beta sheet

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Related to beta sheet: Beta barrel

beta sheet

A secondary structure that occurs in many proteins and consists of two or more parallel adjacent polypeptide chains arranged in such a way that hydrogen bonds can form between the chains. Also called beta pleated sheet, pleated sheet.

[From beta-form, the form taken by a protein molecule after it has been stretched.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The extrusion parameters influenced changes in protein structure in the amide I and II regions and in beta sheet and alpha helix composition.
The step-by-step comparison begins with the primary building blocks of each item -- an amino acid and a sound wave -- and moves up to the level of a beta sheet nanocomposite (the secondary structure of a protein consisting of repeated hierarchical patterns of protein assemblages) and a musical riff (a repeated pattern of notes or chords).
Edgerton Associate Professor in MIT's department of civil and environmental engineering, and his team recently used computer models to simulate exactly how the components of beta sheet crystals move and interact with each other.
Molecular dynamics results, which reproduce the measured quasielastic neutron spectra extremely well, show that the observed dynamic changes arise primarily from the particular region of the protein that forms a beta sheet in the native state and unfolds to a random coil in the molten globule.
Another common structure seen in proteins is the beta sheet.
In a beta sheet, a string of amino acids folds accordion-fashion into parallel segments oriented in alternating directions to form a flat sheet.
The chain folds back and forth on itself to create a structure, called a beta sheet, that resembles accordion pleats.