Census Bureau

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the bureau of the Commerce Department responsible for taking the census

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References in periodicals archive ?
In fact, moving at birth from a below-average to an above-average mobility neighborhood within the same county could increase the lifetime earnings of a child growing up in a low-income household by about $200,000, the Census Bureau reported.
The Census Bureau has on the pattern of Census held in 1998 done what it could to deprive Sindh province of its due rights and share from the resources by dramatic reduction in population of Sindh province.
Read: (http://www.ibtimes.com/how-many-arabs-hispanics-america-us-census-bureau-moves-add-middle-eastern-latino-2499756) Census Bureau Moves To Add Middle Eastern, Latino Categories To Surveys
With worries about the scope of government and the deficit, the Census Bureau has been directed to conduct the 2020 Census at a lower cost per household while maintaining consistent data quality.
With support from AAPI legislators and community leaders, AAREA initiated a No Other campaign, asking the Census Bureau to create a unique category for AAPI homeownership in the quarterly report.
Profile America, a public service of the US Census Bureau has featured a remembrance of the first drive-thru banking obtained from Kane's Famous First Facts, Banking Establishments.
On Saturday, the Census Bureau will be holding a recruiting fair in Worcester to hire temporary part-time workers to go out and collect housing data.
However, achieving an accurate count of the AIAN population is a long-standing challenge for the US Census Bureau, the federal agency responsible for carrying out the federally mandated decennial census.
The US Census Bureau recently awarded ASRC Federal InuTeq a contract to provide support critical for conducting the 2020 census.
Census Bureau and the Texas State Data Center put out ahead of the 2020 census.
Puerto Rico's population dropped by another 27,000 people over the past year, according to new Census Bureau estimates, reports Caribbean Business (Dec.
Educational attainment has reached a new milestone in the United States, as more than 30% of adults age 25 and older had earned at least a bachelor's degree as of March 2011, reports the Census Bureau.
household income are the Census Bureau measure of the median income of families and the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) measure of personal income.
Census demands cash for count: We reported last week on the numbers of Iranian-Americans found in each state by the 2010 census--numbers Iranians generally think are too low and that the Census Bureau says it believes are too low.