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She was building a castle in air -- a wondrous mansion whose sunlit courts and stately halls were steeped in Araby's perfume, and where she reigned queen and chatelaine.
The paper and the ink had a certain odor which was sweeter to me than the perfumes of Araby. The look of the type took me more than the glance of a girl, and I had a fever of longing to know the heart of the book, which was like a lover's passion.
Having sung songs of Araby and tales of far Cashmere, Mr Roscoe Sherriff was refreshing himself with a comic paper.
I wished to recline at full length in a cushioned invalid chair, with pictures about me and sumptuous furniture; with frescoed walls and gilded arches above me and vistas of Corinthian columns stretching far before me; with perfumes of Araby to intoxicate my senses and the slumbrous drone of distant noises to soothe me to sleep.
The animal was probably indebted to the blood of Araby for its excellence, through a long pedigree, that embraced the steed of Mexico, the Spanish barb, and the Moorish charger.
Scents of Araby came from the kitchen, mingled with cries.
Our worshipful friend Rappaccini, as I have heard, tinctures his medicaments with odors richer than those of Araby. Doubtless, likewise, the fair and learned Signora Beatrice would minister to her patients with draughts as sweet as a maiden's breath; but woe to him that sips them!"
Sony Middle East and Africa and its business partner, Cairo-based El Araby Group of Companies and Factories, announced manufacturing its Bravia TV in Egypt during a dealer conference in Cairo on Monday.
On the other hand, Araby defended her title and defeated Hania el-Hammamy 3-1 at the final.
El Araby will give a lecture on the 26th of this month at the Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Research, ECSSR, about the future of the joint Arab action.
Araby" is among the pieces I like in "Dubliners," James Joyce's collection of short stories.
Araby said in remarks to reporters: " There are many wealth in African and Arab countries, and there is big money in some Arab countries, in contrast, there is large-scale projects can be carried out in African countries, and we are seeking to set up giant projects between the two sides." He added: "The Afro-Arab cooperation began in 1977 at the Arab-African first summit, then the project broken and then revived in 2010 in the Sirte Summit in Libya.