(redirected from American Federation of Martial Arts)
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AFMAAustralian Financial Markets Association
AFMAAustralian Fisheries Management Authority
AFMAAmerican Furniture Manufacturers Association
AFMAAmerican Fiber Manufacturers Association
AFMAAmerican Film Marketing Association (now known simply as AFMA)
AFMAAmericans for Medical Advancement
AFMAAir Force Manpower Agency (US Air Force; Randolph AFB, TX, USA)
AFMAAgricultural and Fisheries Modernization Act (Philippines)
AFMAAnimal Feed Manufacturers Association
AFMAAustralasian Fleet Managers Association (Australia)
AFMAAustralian False Memory Association
AFMAArizona Floodplain Management Association
AFMAAmerican Family Martial Arts
AFMAAutomated Fabrication of Mobility Aids
AFMAAlberta Farmers' Market Association
AFMAAmerican Folk Musicians Association
AFMAAssociation of Food Marketing Agencies
AFMAAmerican Feed Manufacturers Association
AFMAArizona Food Marketing Alliance
AFMAAmerican Federation of Martial Arts
AFMAAlliance for Missions Advancement
AFMAAngel Flight Mid-Atlantic
AFMAASEAN Federation of Mining Association
AFMAAfrican Farm Management Association
AFMAAfloat Fleet Maintenance Activity (US Navy)
AFMAAlabama Farmers Market Authority
AFMAAir Force Musicians Association (Colorado Springs, CO)
AFMAApostolic Faith Mission Africa
AFMAAortic Forward Flow Mapping Area
AFMAAssociate Fellow of the Marketing Association of Australia and New Zealand (professional post-nominal)
AFMAAssociation for Forensic Multimedia Analysis
AFMAAmerican Fur Merchants Association (New York, NY)
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