(redirected from American Federation for Medical Research)
AFMRAmerican Federation for Medical Research (formerly AFCR: American Federation for Clinical Research)
AFMRAsian Federation for the Mentally Retarded (est. 1973)
AFMRAustralian Financial Markets Report (Australian Financial Markets Association)
AFMRAnti Ferro Magnetic Resonance
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The team of researchers will present their work at the Southern Regional Meetings of the American Federation for Medical Research this week in New Orleans.
WASHINGTON -- Normalizing vitamin D levels correlated with lower insulin resistance and decreased adipose fibrosis in obese patients, according to a study presented at the Eastern regional meeting of the American Federation for Medical Research.
The study, presented at the Western Regional Meeting of the American Federation for Medical Research, is one of few to examine rheumatoid arthritis (RA) screening techniques in the community health fair setting, where more prevalent conditions, such as diabetes receive more attention.
Ranjitha Katikaneni reported on behalf of the Ochsner team at the southern regional meeting of the American Federation for Medical Research in New Orleans.
Laura Mosqueda said at the Western regional meeting of the American Federation for Medical Research.
Glueck said at the meeting, sponsored by the American Federation for Medical Research.
The results were presented at the Eastern Regional Meeting of the American Federation for Medical Research.
Loomba-Albrecht reported at the Western regional meeting of the American Federation for Medical Research.
Each diet included 26% of calories from protein and 44% from carbohydrate, they noted at the meeting, sponsored by the American Federation for Medical Research.
Stefan Kertesz said at the southern regional meeting of the American Federation for Medical Research.
Mark Goodarzi reported at the Western regional meeting of the American Federation for Medical Research in Carmel, Calif.
Wang said at the annual Western regional meeting of the American Federation for Medical Research, held in Carmel, Calif.
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