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n, pl contadine or contadinas
(Agriculture) (in Italy) a female farmer or peasant
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The event will feature members of the Chester Bach Singers in full costume as the main characters, with those who sign up for the workshop being given the chance to join the chorus of contadine and gondoliers, followed by taking part in a full performance of the rehearsed songs at the end.
Senza dubbio, il patrimonio folclorico europeo (tramandato oralmente nelle societa contadine, e poi trascritto dai raccoglitori del XIX e XX secolo) ha inciso notevolmente--sia pure in misura variabile--su quasi tutte le opere di Celestini, sia in termini tematici che strutturali.
Alcune osservazioni sulle strutture delle famiglie contadine nell'Italia padana del basso Medioevo a partire dal famulato.
I fantasmi appartenenti al mondo soprannaturale e raccontati attorno al camino delle famiglie contadine si confondono con i fantasmi e gli scheletri di un passato reale, camuffato da verita storiche di comodo.
Among her forty-two marks upon this manuscript are corrections or clarifications of spelling; her knowledge of Italian, for example, prompted changing "contadina" to "contadine." Substantive changes, however, sometimes suggest her eye for visual representation; she cancelled the more symbolic "black" cross in favor of the more realistic "iron" cross (a decision that was accepted by her husband but is reversed on 4:154).
Another thoughtful essay, "Guerre contadine e/o moti popolari in Russia" (Peasant Wars and/or Popular Uprisings in Russia [85-106]), discusses whether the rebellions of Ivan Bolotnikov, Bohdan Khmel'nyts'kyi, Stepan (Sten'ka) Razin, Kondratii Bulavin, Emel'ian Pugachev, and others were genuine peasant wars or spontaneous and unfocused jacqueries and relates them to urban unrest in Russia and popular upheavals in Central and Western Europe.
Lynsey Squair and Catherine Harvey, as the Contadine; Mark Tooby, as the Duke; and Peter Key, as Don Alhambra with a broadband connection, bring pleasing and often amusing presence to Berny Murray's slickly-moving production.
The poetic meter change (at "V'han fra queste contadine") finds exactly the same music as at the beginning of the aria.
Sellaio's nymphs, on the other hand, are not simple maidens, or contadine (peasant girls).