
(redirected from barazas)


1. (Sociology) a place where public meetings are held
2. (Sociology) a palaver or meeting
[C19: from Swahili]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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He denied claims that some residents were sidelined in negotiating the deal, pointing out that the investor held public barazas with the 21 affected families.
He says that, after the colonialists left, the hall was left in the hands of paramount chiefs, who would use it to hold barazas. The National Museums took over the hall in 2002 and plans are underway to preserve Abagusii artefacts in it, he says.
"We also conducting awareness, sensitisation meetings and public barazas with locals to volunteer information about vandalism.
He said chiefs and assistant chiefs have been sensitising people in barazas in the entire subcounty.
Help came in the form of a community public meetings, commonly called barazas. class="MsoNormalANTE-NATAL CLINIC class="MsoNormalIn Mau Mau village near Budalang'i, about 150 people gather at building whose construction stalled years ago.
We will on Saturday hold several peace-building barazas that will be attended by border villagers from the two communities,' said Mr Lomenen.
I haven't heard of him reaching out to any leader from Central or holding barazas. If he wishes to do so, he is welcome.
'We will be having public barazas in partnership with the police in the next six weeks starting with Kisauni, where the highest number of killings has been recorded,' he said.
class="MsoNormalThey also asked for regular barazas and help for needy students so that they don't steal from others.
"For the umpteenth time, we remind Wetang'ula that coalitions are not dissolved at funerals and village barazas. As a senior lawyer, he should know this can only be done by formally writing to the Registrar of Political Parties," he said.
On various occasions, we have organised barazas and warned locals to stop peddling drugs.