beta coefficient

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beta coefficient

(Stock Exchange) stock exchange a measure of the extent to which a particular security rises or falls in value in response to market movements
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In the E2-treated group and the placebo group combined, the mixed effects analysis of the CIMT progression rate (based on the mean E2 level during the trial) demonstrated that a higher level of E2 was inversely associated with the CIMT progression rate in early postmenopausal women (beta coefficient = -0.04 [95% confidence interval (CI), -0.09 to -0.001] [micro]m CIMT per year per 1 pg/mL estradiol; P = .04).
Explanatory power of intellectual capital in Return on Net Worth is presented, in which [R.sup.2] =..222 and beta coefficient for VACA is .387, VAHU is .150, STVA is .026, IC is .087, CC is .086 and here too the p-value is significant in all the cases except STVA.
The beta coefficient in model 3 is -0.0238 which is not consistent with existing theories of risk return relationship.
The beta coefficient was 0.05 (P = 0.01) and 0.13 (P = 4.8 × 10−9) for the high-activity and sedentary groups, respectively.
The results show that empathy is the independent variable with the highest standardized beta coefficient of 0.720.
The model uses beta coefficient of secutity as a measure of systematic risk.
In this model, inflation has a beta coefficient of -0.284 with a t-value of -3.727 which is statistically significant a p-value of 0.01.The negative sign of beta shows an inverse relationship between inflation and stock returns.