clam diggers

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clam dig·gers

or clam·dig·gers (klăm′dĭg′ərz)
Casual pants in a midcalf length.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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A Florence clam digger (left) gropes for a razor clam while his companions tap their shovels against the sand trying to get clams to "show." The current conditions have led many clam diggers to quickly reach the maximum of 15 razor clams, which are showing up in uncommon areas this season.
Harvesters are reminded that ODFW regulations require clam diggers to retain the first 15 clams, regardless of size.
Marine zone: Crabbers and clam diggers are reminded that, effective today, a recreational shellfish license is required to harvest clams, mussels, crabs and other shellfish in Oregon.
Better check - fee increases for hunters, fishermen, crabbers, clam diggers and boaters are on the table at the 2003 Oregon Legislature.
Left: White clam diggers, pounds 24.99, H&M: 0171 255 2031.
Shellfish license: Required for the first time this year for all clam diggers and crabbers 14 years or older.
A handbook to help you interpret whether the new pedal pushers (now called clam diggers) are wit or wanton and whether they should ever be braved in the boardroom would be a help.
Blue clam diggers, pounds 35, selected Warehouse branches: 0171 278 3491.
The beach babe look that goes with the period is shorts, uplift bra and shirt knotted nonchalantly under the bust and this summer's hottest look - tight clam diggers, camisole top and cardigan.
In other words, the new "shellfish license" required of sport crabbers and clam diggers 14 years of age and older is working pretty smoothly along the Oregon Coast.
But when the Spice Girls put motherhood on a par with choosing another pair of Gucci clam diggers and matching mules, we're getting into very scary territory.
white sheered vest, from pounds 6.99, gingham clam diggers, from pounds 8.99, both from Tesco