contact point

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contact point

1. In land warfare, a point on the terrain, easily identifiable, where two or more units are required to make contact.
2. In air operations, the position at which a mission leader makes radio contact with an air control agency.
3. (DOD only) In evasion and recovery operations, a location where an evader can establish contact with friendly forces. Also called CP. See also checkpoint; control point; coordinating point.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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And a scheme called ContactPoint, an online directory of basic contact information for children, their parents and any professionals working with them, is facing the axe.
Dave stresses: 'The government has stated that it wants to improve civil liberties by not having ContactPoint. If that is the case, the government must be clear that if abolishing ContactPoint does put children's safety at risk, then the coalition must acknowledge that they are responsible for that.
Labour's ID card scheme, national identity register and ContactPoint database of 11 million under-18s will all be scrapped, Mr Clegg revealed yesterday.
ALL of our children are now recorded on the government's ContactPoint database, whereas the children of MPs can be "shielded" to protect their privacy.
As a central contactpoint, the agency represents the company's interest towards administrationsand state institutions, finds business partners and supports the process ofentering into the German business market.
IN RESPONSE to the letter from Sarah Jones regarding ContactPoint. It is clear that Ms Jones has completely missed the point that was being made.
It is also common knowledge that the school family has also not been informed of Contactpoint.
ContactPoint holds the name, ages, address and other information for an estimated 11 million youngsters in England for access by childcare professionals.
According to a report in The Times, ContactPoint, which has so far cost the national exchequer 224 million pounds, will hold the name, address, date of birth, parents' details, GP and name of school of all English children aged under 18.
No case information will be held on ContactPoint and it will be impossible to download its contents.
ContactPoint, a pounds 224million computer system, was devised after the death of Victoria Climbie when authorities failed to protect her.
According to the company, the ICS will deliver the following benefits: security of information; gathering and delivering the necessary information in an easily understood form; allowing out-of-hours staff access to assessments and other work done by the case worker; alerting staff and managers when key events are approaching, and triggering alerts for defined changes or warnings; providing a common set of key processes that front line staff and their managers can adopt; as well as the capability to connect to Contactpoint (the national child index) and implement the Electronic Common Assessment Framework (e-CAF) support systems.