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Related to Sium: Sium sisarum
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Sium - perennial of wet and marshy places in the northern hemisphere: water parsnipsSium - perennial of wet and marshy places in the northern hemisphere: water parsnips
rosid dicot genus - a genus of dicotyledonous plants
Apiaceae, carrot family, family Apiaceae, family Umbelliferae, Umbelliferae - plants having flowers in umbels: parsley; carrot; anise; caraway; celery; dill
Sium suave, water parsnip - stout white-flowered perennial found wild in shallow fresh water; northern United States and Asia
greater water parsnip, Sium latifolium - large stout white-flowered perennial found wild in shallow fresh water; Europe
Sium sisarum, skirret - an Asiatic herb cultivated in Europe for its sweet edible tuberous root
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