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  1. stefan3372
    • member
    • 137 kudos
    For all of you who use Friendly Meditation alongside with PN and have the bug with fatigue not dropping while meditating, i have uploaded a fix for that particular issue, just overwrite file with the one provided. The problem occurred because the mod author of Friendly Meditation changed the name of meditation state in comparison to the time of PN release, and was no longer being recognized by the PN.
    1. xossov
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That's fantastic to hear. :-)
      I really like both your mod and FM and having a real solution for the issue is great. :-)

      Thank you. ;-)
    2. pequenovitor
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      Stefan3372, problems with W3EE are much worse. You think you could take a look? Thanks!
    3. teresatiger
      • premium
      • 136 kudos
      Hi, this mod is absolutely amazing. I'm wondering if there's any way to integrate or make Razor and Shears ( compatible, since that's a nice little mod but I've had to remove it - I think the food inventory conflicts since the modmaker had to place the razor and scissors in the edibles section to make them usable. It's probably a quick workaround for someone who knows what they're doing but after trying a few things, I'm not having any luck.
    4. hongduc9x
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Why I use Ghost Mode 2.7.1 does not show hud of Primal Needs. Please help me .... !!!
    5. sillib
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Read the discription. All of it...!!
    6. ZD544204359
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      W3EE Food reserve will not decrease. Help

      Successful restoration
    7. unirevenge
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      hi i found that Potent Food for W3EE is the cause that primal needs wont decrease also master mirror mod to buy o'dimms stuff from mage the
      unlimited food supply thing also don't decrease food no matter what i did couldn't get those working with primal needs
      hope that helps
    8. AleksX75
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Добрый день. Мне нравится ваш мод, но после обновления 1.32 он перестал работать. После слияния со скриптером мода выдает ошибку. Пожалуйста, решите проблему, сделайте патч или что-то еще. Без твоего мода игра сильно проигрывала, а так я всегда с ним играл. Я скучаю по этому моду!
  2. stefan3372
    • member
    • 137 kudos

    I know i said that 1.15 will probably be the final version, however after gaining some experience in witcher scripting, i learned how to many new things and realized many of the bad choices i made while making primal needs. That being said i decided to rework the whole mod, rewriting almost all of the scripts. Also since i was doing the remake many things became possible and also decided to add new features that were requested before. Here is some of things that reworked Primal Needs will have:
    - No more xmls! Everything is done through scripts allowing full in game customization over many things like food healing factors and durations etc, plus it allows patching and compatibility much easier and better
    - Code overall will be more stable without weird glitches that used to happen on older versions
    - Needs will function slightly differently, specially hunger as it won't just kill you right away, but will slowly drain you life energy until you die. Fatigue will not only block certain actions, but it will slow you down the higher it is.
    - Urine and Defecation needs will be reworked as well
    - New need - Temperature, you'll have to maintain your current temperature which will be influenced by current weather, worn clothes/armor, current area where you're at, whether it's raining or not etc
    - No more puking, overeating and overdrinking, instead Geralt will only drink/eat how much thirsty/hungry he is, and save the rest for later.
    - Expiration will no longer tick at the same time for every food in midnight, instead each food will have it's own timer and it can be viewed as how many hours left to expiration
    - Animations will be even smoother and more realistic
    - Friendly Meditation will be integrated into Primal Needs and it won't conflict with other mods that implement real time meditation and you will be able to use both
    - It will probably come with it's own installer, which will do everything for you like updating, installing, adding lines to input.xml and input.settings, and install whichever patch you choose.
    - Few other mods might get integrated into Primal Needs, to complement new things, like hood for the rain in temperature need
    - Primal Needs will still be fully customizable, actually even more so!
    - Many more changes
    - Any other suggestion you have?

    It will take time before doing all of these. Some of them i've already finished, some are wip, some i've not started yet. So not sure when it will be released, just be patient

    Thanks to everyone who's using Primal Needs
    1. Quintofabiomaximo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks a lot for your work.

      Suggestions: please, mantain compatibility with TW3EE (the newer version; right now, Primal Need 1.5 is not compatible with TW3EE 2.41, as far as I know).

      And another: Geralt shoud get quick "cure" just by potions IMO. Maybe the food should not "cure" Geralt for a few seconds, but give him a very small amount of healt during maybe two or three hours (more time but less amount of "cure" than drinking "swallow"). In real life, people does not get a big amount of instant energy just eating (except eating glucose or something like that; so, it would be "realistic" to get a few seconds of quick energy by eating honey, toffees and candies), but slow and long term energy.

      PD. Another silly suggestion: right now, it seems that Geralt is peeing from the navel. If possible, could be cool the yellow stream falls from a bit below. It would match well with "Naked Geralt" mod.

      Again, Thanks a lot for your work. It trully brings new life to the game.
    2. Kotlivion
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Man that's awesome news!

      If you do a whole temperature system you could draw some inspiration from the great "Frostfall" Sykrim mod from Chesko:

      I whould also suggest to add a wood chopping feature to build campfires. In W3EE you need wood to do alchemy and I guess if you add the temperature need one whould be required to make a campfire for your mod as well so a lot of wood is needed hence the chopping or collecting suggestion.
    3. Daemarr
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I reckon you are probably aiming on it, but just in case I second the suggestion you keep compatibility with W3EE for PN2. (trying to keep these mods functioning together when they keep updating is a nightmare).
    4. PeasantHenry
      • BANNED
      • 9 kudos
      Wow, Stefan! Impressive stuff, mate... No .xml files sounds too good to be truth

      Not trying to sound like a c*nt but, since you asked for suggestions:
      - Could "Complete Animations" share that neat potion bottle for Primal Needs?
      - I truly appreciate the W3EE patches which you have been sharing with us before. I would love to see PN2 working with W3EE.

      I am going a way ahead of things but...
      - For OCD patients; it would be sweet to have an option to install the mod manually.

    5. stefan3372
      • member
      • 137 kudos
      Yeah, no xmls is already finished, everything is being maintaned by scripts so it's true

      Also yes the whole CA will be included in PN2 along with any new stuff it brings

      All current supported mods, will still be supported

      And lastly of course you will be able to install it manually
    6. PeasantHenry
      • BANNED
      • 9 kudos
      That sounds tremendous!

      Thank you for your work and effort, mate.
    7. Raptoras
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for your great and hard work! We appreciate..
      I hope this new version to be compatible with Ghost Mode..
    8. trancespotter
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Perhaps an body part specific injury system that increases PN when injured. Also, personal hygiene.

      EDIT: Also, sound effects for when each need increases to the next color or level.
    9. ParagonEllis
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey steffan3372, on the next mod version would you consider adding an option to stack food items ?
      Love playing with this mod, adds a layer of immersion I never expected but it`s rather hard to use this mod in combat effectively.
      Would be awesome if add this option
    10. stefan3372
      • member
      • 137 kudos
      Henry, of course it will be compatible with GM

      There are mods doing injury systems, i guess i cpuld do it but not really sure, sound effects are good idea, personal hygiene if i could make npcs get away from Geralt when he smells then why not

      Items in PN2 stack only based on expiration date
    11. Raptoras
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I also agree as of the sound effects for hunger etc.
      Also 3 little bars for each primal need (with different color) that gradually increasing instead of numbers would be awesome for even more immersion!!!! Hope it's not that hard to implement it..
    12. stefan3372
      • member
      • 137 kudos
      Bars are actually quite hard, or at least for me as it would require to edit or create flash files, if anyiny knows how to work with them i'd like to implement that
    13. Darthyang
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Stacking food would be great. I love that food can expire, but when i have like 20 same food type from cooking, all with different stats and have go to inventory just to eat this type of food. If you try to eat from pocket then game will get you another random food, so usually i get water instead same food type.

      Also it would be good if food would change in to rotten food, so you would how much was wasted. Right now, when it disappear then you just don't know if you had less, eaten it or it gone bad.

      For hygiene i believe you already achieved way to get npc run away from you, like when you are urinating in public. So maybe this is the way?

      Maybe defecating feces could make Gerald drop pants during animation, and then put it back? Don't know about scripting, but wit naked butt it would look quite realistic. Also maybe it would make some difference for temperature if doing it in cold weather?
    14. rappetou
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I hope there will be an option to deactivate the new temperature need because I'm only use the hunger, thirst and fatigue needs plus puke (to prevent overeating healing cheat) and food expiration. I having a great time with it... it's my own personal compromise between realism and enjoyment
      PS : someone already had to tell you but black dry pepper ingredient doesn't expire ^_^
    15. Corvah
      • supporter
      • 64 kudos
      Hey Stefan. I think a cool addition would be to integrate AMM's accessories as equipable items with stats, that can be worn over armor. The bags and pouches adding more inventory space, hood helping against the rain, shoulder fur and capes making you warmer, etc
    16. trxplz0
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for your amazing work on this mod, its add a new level of immersion.

      It would be awesome if the fatigue/urine and other stats are displayed as debuffs, like this mod:
    17. Raindog12
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Hi Stefan,

      Love the mod - one suggestion about the added animations. Would it possible to make it so that if you look at the contents of a container but don't take anything, then Geralt doesn't put anything in his pocket?

    18. HellSpawnKD637
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      "Bars are actually quite hard, or at least for me as it would require to edit or create flash files, if anyiny knows how to work with them i'd like to implement that "

      Ask Lim3zer0 he seems to be very good at flash stuff.
    19. Quintofabiomaximo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hi Stefan. I would like to start a new playthrough of the whole game and I´m waiting to do it with PN2. I don´t care to wait a few weeks, but I would like to ask if there is kind of a ETA. for this mod. Of course I´m not trying to hurry you up, just asking for information in order of decide if I wait for the new version or start playing with the old one.

      Thanks for your great work and happy Xmas.
    20. stefan3372
      • member
      • 137 kudos
      Can't give any eta, real life work had me put modding aside for a while. So yeah, it's still going to take a while more
    21. nickraven
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Any news about the update PN2?
    22. Quintofabiomaximo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Is this project still alive?
    23. nickraven
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I guess - not
    24. N7Andy
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      W3EE latest patch?
    25. Fanboy88
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      He is alive!
    26. stefan3372
      • member
      • 137 kudos
      PN2 is now on gitHub, you can follow the progress
    27. FloydFire42
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      is it the one on github on a playable state? (i just started to replay the witcher 3 on new game + and wanted to give primal needs a try, but if the 2.0 is playable i'll gladly update)
    28. ChymKon
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      PN2 not working for me at all!
      It's the only mod i run and nothing show up, not the main menu, not the HUD, no drinking from river, no peeing, no sh*ting, nothing.
      The only two things that work are toggle fill bottle and meditation buttons.
    29. stefan3372
      • member
      • 137 kudos
      It's not in playable state on the git hub, once it is, i will upload it to nexus
    30. FloydFire42
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Does primal needs need a patch for fcr3 or I'm good with just merge script?
    31. Konrad1980
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Any News PN2? Project closed?
    32. shadow85
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      The author is MIA.
  3. Groundow
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It would be really cool to have a book accurate magic mod as well where if you don't take potions at regular intervals your spells lose effectiveness.
  4. DankSaiyan
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Using the mod and its great. I did run into a bug though. When I puked and finished puking my character was stuck standing still not doing
    anything. I wasnt able to do anything because it said i was still in the puking animation, but the animation was clearly over. I had to re load a
    save to fix
  5. AkrosF
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Fatigue during meditation does not decrease. Please tell me what could be the reason?
  6. Caesarian100
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can I use primal needs with enhanced edition mod? I just installed this, had some hiccups lol thanks
  7. nickg39
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, how do I cook raw meat? The description says "go to the food merchant at Crow's perch and get the recipe" but none of the merchants there have it. 
  8. BryanDuarte
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello there! I have made a next gen port of this mod

  9. xxdeadredxx
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    this mod deserves an update for next gen
    1. pjbender
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      #1 ^
    2. krakadzil
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    3. Franciscofcv
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    4. r131
      • member
      • 27 kudos
      I would looove to see that
    5. BryanDuarte
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i'm updating right now! I'm not a modder, but i'm a programmer and i actually made it work tonight and the UI has some bugs and i'm testing it, but at least i made it past the compiling process and the basic part seems to be working!
    6. xxdeadredxx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Great news! I hope we'll see your update soon
    7. V1ct0rFantucc1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That's nice to read, please keep us updated about your progress updating this mod for Next-Gen.
      Thank you for your efforts!!!
    8. CrypticCasoos
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Updated by BryanDuarte today:
  10. undeaddimas
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Mode is dead? hud does-not show up =(
    1. pjbender
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Make sure you have the control hints (shows in lower right hand corner of screen) turned on. It's in the HUD Configuration menu.
    2. raickzDelacroix
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      I love you
  11. areksek
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I have small problem with PN and FHud. Minimap is always on, no matter what settings I use ( FHUD settings, or game settings). Anyone can help?
    1. raickzDelacroix
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      You probably are using F12 to show the minimap in FHUD settings
  12. mirellanmal
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    The "Various Merges" link is broken.