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Related to Sivatherium: Sumatran Rhinoceros


n.1.(Paleon.) A genus of very large extinct ruminants found in the Tertiary formation of India. The snout was prolonged in the form of a proboscis. The male had four horns, the posterior pair being large and branched. It was allied to the antelopes, but very much larger than any exsisting species.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
Falconer, that great extinct ruminant of India, the Sivatherium. The breed is very true ; and a niata bull and cow invariably produce niata calves.
The large sized Siwalik genera Helladotherium, Bramatherium, Vishnutherium and Sivatherium appeared in the late Miocene and survived up to the Pleistocene of the Siwaliks.
Sivatheriinae includes the genera Sivatherium, Bramatherium, Helladotherium and Hydaspitherium.
The smaller forms include the genera Giraffokeryx and Giraffa, while the larger forms include the genera Bramatherium, Hydaspitherium, Sivatherium, Helladotherium and Vishnutherium.
The Pinjor Formation (Pleistocene) yielded the geologically youngest fauna of the Siwaliks, including Proamphibos, Bubalus, Boselaphus, Indoredunca, Axis, Elephas, Stegodon, Rhinoceros, Sivatherium and Equus (Colbert, 1935; Akhtar, 1992; Nanda, 2002; Basu, 2004; Ghaffar et al., 2012, 2017).
The premaxillary shape and dental microwear analyses showed that the diets of extinct Giraffidae were highly heterogeneous (e.g.) the Bramatherium megacephalum (Lydekker 1878) and Sivatherium giganteum Falconer and Cautley 1835 (Sivatheriinae) were grazers.
Five Siwaliks genera of order Artiodactyla and family Giraffidae namely Progiraffa, Giraffokeryx, Giraffa, Bramatherium and Sivatherium are included in the present study of EH for the prediction of climatic variations and ecological disturbances of the Neogene and Quaternary Siwaliks.
Sivatherium naurusium (Pomel) (Giraffidae Mammalia) de Pleistocene de la Republique de Djibouri.
Equidae, Camelidae and Sivatherium. Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis, Part-9.
A complete lower molar series of giraffid remains from the Pleistocene locality of the village Sardhok (Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan) has been identified as belonging to Sivatherium sp.
The small forms comprise the genera Propalaeomeryx, Progiraffa, Giraffokeryx and Giraffa, and the large forms include Bramatherium, Indratherium, Sivatherium, Hydaspitherium, Helladotherium, and Vishnutherium.
The Siwalik Sivatheriinae includes the genera Sivatherium, Bramatherium and Helladotherium (Khan et al., 2014).