Jean-Paul Sartre

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Related to Jean-Paul Sartre: Albert Camus, Sigmund Freud
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Noun1.Jean-Paul Sartre - French writer and existentialist philosopher (1905-1980)
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References in periodicals archive ?
O'Shiel compares French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre's (1905-80) notion of human nature with stage magic, because neither can be fully grasped by simple causal explanation.
A Jean-Paul Gaultier B Jean-Paul Sartre C Piers Sartre D Frank Lemarr 13.
French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre and World War I's French prisoners will be commemorated in Lithuania's coastal municipality of Neringa.
This new edition of The Kites is blurbed by Charles de Gaulle and Jean-Paul Sartre. And so it is no surprise that I badly wanted for this book to be, not just epic, but great.
"Crime and Punishment" cover -Photo Courtesy: Wikipedia- Adopting rebellious social points of view, Dostoyevsky's writings had an immense influence on many modern figures, such as Friedrich Nietzsche, AndrAaAaAeA@ Gide, Jean-Paul Sartre and AndrAaAaAeA@ Malraux.
This social commentary about corrupt politics, homosexual oppression, the power of white privilege, and the criminalization of black men was written by Jean-Paul Sartre in 1946 and blatantly addresses the suffocating racial tension, gender bias, sexual oppression, and stereotyping of the era.
Boris Pasternak did so under pressure from Soviet authorities in 1958 and Jean-Paul Sartre, who declined all official honors, turned it down in 1964.
In his blog post on key verification, Wright quoted Jean-Paul Sartre's explanation for refusing the Nobel Prize: "If I sign myself Jean-Paul Sartre it is not the same thing as if I sign myself Jean-Paul Sartre, Nobel Prizewinner." Sartre explained that the title would subject his readers to undesirable pressure.
On the one hand, there is Jean-Paul Sartre, whose essay on phenomenological ontology entitled L'Etre et le Neant (Being and Nothingness) intends to dismiss creation.
(33) Indeed, precisely because of its centrality to the "old doctrine of Being," Pieper argues that "this fundamental conviction [about the connection between essence and creation] is shared by both Jean-Paul Sartre and Saint Thomas Aquinas ...