogadishu made two decisions against Kenya, as a new report detailed continued revenue collection by the group under the nose of President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed's - alias Farmaajo- government.The federal government on Thursday directed planes heading to Jubaland capital of Kismayu to first land in Mogadishu for "clearance".
After the election, thousands of people waving the Jubaland flag and that of Somalia took to the streets of Kismayu to celebrate his re-election.
MOGADISHU, July 12 (Reuters) -- A car bomb went off on Friday at a hotel in Somalia's port city of Kismayu where local elders and lawmakers had been discussing an upcoming regional election and was followed by gunfire, police said, adding that the death toll could be high.
Summary: TEHRAN (FNA)- Somalia's security forces on Saturday ended an overnight attack by the al-Shabaab armed group on a hotel in the Southern port city of Kismayu that killed at least 13.
(TAP) - Somalia's security forces on Saturday ended an overnight attack by the al Shabaab Islamist militant group on a hotel in the southern port city of Kismayu that killed at least 13, a police officer said.
Amman, July 12 (Petra)-- At least five people were reportedly killed after a hotel in southern Kismayu city of Somalia was struck with bombing and gunfire, security sources told Anadolu Agency on Friday.
"The food they give us is not even fit for dogs to eat," says Bishar Ahmed, 35, who came to Dadaab from Kismayu, Somalia, in 1998.
Major Hussein Ali, a Somali military officer told Reuters the attack took place at a military base just outside the town of Kismayu in Southern Somalia.
(6) On the September 2 attack on the Bula-Gadud base near Kismaayo, see "Al Shabaab attacks military base near Somalia's Kismayu: military," Reuters, September 3, 2017; "Al-Shabab militants launch deadly attack on military base in Somalia," Deutsche Welle, September 3, 2017; and "Be Harsh with Them," Al-Kataib Media Foundation, November 13, 2017.
This insecurity situation is Clockwise from top: Alleged members of alShabaab under guard by Somali National Army (SNA) soldiers in Kismayu; Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta (I) in 2014, with General Julius Karangi, then chief of the KDF; Burundian troops serving with AMISOM being briefed prior to action believed to have played a role in Uganda's decision last year to withdraw from the pipeline project in favour of one that goes to the Port of Tanga in Tanzania.
So it would be more difficult for al-Shabab to get to the Somali base undetected, while in other areas such as Mogadishu or Kismayu and the surroundings, they have a much easier way of entering without people noticing that these are al-Shabab fighters.
In the second incident, Abdirashid Hassan Abdi, the semi-autonomous Jubbaland region's security minister said its forces had killed 16 al Shabaab fighters in Bulagadud, some 30 km to the north of the Indian Ocean port of Kismayu.