American forge

a forge for the direct production of wrought iron, differing from the old Catalan forge mainly in using finely crushed ore and working continuously.

See also: Forge

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
SureWerx markets its products in Canada under the JET, Strongarm, ITC, STARTECH, Pioneer, Ranpro, PeakWorks, and Sellstrom brands, and in the United States under the American Forge and Foundry, Pioneer, Ranpro, PeakWorks and Sellstrom brands.
By integrating and merging subsidiaries American Forge and Foundry Inc.
SureWerx brands include American Forge and Foundry, Sellstrom, PeakWorks, Pioneer, KneePro and Ranpro.
5 November 2012 - Canadian private equity firm Penfund has bought local professional tools and equipment distributor JET Equipment & Tools Ltd along with its two units Pioneer Protective Products Ltd and US-based American Forge & Foundry Inc (AFF).
5 November 2012 a[euro]" Canadian private equity firm Penfund has bought local professional tools and equipment distributor JET Equipment & Tools Ltd along with its two units Pioneer Protective Products Ltd and US-based American Forge & Foundry Inc (AFF).
The company sells its products via independent distributors and retailers.Country: USA, CanadaSector: Machinery/EngineeringTarget: Pioneer Protective Products Ltd, JET Equipment & Tools Ltd, American Forge & Foundry Inc (AFF)Buyer: PenfundVendor: Diamond Investment Group LtdType: LBOStatus: Closed
Upgrading existing American forges to produce ultra-heavy products isn't an option: Entirely new forging facilities would have to be built.
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