convolvulus arvensis

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Related to convolvulus arvensis: field bindweed, bindweed
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field bindweed

field bindweed

A creeping vine plant with white-pink flowers, arrow-shaped leaves and tiny fruit with 2 seeds. Tea reduces fever and heavy menstrual flow, laxative. The whole plant can be used. Difficult to eradicate because seeds stay viable in soil for 20 years. Can even sprout from a fragment of root.
Edible Plant Guide © 2012 Markus Rothkranz
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The other frequently occurring species with AF of 30-34% and RF of 2.73-2.09% were Cichorium intybus, Calotropis procera, Achyranthes aspera Cirsium arvense, Conyza ambigua, Cypreus rotundus, Chenopodium album, Chenopodium murale, Convolvulus arvensis, Oxalis corniculata, Cynodon dactylon, Dactyloctenium aegyptium and Rumex dentatus.
Accordingly Chenopodium album, Chenopodium murale, Convolvulus arvensis, Melilotus indica, Anagallis arvensis, Cirsium arvensis, Coronopus didymus, Lathyrus aphaca, Medicago polymorpha, Polygonum plebejum, Rumex dentatus, Gallium aparine, Cnicus arvensis, Ephedra spp., Cynodon dactylon, Cenchrus setigerus, Trianthema partulacastrum, Anagalis arvensis, Trianthema pentandra, Fumaria indica, Centaurea iberica, Carthamus oxyacantha, Asphodelus tenuifolius, Datura fastuosa, Vicia sativa, Spergula arvensis, Cirsium arvensis, Medicago polymorpha, Trigonella monantha, Tribulus terrestris, Phalaris minor, Avena fatua.
However, Convolvulus arvensis, Cynodon dactylon, Agropyron repenc, Chenopodium album and Setaria viridis were the most commonly occurring species, dominating the weed population in the experimental site (Table 8).
In the trials where fresh leaves and flowers were offered, the rejection was highest in trials with Convolvulus arvensis (88.75%), followed by Melilotus alba (50%) and Echium vulgare (0 %; [Chi.sup.2]2 = 27.0, p < 0.001).
Every flower species in tile reference collection was assigned to one of three categories: Frag (fragment), Yard (yard, i.e., a cultivated species growing in the residential matrix), or Either (species that grow in both habitat types such at bindweed Convolvulus arvensis).
Noxious Downy brome Bromus tectorum Invasive Field bindweed Convolvulus arvensis Noxious Field sowthistle Sonchus arvensis Noxious Garlic mustard Alliaria petiolate Invasive Hoary cress, whitetop Cardaria draba Noxious Japanese honeysuckle Lonicera japonica Invasive Japanese knotweed Polygonum cuspidata Invasive Johnsongrass Sorghum halepense Noxious Kudzu Pueraria montana Invasive var.
Convolvulus arvensis (field bindweed) is an important perennial weed that infests wheat and sunflower in Spain (Saavedra-Saavedra et al., 1989; Hidalgo et al., 1990; Jurado-Exposito et al., 2003).
Recently, anti-angiogenesis properties of a common weed, Convolvulus arvensis, have been discovered.
Sadly, bindweed (convolvulus arvensis) falls into the same category.
Ruderal species at SCP, such as Convolvulus arvensis (bindweed), Medicago lupulina (black medic), Trifolium pratense (red clover), and Trifolium repens (white clover) are not present in samples taken at NMP.