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pl n
(Classical Music) music pieces for a group of instruments of the same kind: Beethoven's Equali for four trombones.
[Italian: old pl form of uguale equal]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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GREAT EQUALI ZER - The ubiquitous credit and debit cards have empowered consumers to obtain or transfer funds, settle obligations, purchase items, and make other financial transactions with a mere swipe or a few clicks on the cellular phone or computer.
The homogeneity of variance between groups was assessed by Levene's test for equali ty of error variances homoscedasticity.
Equali Trombones is a band of four who travel the country to entertain people with a mixture of classics and more modern numbers.
In this post, Liam Hemsworth's fiancAaAaAeA@e poured her heart out and asked for unity and equali for all.
The ratings on the program me (for senior notes) are equali s ed with the counterparty credit ratings on GIB, reflecting our view that the notes will rank pari passu with GIB's other senior unsecured debt.
Carragher has, by his own admission, been below par in recent weeks, but here he was immense, illustrated by a fine first-half challenge to deny Michael Carrick a shooting opportunity inside the penalty bo He rode his luck, th closing moments as t pressed for an equali a yellow card by refer Marriner after tangli ox.
But Leeds came roaring back and sent Elland Road into wild frenzy with a 52nd-minute equali s e r.
Coventry, in third place in the Midlands Premier Division of the BodyKraft League, are at home to Mansfield, equal on points with Lichfield, while Olton are away to former national league Nottingham, who currently sit equali with Lichfield.
2000 "Concordes equali consuetudinis usu--Monastische Normierungsbestrebungen und sprachliche Standardisierung in spataltenglischer Zeit", in: D.
(68) "'Eneas fuit similis patri cure in ceteris, turn in stature longitudine et humerorum latitudine,' idest 'equali longitudine et latitudine'" (ibid., 1:139).
Further, Menon neglects to mention what restrictions this elaborate moral order, that has such an exceedingly restricting (not to say debilitating) effect on women's lives, puts on the lives of Oriya Hindu men, except to say that young Hindu men also "live with certain constraints." (130) Thus, the reader might be left with the distinct impression that there is nothing wrong with the Oriya Hindu moral order, and that it is just a different way of life in which consenting adults freely choose to live in equali ty and harmony.