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v. dug (dŭg), dig·ging, digs
1. To break up, turn over, or remove (earth or sand, for example), as with a shovel, spade, or snout, or with claws, paws or hands.
a. To make or form by removing earth or other material: dig a trench; dug my way out of the snow.
b. To prepare (soil) by loosening or cultivating.
a. To obtain or unearth by digging: dig coal out of a seam; dug potatoes from a field.
b. To obtain or find by an action similar to digging: dug a dollar out of his pocket; dug the puck out of the corner.
4. To learn or discover by careful research or investigation: dug up the evidence; dug out the real facts.
5. To force down and into something; thrust: dug his foot in the ground.
6. To poke or prod: dug me in the ribs.
7. Sports To strike or redirect (a ball) just before it hits the ground, keeping it in play, as in tennis or volleyball.
8. Slang
a. To understand fully: Do you dig what I mean?
b. To like, enjoy, or appreciate: "They really dig our music and, daddy, I dig swinging for them" (Louis Armstrong).
c. To take notice of: Dig that wild outfit.
1. To loosen, turn over, or remove earth or other material.
2. To make one's way by or as if by pushing aside or removing material: dug through the files.
3. Slang To have understanding: Do you dig?
1. A poke or thrust: a sharp dig in the ribs.
2. A sarcastic, taunting remark; a gibe.
3. An archaeological excavation.
4. Sports An act or an instance of digging a ball.
5. digs Lodgings.
Phrasal Verb:
dig in
1. To dig trenches for protection.
2. To hold on stubbornly, as to a position; entrench oneself.
3. To begin to work intensively.
4. To begin to eat heartily.
dig in (one's) heels
To resist opposition stubbornly; refuse to yield or compromise.
dig it out
Slang To run as fast as one can, especially as a base runner in baseball.

[Middle English diggen; perhaps akin to Old French digue, dike, trench; see dhīgw- in Indo-European roots.]
Our Living Language In its slang sense of "to enjoy," dig is one of the many words and expressions that come from African American Vernacular English. Like cool, it is first recorded in 1930s jazz circles. While several AAVE expressions that have entered colloquial American English from jazz still have musical associations, many others do not, and quite a few are so ordinary today that their origin in AAVE is not at all obvious. Some are no longer regarded as slang, such as badmouth, cakewalk, nitty-gritty, and main man. Others, like fox (sexy woman), gig, and chump change are still slang or informal. Of course, American slang has received terms from other musical genres besides jazz and rap. For instance, emo was first used for an often "emotional" genre of rock music originating in the 1980s, and has since been extended to mean "angst-filled, melancholy, or sad."
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.digging - the act of diggingdigging - the act of digging; "there's an interesting excavation going on near Princeton"
creating by removal - the act of creating by removing something
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


[ˈdɪgɪŋ] N
1. (with spade, of hole) Helen always did the diggingHelen era la que siempre cavaba
2. (Min) → excavación f
3. diggings (Min, Archeol) → excavaciones fpl
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in classic literature ?
In the shade sat a little boy dressed in sailor clothes, who was digging a hole in the earth with a bit of wood.
So we can't resk being as long digging him out as we ought to.
They won't hender us from digging there in the daytime."
In the course of her digging with her pointed stick Mistress Mary had found herself digging up a sort of white root rather like an onion.
Digging began usually at six o'clock, and extended indefinitely into the dusk or moonlight.
When the storm of dust had cleared away and the summer night was calm again, numbers of people choked up every avenue of access, and parties of diggers were formed to relieve one another in digging among the ruins.
With two spatulate hands the handling-machine was digging out and flinging masses of clay into the pear-shaped receptacle above, while with another arm it periodically opened a door and removed rusty and black- ened clinkers from the middle part of the machine.
On the 4th of November fifty workmen commenced digging, in the very center of the enclosed space on the summit of Stones Hill, a circular hole sixty feet in diameter.
They rode across that bridge into the village of Borodino and thence turned to the left, passing an enormous number of troops and guns, and came to a high knoll where militiamen were digging. This was the redoubt, as yet unnamed, which afterwards became known as the Raevski Redoubt, or the Knoll Battery, but Pierre paid no special attention to it.
And, when Jerry was inside, Agno, passing through the gate, enticed and seduced him into digging out the eggs.
We shall begin digging here," and he made a small mark with a pencil on the map.
He ate wasp nests and frogs and worms; and he waddled about by moonlight, digging things up.