
Also found in: Medical, Financial, Acronyms, Wikipedia.
n.1.A fantastic grimace or contortion of the body.
Smirks and irps and all affected humors.
- B. Jonson.
a.1.Making irps.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Home Affairs Minister Walter Roban, who welcomed the initiative, said he was pleased with the announcement and release of Bermuda's first IRP.
Director General EPA-AJK Raja Mohammad Razzaque, who also holds the office of Secretary Population Welfare of the State Government and the country representative of the IRP Ghulam Raza Narejo signed the MoU.
AJK EPA Director General Raja Muhammad Razza and IRP country representative Ghulam Raza Narejo signed the MoU.
The total cost of the Project is Rs192.60 million of which NDRMF will finance 66.28% up to Rs127.60 million whereas IRP contribution shall be 33.70% or Rs64.95 million.
Prior to founding D Capital/joining IRP, he was a co-founder of Premium Point Investments, LP, an alternative private equity investment firm focusing on US residential investment securities and whole loans.
The IRP has also recommended that the council increases extra allowances to members of the planning committee, while reducing payments for some other committees.
The IRP has also recommended the council increases extra allowances to members of the planning committee, while reducing payments for some other committees.
It adds: "The IRP continues to have concerns that consistently keeping members' allowances rates at such a low level will continue to widen the differential between Newcastle, neighbouring authorities and other cities."
EGI led a group of co-investors, which includes IRP, in a $200+ million commitment to RailUSA to pursue short line and regional railroad investment opportunities.
Having a well-established cybersecurity IRP is your organization's best defense against a breach or cyber attack.
The IRP recommendations say councillors should be provided with adequate telephone and email facilities and electronic access to appropriate information at no cost to the individual members.