Brown race

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Related to Brown race: Yellow race, Brown skin
1.The Malay or Polynesian race; - loosely so called.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
The cry in all Asia was, "Asia for the Asiatics!" And behind this cry was Japan, ever urging and aiding the yellow and brown races against the white.
Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio, of our brown race.
The return of Balangiga bells is an omen that the country is now truly sovereign, not anymore a 'brown race' in the pacific but an equal among nations and needs to become federal to gain the maximum benefits of a free and sovereign country.
Wishaw almost gifted Perthshire a goal when a long through ball saw Jordan Brown race out of his area to kick clear.
"Brown Madonna" was the name given by the late Baguio and the Mountain Province vicariate Bishop Emeliano Madangeg, immortalizing the Filipino's brown race and to honor Mama Mary.
We seem to have forgotten that we Pakistanis or Asian are born a brown race by the will and great thoughtfulness of Allah the Almighty.
RESULTS OF JOE BROWN RACE AT ABER: 1 N Jones (CB, U18) 32.08, 2 I Hughes (Menai, U16) 34.51, 3 M Fortes (Eryri) 35.00, 4 J Rowley (ua) 35.07, 5 F Maier (Bangor Uni) 35.20, 6 J Parkinson (Eryri, M40) 35.55.
This is a different race than the Scott Brown race. I think that primary vote really says incumbents are in trouble, and people want something different.
The larger question is: What is the basis of our human identity, as Europeans or non-Europeans, as religious or not, as black, white, yellow or brown races? Can we create layers of identity nested in a larger sense of identity, starting from the individual all the way to a globalised human one?