convoy escort

Related to convoy escort: military convoy

convoy escort

1. A naval ship(s) or aircraft in company with a convoy and responsible for its protection.
2. An escort to protect a convoy of vehicles from being scattered, destroyed, or captured. See also escort.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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The post William and Kate's convoy escort injuries elderly woman in crash appeared first on Cyprus Mail .
on the morning of December 6, Changuinola began taking on coal while the 217-man crew set about making ready for the ship's scheduled Saturday departure on convoy escort duty.
During the exercise, the AF BiH units practiced the rules in peace support operations, relating to administrative procedures, the establishment of checkpoints, base security, detailed search of persons and motor vehicles, mass control, convoy escort, reactions to ambush, direct and indirect fire, methods of detecting improvised explosive devices and provision of first aid.
The Gateshead sea cadet unit TS Flamingo is called after a small warship built on the Clyde in 1939 for convoy escort duties.
Smiths Dock also designed the Flower-class corvette an anti-submarine convoy escort.
Army exercise tasks involved check point defence and humanitarian convoy escort in the back drop of threat from armed groups.Naval tasks comprised Visit, Board, Search and Seizure (VBSS) operations besides Force Protection Measures, Joint Air Defence and Anti-mining Operations.
by PTI Russian arms supplier Rosoboronexport's CEO Alexander Mikheev said India has more than 300 helicopters belonging to the Mi-8 and Mi-17 family, which are deployed in troop and arms transport, fire support, convoy escort, patrol, and search-and-rescue (SAR) missions.
As a ship's carpenter, he had worked on the Liverpool docks, patching up convoy escort vessels, then he was drafted to North Wales to work on these two secret weapons.
The Dutch sailors were on minesweeper and convoy escort duties guarding Britain's vital Atlantic lifeline into Liverpool and 116 of them married local girls meaning Dutch names are still common in the town.
In addition to their traffic posts and convoy escort duties, the platoon was also tasked with the responsibility for escorting visiting dignitaries, including President Franklin D.