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Related to Brown tumor: osteitis fibrosa cystica


 (to͞o′mər, tyo͞o′-)
1. An abnormal growth of tissue resulting from uncontrolled, progressive multiplication of cells and serving no physiological function; a neoplasm.
2. A swollen part; a swelling: a plant tumor.

[Middle English tumour, from Latin tumor, from tumēre, to swell; see teuə- in Indo-European roots.]

tu′mor·al, tu′mor·ous adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈtu mər, ˈtyu-)

1. a swollen part; swelling; protuberance.
2. an uncontrolled, abnormal, circumscribed growth of cells in any animal or plant tissue; neoplasm.
Also, esp. Brit.,tu′mour.
[1535–45; < Latin: a swelling =tum(ēre) to swell + -or -or1]
tu′mor•ous, tu′mor•al, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


An abnormal growth of tissue resulting from uncontrolled growth of cells and serving no function within the body; a cancerous growth. Tumors can be benign (unlikely to spread to other body parts) or malignant (likely to spread). See Note at cancer.
The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.tumor - an abnormal new mass of tissue that serves no purposetumor - an abnormal new mass of tissue that serves no purpose
growth - (pathology) an abnormal proliferation of tissue (as in a tumor)
acanthoma, skin tumor - a neoplasm originating in the epidermis
angioma - a tumor consisting of a mass of blood or lymphatic vessels
blastocytoma, blastoma, embryonal carcinosarcoma - a tumor composed of immature undifferentiated cells
brain tumor, brain tumour - a tumor in the brain
carcinoid - a small tumor (benign or malignant) arising from the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract; usually associated with excessive secretion of serotonin
celioma - an abdominal tumor
granuloma - a tumor composed of granulation tissue resulting from injury or inflammation or infection
adipose tumor, lipoma - a tumor consisting of fatty tissue
malignant neoplasm, malignant tumor, metastatic tumor - a tumor that is malignant and tends to spread to other parts of the body
meningioma - a tumor arising in the meninges which surround the brain and spinal cord; usually slow growing and sometimes malignant
neurilemoma, neurofibroma - tumor of the fibrous covering of a peripheral nerve
neuroma - any tumor derived from cells of the nervous system
phaeochromocytoma, pheochromocytoma - a vascular tumor of the adrenal gland; hypersecretion of epinephrine results in intermittent or sustained hypertension
pinealoma - tumor of the pineal gland
plasmacytoma - neoplasm of plasma cells (usually in bone marrow)
psammoma, sand tumor - a tumor derived from fibrous tissue of the meninges or choroid plexus or certain other structures associated with the brain; characterized by sandlike particles
teratoma - a tumor consisting of a mixture of tissues not normally found at that site
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
khối u


وَرَم nádor svulst Tumor όγκος tumor kasvain tumeur tumor tumore 腫瘍 종양 tumor svulst guz tumor опухоль tumör เนื้องอก ur khối u 肿瘤
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. bulto o hinchazón; tumor.
crecimiento espontáneo de tejido nuevo en masa que no tiene propósito fisiológico alguno;
diffuse ______ difuso;
inflammatory ______ inflamatorio;
medullary ______ medular;
necrotic ______ necrótico;
nonsolid ______ no sólido;
radioresistant ______ radiorresistente;
radiosensitive ______ radiosensitivo;
scirrhous ______ escirroso;
undifferentiated ______ no diferenciado.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


adj tumoral; n tumor m; benign — tumor benigno; brain — tumor cerebral; desmoid — tumor desmoide; malignant — tumor maligno; Wilms' — tumor de Wilms
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Histopathologically, giant cell diagnosis can be inaccurately identified with giant cell granuloma, aneurysmal bone cyst, brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, fibrous dysplasia, cherubism, and chondroblastoma [1].
The aim of this paper was to describe a case of the brown tumor in the mandible which was the first sign of hyperparathyroidism.
The pathology report revealed that the left nephrectomy specimen comprised a light brown tumor measuring 4.5 x 4.4 cm on the lower pole (Figure 2(b)).
The resected hepatic showed a 9 x 6 x 5 cm light brown tumor and adhered to diaphragm.
(8-10) It is important to note; however, that giant cells are present in some manifestations of renal osteopathy, such as brown tumor. (4,6)
Data related to baseline demographics, clinical, pathologic and treatment characteristics of 8 regions were collected and included age, gender, residential data, symptoms, history of fracture, existence of brown tumor, serum total Ca and p levels, serum parathormone (PTH) levels, serum 25-OH vitamin D levels, bone mineral density, size of the resected abnormal parathyroid gland(s), histology, as well as the presence of ectopia, presence of dual adenoma, and multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN)- or familial-related disease.
(a) Area of heavily pigmented dark brown tumor lobules and (b) tumor lobules sparsely pigmented.
The differential diagnosis includes other more prevalent giant cell tumors of the bone such as giant cell tumor, giant cell reparative granuloma, brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, and the less common but ominous telangiectatic osteosarcoma [1, 11].
We present a rare case of bone lymphoma masquerading as inflammatory arthritis, later on presenting as multiple osteolytic lesions with pathological fractures, with radiological features of both bone replacement with malignant process and brown tumor. Associated autoimmune hemolytic anemia, hypercalcaemia, low parathormone level, bone and bone marrow replacement with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma suggested a bone lymphoma with ectopic parathyroid hormone like protein production.
Patients with Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism usually have marked hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia.