fall asleep

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.fall asleep - change from a waking to a sleeping statefall asleep - change from a waking to a sleeping state; "he always falls asleep during lectures"
zonk out - fall asleep fast, as when one is extremely tired; "after the long drive, we zonked out and slept for 10 hours"
come alive, awake, awaken, arouse, wake, wake up, waken - stop sleeping; "She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock"
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(əˈsliːp) adjective
1. sleeping. The baby is asleep.
2. of arms and legs etc, numb. My foot's asleep.
fall asleep
He fell asleep eventually.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
The comic supplement might bring a pallid smile to my face, and then I would fall asleep.
So she cried out, 'The king's daughter shall, in her fifteenth year, be wounded by a spindle, and fall down dead.' Then the twelfth of the friendly fairies, who had not yet given her gift, came forward, and said that the evil wish must be fulfilled, but that she could soften its mischief; so her gift was, that the king's daughter, when the spindle wounded her, should not really die, but should only fall asleep for a hundred years.
(But then did he fall asleep anew, and his soul spake against him and defended itself, and lay down again)--"Leave me alone!
"Are you never to fall asleep, David?" I always said.
And as it was already day, he thought it right not to fall asleep again, and he continued following up the line of thought in which his mind was engaged when he awoke.
Nay, it were better, to meet some dangers half way, though they come nothing near, than to keep too long a watch upon their approaches; for if a man watch too long, it is odds he will fall asleep. On the other side, to be deceived with too long shadows
We will bring the little girl with us, but if you should fall asleep you are too big to be carried."
He lay down on the sofa meaning to fall asleep and forget all that had happened to him, but could not do so.
'And can you do nothing better, my pleasant friend, than fall asleep, and shake the very building with your snores?' said Mr Chester.
Dubai: The National Sleep Foundation claims that it should take between 10 and 20 minutes for an average person to fall asleep. Your daily routine affects how well you sleep.
There was no opportunity to fall asleep. I just blinked when the photo was taken.
Methods for helping infants fall asleep can vary from family to family, and even family member to family member, which can sometimes account for why a baby struggles to sleep through the night.