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a survey carried out by a government department to obtain economic and social data which can be used in the formulation of social and industrial policies. In the UK a production census is conducted yearly to provide information on industrial production, employment, exports, capital investment etc.; a population census is carried out every ten years to obtain data on demographic trends.
Collins Dictionary of Business, 3rd ed. © 2002, 2005 C Pass, B Lowes, A Pendleton, L Chadwick, D O’Reilly and M Afferson


a comprehensive official survey of households or businesses undertaken at regular intervals in order to obtain socioeconomic information. In the UK, a population census has been carried out every 10 years since 1891 to provide information on demographic trends. This data is useful to the government in the planning of housing, education and welfare services. A production census is carried out annually to provide details of industrial production, employment, investment, etc. A distribution census provides data about wholesaling and retailing. This information can be used by the government in formulating its economic and industrial policies.
Collins Dictionary of Economics, 4th ed. © C. Pass, B. Lowes, L. Davies 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
Distance to nearest Distance larger to landmass mainland Locality Area (ha) (km) (km) Small, far islands Colon 0.6(*) 1.8 4.2 Iguana 1.4(*) 1.9 4.5 Miedo 0.7(*) 2.6 3.2 Triangulo 2.3(*) 1.0 4.9 Small, near islands Bumeran 0.9(*) 0.1 1.5 Palizada 1.8(*) 0.4 0.4 Perimetro 1.7(*) 0.5 3.4 Rocas 0.6(*) 0.1 0.1 Medium islands Corral (near) 12.3(*) 0.2 0.2 Lomo (intermediate) 12.0(*) 0.5 2.2 Panorama (far) 11.1(*) 1.5 1.9 Large islands Danto Machado 23.1(**) 2.2(***) 2.2 Mainland Terra Firme 26.0(***) 0.0 0.0 * Area of island; entire island censused. ** Area censused; area of Danto Machado is [approximately equal to]350 ha.
The Danto Machado and mainland plots, with longer censused perimeters, supported a mean of six resident edge species.
First, in 1993 we conducted a cursory spot map census at a second mainland site, located [approximately equal to]5 km southwest of the first, and found densities similar to those at the thoroughly censused control site.