
(redirected from American fascism)


(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) politics a modern right-wing political movement that includes significant elements of fascism, esp inspired by fascist Italy
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


the post-World War II rise of a movement whose principal aim is to incorporate the doctrines of fascism into existing political systems. — Neo-Facist, n.
See also: Fascism
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Lawrence Dennis, a genuine isolationist who Hart calls the "intellectual face of American fascism" in the 1930s, later said of the AFC: "The anti-intervention or then so-called isolation cause was basically anti-New Deal...The America Firsters or anti-war factors were not really pacifist or anti-war.
Drawing from a range of authors who wrote during the 1930s and early 1940s, Roberto examines how the driving force of American fascism comes, not from reactionary movements below, but from the top, namely, Big Business and the power of finance capital.
When 300 students gathered in front of Johnson Hall to protest militarism, police states and American fascism, Johnson took a bullhorn and politely defended police being on campus in those troubled times - for everyone's safety.
1 certainly would not argue that American fascism did not exist in the 1930s, but Gary Cooper's face is not the one that immediately comes to mind.
"This was supposed to be the seat of American fascism from where Hitler would one day rule the United States," historian Randy Young said.
"The West should rest assured that the regional revolutions have found their path and have ripped the curtains of the International American fascism and their (the western states') anger cannot save the US-puppet dictators in the region," he added.
By focusing on the Rosenbergs as victims of American fascism and anti-Semitism, the Soviets hoped to deflect attention away from what they were doing in their own bloc.
More sophisticated considerations of how fascism might come to America, such as It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis, emphasize that American fascism would most likely manifest itself in the guise of right-wing populism.
each prepared to insist that those who oppose this or that new application of the equality standard are denying the possibility of self-government, each ultimately willing to plunge America into Civil War rather than concede his point." By contrast, Harry Jaffa, a Lincoln enthusiast, declared that views like Kendall's amounted to "a distinctive American fascism, or national socialism."
In discussing their backlash to the 2006 Congressional elections, Thoreau emphasizes the role of progressive Internet media in averting all-out American fascism. Web resources include election, peace, and public interest groups, and media blogs.
Furthermore, he provocatively argues that an unholy alliance of fundamentalist propagandists and right wing politicians is playing its part in the rise of a new American fascism. This is based on the domination of civic life by unscrupulous business corporations who subordinate everything to the pursuit of profit.
They are promoting a kind of American fascism. To put it bluntly, Limbaugh's rhetoric is fascist.

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