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Earlier, the Sindh education department postponed the exams to be held from March 25 owing to a protest by the All Pakistan Clerks Association and lower staff members with teachers, who refused to invigilate the exams until their demands were met.
The officers at the centre will invigilate the exams and stamp the filled answer sheets before sending them to the board office.
What sort of intellectual and spiritual training should friars receive to be able to instruct, monitor, and invigilate their congregations' beliefs, and discern what was unorthodox and what was licit in matters of faith?
Invigilate: (a) supervise (b) embarrass (c) ponder (d) commend 6.
"The individual in question had been drafted in by the academy for one day to help invigilate an exam alongside one other teacher."
other relevant officers was constituted to invigilate the proceedings
"We are therefore selling tickets at the reception/shop desk and will need someone at the exhibition entrance to check tickets and to invigilate the space."
As well as the use of the space, the chosen artists and curators will receive marketing support via the gallery's website and online publicity activity and will also be entitled to arrange a preview for their exhibition, which they must invigilate themselves.
Unusually, Matthew, Peter and Technical Director, Keith Blower, are also approved by the Civil Aviation Authority as Weld Specimen Supervisors, able to witness and verify critical aircraft-related welding on the authority's behalf and invigilate at customer sites.
The NASUWT said members in England and Wales would refuse to invigilate at mock exams or supervise activities outside school hours and provide only one written report for parents a year.
Members of the NASUWT will only produce one written report a year to parents, will not submit lesson plans to senior managers and will refuse to invigilate mock exams.