About this mod

Changes the games visuals/graphics to something that I think to my taste looks good.

Permissions and credits

I've been asked about this mod in a few of my videos and pictures on discord, youtube, and nexus. So here it is, its not the same one as shown in those since they are extremely bad.
After redoing this mod around 3-4 times I've finally finished with something I liked, I have been working on this for around 8 months constantly restarting till I found something I liked, and ended up resulting with what I'm sharing!
This mod is slightly still being tweaked but I thought might as well release it since its taken awhile to be made.

Please understand that this mod hasn't been fully tested and I'm just releasing it now so I can get this off my chest and properly hear suggestions, fix bugs, or hear overall opinions!

To get custom weathers to appear go to areas where they appear, depends for each weather and press randomize till it says Unknown
-Intense Thunder weather is located in West Grizzlies, BigValley, Swamp, Scarlett Meadows, Heartlands
-RDR weathers are in West Elizabeth, New Austin, Mexico
-Winds are in Roanoke, Heartlands, Great Plains, Swamp, Roanoke, Scarlett Meadows

(Included in the notes tab but should be mentioned up here as most people dont read all of the description)
Vignette is already removed so remove any other vignette related mods to prevent conflicting files
, same for any other visual related mods

(Dont expect this mod to be perfect, some things will be touched upon in the future)

Now one thing I will note here is that there are SOME consistency issues I may not know about since I haven't FULLY tested this mod for each mission so please report issues like grey screens, black screens, or anything in general in the bug section and suggestions/ideas in the comments or direct messages

If you wish to contact me anywhere, contact me on:
Discord - "stges"
Nexus direct messages

Thank you's:
Thanks to Wocky the creator of Collyrium for being helpful at times where I needed it.
And for WhyEms amazing Visual mod which was the whole inspiration to make my own mod!
Thanks to Torrance for their simple but yet great Increased Level Of Detail mod and being cool with me making his mod apart of mine
And thanks to Tuffy for making this entire mod possible with his reloader

If your game doesnt look like the screenshots and you want it to, try changing brightness, and if using reshade turn off temporarily.
This is for the most part built for my own monitor and settings though

  Put the SEKI folder inside your LML
For custom weathers to work you NEED to have the path be RDR2 Folder/lml/SEKI/SekisVisuals

There are 4 custom weathers that include:
2 RDR1 Themed weathers for the RDR1 parts of the map (CSHighPressure, CSClouds) (CS = Classic)
A unique weather thats a more intense version of Thunderstorm with heavier winds, heavier rain, heavier puddle effects, heavier effect on water, and unique clouds!

Heres how the most common custom weathers you see look (Not RDR Weathers)

Intense Thunderstorm


Short rushed showcase of weathers and other things

Things to note contain
-This was built for my taste, not realism or anything else. Purely what I think looks good.
-Possible consistency issues, haven't properly tested missions
-Not every mission has been tested as certain missions have custom weathers meant for those missions, so unsure if it works for all missions
-LODs are increased, specifically this mods extreme setting by Torrance is apart of this mod.
-This WILL be actively updated unlike some of my other mods
-Expect bugs to be patched and use the bug section to actually report bugs, follow reporting section for information
-I am always open to anything, if you wish to talk to me dm "stges" on discord!
-Vignette is already removed so remove any other vignette related mods to prevent conflicting files

This mod is NOT meant to be supported with reshade, you can optionally use it though if youd like. Just not supported.

(Note some pictures included, very small amount, could be slightly outdated as in things have slightly changed or just modified.
Mostly water or just darkness)
What you can expect for the future of this mod?
Consistency fixes
Bug fixes
Reflection changes
Cloud changes (Have yet to be PROPERLY) worked on
and more misc things! Expect more custom weathers too!

Found a bug or got some suggestions?
If you have a bug please report them to my discord "stges" or to the bug section of the modpage containing the following information
-When it happened, time etc
-What mission if it was in one
-Where does it happen
-What does it involve
-And what weather (Check in rampage)

Have a suggestion?
Message me it on discord, comment it, or direct message me it on Nexus but don't expect a response immediately as I check nexus way less often!