(redirected from American Federation of Radio Artists)
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AFRAAmerican Family Rights Association
AFRAAtlantic Formula Racing Association (Canada)
AFRAAlliance for Recovery Advocates
AFRAAccess Forms and Reports Assistant (Microsoft Access)
AFRAAssociazione Fabbricanti Ramo Abbigliamento
AFRAAverage Freight Rate Assessment
AFRAAmerican Federation of Radio Artists
AFRAAssociation for Rural Advancement
AFRAAustralian Furniture Removers Association
AFRAAir Freight Rates Application (online trade application)
AFRAAmerican Family Records Association
AFRAAnti-Fascism Racism Action
AFRAAfrican Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology
AFRAArkansas First Response Association
AFRAAgricultural Financial Reporting and Analysis
AFRAArmed Forces Reserve Act of 1952, As Amended
AFRAAircraft Fleet Recycling Association
AFRAAmerican Forest Resources Alliance
AFRAAgriculture Food and Rural Affairs
AFRAAnglers for Recreational Access
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