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Related to Arachnitis: arachnoiditis


n.1.(Med.) Inflammation of the arachnoid membrane.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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At the same time, a long period of bed rest and lack of exercise can also lead to the development of infection in the urinary and respiratory tracts [sup][1],[7],[8],[9] *Infection of the central nervous system, with a reported incidence of up to 5–10%.[sup][2],[11],[17],[37] The opening of the dural sac provides a potential pathway for exterior pathogenic organisms to invade the central nervous system, which might cause meningitis, arachnitis, or abscess formation *Formation of pseudomeningocele and fistula: with no effective treatment, CSFL persists and evolves into some more aggressive complications.
Bidartondo and his colleagues examined DNA sequences of fungi taken from the roots of three groups of parasitic plants: the lily-related Arachnitis uniflora from Argentina and several Voyriella and Voyria species in French Guyana from the gentian family.
synonymy.--Achratinis Kuntze, 1903 [= Arachnitis Phil., 1864, nom.