IRORInternal Rate of Return
IRORIncremental Rate of Return (economics)
IRORIncentive Rate of Return (US FERC)
IRORInformed Residents of Reading (Reading, MA)
IRORImproved Range Only Radar
IRORInternational Radiology Outreach Resources (online resource)
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The option also provided the smallest time until zero NPV of 4.0 years, a simple payback period of 2.7 years, and an IROR of 57%.
The option provided a time period of 6.0 years to reach zero NPV, a simple payback period of 3.7 years, and an IROR of 42%.
The option provided a time period of 7.1 years to reach zero NPV, a simple payback period of 4.1 years, and an IROR of 39%.
Calculations for simple payback, IROR, NPV, and IRR were performed to carry out the assessment.
Richard's project B has an IROR of only 18.5 per cent, less than the 20 per cent.