Jebel Toubkal

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Jebel Toub·kal

A mountain, 4,167 m (13,671 ft) high, of central Morocco in the Atlas Mountains, the highest peak in the range.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Mr Ball will be part of a group of seven making the climb to the summit of Jebel Toubkal, which has a peak of more than 4,100m.
The 20-year-old was among a group of Newcastle College students who scaled Mount Jebel Toubkal in the Toubkal National Park as part of a 10-day expedition in south-western Morocco.
Jebel Toubkal, at more than 13,000ft the highest peak in North Africa, looms off to the left, but my road curves away from it, towards the village of Ouirgane, and lunch.
We were heading up the valley at the feet of Jebel Toubkal, which at 4,167 metres (13,667 ft) is North Africa's tallest peak.
A river valley with agricultural terraces lay below the town, and above us loomed Jebel Toubkal, North Africa's highest mountain at 13,167 feet--part of the thick wall Berbers call the "Mountain of mountains." Here my bags were packed on a mule, Driss and I climbed up a steep rocky path to the Kasbah du Toubkal.
l MOROCCO: Guerba (01373-826611) offers eight day `Slopes of Toubkal' trip from July 13 for pounds 255 (land only) incl six days' trekking, ascent of Jebel Toubkal and overnight stay in Berber house.
MOROCCO: Guerba (01373 826611) offers eight day Slopes of Toubkal trip from July 13 for pounds 255 (land only) incl six days' trekking, ascent of Jebel Toubkal and overnight stay in Berber house.
During the trek, they will attempt to scale Mount Jebel Toubkal in the Toubkal National Park - the highest peak in northern Africa at 4,167 metres.
The Newcastle College students will scale Mount Jebel Toubkal, in the Toubkal National Park, as part of a 10-day expedition to the Atlas Mountains in south-western Morocco.
Describing the most memorable part of his studies Neil recalls a trip to Morocco where, joined by his peers and tutors, he climbed mount Jebel Toubkal, the highest mountain in North Africa.