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Excess correlation of delivering or bond returns. For example, under usual conditions we might observe a certain level of correlation of market returns. A period of contagion would be associated with much higher-than-expected correlation. Some examples are the conjectured contagion in East Asian markets beginning in July 1997 when the Thai currency devalued and the impact across many emerging markets of the Russian default. Contagion is difficult to identify because you need some sort of measure of the expected correlation. It is complicated because correlations are known to change through time, for example, see Erb, Harvey and Viskanta's article in the 1994 Financial Analysts Journal. In periods of negative returns, correlations (and volatility) are known to increase, so what might appear to be excessive may not be contagion.
Copyright © 2012, Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved.


A recession or economic crisis that begins in one country and extends to others. For example, the late 2000s recession began with a large number of defaults on subprime mortgages in the United States. However, because investors worldwide invested in mortgage-backed securities backed by those mortgages, it affected portfolios and funds internationally and became a global meltdown. See also: Great Recession.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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Chronic bronchitis is not contagious, however, but will last as long as a few months and can come back year-after-year.
'Travelling while contagious is 'an important public health concern' given that three billion passengers per year travel by air,
Norovirus is a contagious virus that causes stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea.
She said that patients are contagious up to five days (more commonly, one to two days) before and five days after the date that their rash appears.
It is highly contagious and can spread at incredible speed.
In "The pros and cons of sick pay schemes: testing for contagious presenteeism and noncontagious absenteeism behavior" (National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 22530, August 2016), authors Stefan Pichler and Nicolas R.
Summary: Dubai Municipality to train staffers on contagious diseases and sterilising equipment
Muscat, Apr 12 (ONA) The UN coordination team currently visiting the Sultanate under the chair of the Deputy Director General for Non- Contagious Diseases Affairs and which comprises 14 UN experts today made a presentation on the status of non-contagious diseases in the Sultanate.
KUWAIT, Feb 29 (KUNA) -- Results yielded by meetings of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) health officials are pivotal to joint programs aiming to stifle the spread of contagious diseases, Assistant Undersecretary of Public Health Dr.
ROBERTO MARTINEZ is thrilled to see "contagious" Mo Besic finally back at full throttle - and says his favourite moment of Sunday's Spurs match was when the Bosnian spoke to John Stones after his third "Cruyff turn" in the six-yard box!
ROBERTO MARTINEZ is thrilled to see "contagious" Mo Besic finally back at full throttle - and said his favourite moment of Sunday's Spurs match was when the Bosnian spoke to John Stones after his third "Cruyff turn" in the six-yard box!