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According to Census of Marine Life scientists, there are an estimated 8.7 million living species on earth, and yet the Qur'an teaches us that humans are the highest of creation.
The Tagging of Pacific Predators (TOPP) programme data set which is part of the global Census of Marine Life, is one of the most extensive data sets available on the movements of large marine animals.
The TOPP data set, part of the global Census of Marine Life, is one of the most extensive data sets available on the movements of large marine animals.
The Census of Marine Life, a global network of researchers from more than 80 countries engaged in a 10 years initiative to assess and explain the diversity, distribution and abundance of life in the oceans, has reported that every second specimen collected from abyssal waters deeper than 3,000 meters belonged to a previously undescribed specie such is the fascinating world of deep sea waiting to be explored.
She also said the 2010 Census of Marine Life showed that 90 percent of the large fish were depleted due to overfishing.
The second author was funded as part of the Australian node of the Census of Marine Life (CReefs Program) studying the biodiversity of Australian biota, funded by the Australian Government under auspices of the Australian Institute of Marine Science, the Great Barrier Reef Research Foundation, and BHP Billiton.
Craig states that the first worldwide Census of Marine Life (2010) represented a significant improvement in our understanding of marine biodiversity (human uses of the ocean have increased to include a wide variety of exploitative and often polluting activities): there are many human-caused threats to marine biodiversity, coastal degradation can devastate near-shore marine biodiversity, ocean currents are important to marine biodiversity, and marine biodiversity is important to ocean governance (changes in marine biodiversity can provide one outcome measurement of how well a governance regime is working).
In October, the International Census of Marine Life found that Australia's ocean life is the most diverse on the planet.
But I just came back from the Census of Marine Life conference in London where I was invited to speak and had the opportunity to be around these scientists who are playing roles in the leading edge of marine biology research.
Launched in 2000, the Census of Marine Life evolved into a $650 million project involving more than 2,700 researchers from 670 institutions and 80 nations.
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