brown snail

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Noun1.brown snail - serious garden pest having a brown shell with paler zigzag markings; nearly cosmopolitan in distribution
genus Helix, Helix - type genus of the family Helicidae
garden snail - any of several inedible snails of the genus Helix; often destructive pests
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References in periodicals archive ?
Here I report on laboratory and screenhouse investigations to assess the potential of using copper hydroxide to protect flowering plants from herbivory by a different mollusc, the Cuban brown snail Zachrysia provisoria (Pfeiffer, 1858) (Gastropoda: Pleurodontidae).
Slithering through your garden, the common brown snail (Helix aspersa) is usually viewed with contempt.
On the other hand, the Cuban brown snail, Zachrysia provisoria (Pfeiffer, 1858) (Gastropoda: Pleurodontidae), consumed this same orthoboric acid--based bait and was readily killed (Capinera 2013).