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Reworked the difficulty slider to change the damage done/received only by 20% (e.g. slider at 0 = 80% received/120% done)
All races have slightly less starting stats
Changed the skills of races, they are no longer nearly identical (slightly increased starting skills overall)
All skills increase 45-75% slower (most skills 50%, this only affects natural skill increase)
Reverted the changes to which Attribute governs which skills
Removed quest item shader

Increased the relationship to all NPC's to fix the problem that most NPC's look angry
There are still some NPC's who look angry if you play an aeterna and in certain dialogue (both is intended)

Carry weight gained per Strength from 8 to 5
Mana per Intelligence from 2.4 to 2.25 (2 = oblivion vanilla)
Manaregen per Willpower increase from 0.035 to 0.025 (0.02 = oblivion vanilla)
Increased arrow speed by 100%, increased maximum arrow range
Sneak attack multiplier melee from 2/3/4/5/6 to 2.5/3/3.5/4/4.5, ranged from 3/4/4/5/5 to 2/2.5/3/3.5/4
All power attacks have the same damage multiplier (=x3), power attacks are slightly faster

Increased minimum and maximum movement speed, reduced sprint speed multiplier (sprint speed is about the same as before)
Increased minimum jumping height slightly, increased falling speed (feels less floaty)
Increased/Fixed scaling fall damage calculation, increased base fall damage by about 25%
Holding no weapon movement speed increase from 30% to 25%

Increased base weapon damage skill multiplier from 0.25 to 0.5, reduced weapon damage skill scaling from 1.4% to 1.28%
Increased base block damage mitigation from 0% to 35%, reduced block skill scaling damage mitigation from 1% per point to 0.65% per points
Increased armor value with a skill of 0 by about 10% (the increase evens out to skill 100 = at skill 100 there is no change)
Maximum block damage mitigation from 90% to 85%
Reduced reach with unarmed attacks, increased strength scaling slightly, decreased skill scaling slightly
Reworked knockback damage

Casting spells no longer drains fatigue, fatigue no longer influences spell casting effectivness
Reduced block fatigue drain, increased fatigue drain depending on weapon weight, reduced jumping fatigue drain (30 to 15)
Reduced fatigue regeneration (10 to 6), reduced sprint fatigue drain (8 to 5)

Experience needed for level up completely reworked:
Progression is more linear
TLDR: Overall XP needed from 1-25 increased, 26-30 is about the same, 31-55 reduced, above 55 increased
XP increase scaled with level from level 20/25/30 to level 5/10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45/50
XP increase for each level from 600/740/840/1080 to 600/620/650/690/740/800/870/950/1040/1140/1250

Learning points gained per level from 7 to 6, learning points for the first level up from 10 to 6
Health gained per level from "Endurance * 0.11" to "Endurance * 0.103" (vanilla Oblivion = 0.1)
Level up attribute gain is no longer dependant on skills gained (it's always +1 on 3 attributes)


Fixed hundreds of translation errors and inconsistencies (e.g. "Senile Black Bear" into "Decrepit Black Bear", "Iron gate" into "Iron Gate")
Renamed many things to better fit Vyn Lore (e.g. "Star People" into "Starling", "Daedric" into "Demon")
Removed the descriptions of some NPC names (e.g. "Ali from the North" to "Ali")
Some other fixes/changes to NPC names (e.g. "Dealer" to "Vendor", adding the original german names e.g. "The Shepherd" to "Shepherd Angholt")
Set pieces renamed to '(Set Name) Set Piece' instead of 'Set Piece (Set Name)' for better inventory sorting
Potions renamed to 'Name "Potion" (Quality)' instead of 'Name - Quality'
Scrolls renamed to '"Scroll of" Name (Quality)' instead of 'Name (Quality)', scrolls now have the correct quality names
Added sound to all doors
Diary renamed to "*Diary" for better inventory sorting
Fixed english Bathhouse dialogue


Rage: Strength/Agility increase from 10 to 15, intelligence decrease from 10 to 15
Attacking Stance reworked: Increases strength by 10 and blunt/blade/hand to hand by 5, decreases light armor/heavy armor/block by 3 and health by 10
Defensive Stance reworked: Increases health by 20 and light armor/heavy armor/block by 5, decreases blunt/blade/hand to hand by 3 and strength by 5

Blessing of The Eliath: Disease resistance from 80 to 100%, paralyze resistance from 60 to 100%, removed reflect damage, health regeneration from 3 to 2
Guardian Stance reworked: Increases heavy armor by 5 and health by 10 (no malus)
Divine Stance reworked: Increases restoration/willpower by 5 (no malus)
Added additional description

Rogue: (previously Villian)
Spirit Form: Fatigue regeneration from 4 to 3
Insidiousness Stance reworked: Increases athletics by 10 and acrobatics/light by 7, decreases stealth by 5 and illusion/security armor by 4
Concealment Stance reworked: Increases stealth by 10 and illusion/security by 7, decreases athletics by 5 and acrobatics/light armor by 4
Added additional description

Spectral Shift: Detect life range increased, mana regeneration from 2 to 1, removed shock shield
Magic Storm Stance reworked: Increases Intelligence/Conjuration/Illusion/Mysticism by 3 (no malus)
Discipline Stance reworked: Increases Willpower/Destruction/Restoration/Alteration by 3 (no malus)


Less idle time depending on the creature (most enemies)
Less likely to power attack (some enemies)
Reworked the attack/block chances (many enemies)
Reworked the dodge chances, duration of the dodge movement (most enemies)
Mages prefer ranged combat
Mages/Archers now have appropriate combat styles
Added a new combat style for: Skeleton Archer, Goblin Archer


Rebalanced creature resistances:
Removed resistance perks on some enemies were it made no sense
Bears, Wolves, Predators frost resistance from 20% to 10%, fire vulnerability from 0% to -5%, added the resistance to missing ones
Ogre removed poison vulnerability
Demons fire resistance from 33% to 30%, poison resistance from 0% to 20%, removed shock vulnerability
Spiderman renamed to "Spiderdemon", removed frost vulnerability
Undead frost resistance from 25% to 50%, fire vulnerability from 60/30% to 25/20% (zombie/acolyte)
Branchling (spriggan) removed shock resistance, poison resistance from 0% to 100%
Spider Branchling fire vulnerability from 40% to 25%, removed frost resistance, poison resistance from 0% to 50%, immune to paralyze
Fire Elemental fire resistance from 50% to 100%, frost vulnerability from 0% to 30%, immune to poison, paralyze and disease
Frost Elemental frost resistance from 20% to 100%, fire vulnerability from 20% to 30%, immune to poison, paralyze and disease
Starling Guards are immune to poison, paralyze and disease

Slightly decreased the chance of animals spawning in the wilderness
Animals no longer report crimes
Lowered/Fixed creature movement speed
Increased crab range by 10%
Decreased regeneration of some higher level enemies by about 30%
Kobold now cast Fire Arrows (with some exceptions), more Kobolds can cast
Added variety to many weapon lists of enemies and rebalanced some weapon lists (e.g. low level bandits only have dull weapons but have more variety)
Reduced the damage and health of all rats


Base buying prices increased by 20%, base selling price reduced by 5%
Reworked enemy loot to be more believable (this includes a lot of changes e.g. no gold/silverware/soul gems on creatures/animals)
Added unique loot to many enemies (more than 10 different enemies, most enemies in the game now drop something)
Reworked container loot to be more believable/diverse (this includes a lot of changes e.g. no potions/lockpicks in coffins)
Reworked treasure chest loot to be more diverse and increased overall loot
Increased the chance that loot spawns in many cases (in general more loot/less valuable loot)

Reworked the inventory of the marketplace vendors in Erothin, no longer have potions and rare ingredients, now only have things like food and drinks
Most innkeeper no longer sell healing potions, reworked some innkeeper inventories slightly depending on their region
Replaced many health/mana/stamina potions (mostly health/mana) with random potions
Added a lot more variety to potion drop lists (there were a lot of missing potions)
Reduced the amount of lockpicks found
Reduced the amount of arrows found in iron/silver/elven quiver from 30-35 to 20
Removed some items from village containers (scrolls/potions), added some items that make sense

Rebalanced/Fixed the value of a ton of items
Gold, Lockpicks now have weight
Teleport Rune value increased
Removed some loot from the first dungeon
Reworked the loot in the reward barrel (mini game)
Vendors scale faster with player level (= the level of the player matters less)


Completely rebalanced all spells (the manacost/magnitudes of most spells were very questionable)
Completely rebalanced/fixed the skill requirement of all spells depending on their ranks (generally spells have higher requirements)
Increased summon spell manacost (increase is higher the higher the rank is)
Summon duration from 180 to 120
Summon health regeneration now scales with spell rank and is reduced on higher ranks (from 1/5 to 1/2/3)
Spells/Runes now have the correct rank descriptions (mostly a problem in the german version)

Removed spells:
Fireball all ranks (Inflame is already an aoe fire spell, replaced with unused runes and Inflame runes)
Healing Flash Rank I (the only available rank)
Shadowflame Rank I/II/IV (reworked the remaining 2 ranks, replaced with unused runes)

Light Spark manacost from 10 to 14, healing from 10 (instant) to 10 (over 10 seconds)
Blessing (heal) renamed to Boon, duration doubled, magnitude halved (same amount of healing but slower), manacost from 20/40/55/75/95/120/145 to 25/50/75/100/125/155/185
Flash heal healing from 22/42/64/86/109/145/165 to 30/60/90/120/150/185/220, manacost from 28/48/70/86/105/135/155 to 30/60/90/120/150/185/220
Blessing has overall higher healing per mana but takes longer, flash heal healing is instant but heals less and is more expensive
Healing spark (target healing) is now the same as blessing's, manacost is slightly lower than blessing's manacost

Blessing spells (buffs) attribute gain from 2/3/6/12 to 2/4/6/8, duration from 1000 to 900
Added Blessing Rank IV spell runes and placed them into the world (they weren't available vanilla)
Blessing of Vitality no longer additionally increases carry capacity
Unburdening duration from 240 to 900, manacost from 20/40/60/80 to 25/50/75/100
Fire/Frost/Shock Resistance fixed the names, resistance from 10/30 to 10/25, manacost from 14/48 to 20/60, duration from 15/20 to 300
Divine Shield duration from 30/40/50/60/70/90 to 300, manacost from 15/30/45/60/75/90 to 20/40/60/80/100/120, resistance from 6/12/18/24/30/30 to 8/14/20/26/32/38
Fire/Frost/Shock Shield duration from 30/40/50/70 to 300, manacost from 15/30/45/60 to 22/44/66/88

Mirror duration from 20/30/30/40 to 45, reflected damage from 6/8/9/12 to 5/10/15/20, manacost from 10/20/38/60 to 25/50/75/100
Magic Mirror added Rank IV, duration from 15/25/35/- to 45, reflected damage from 4/8/12/- to 5/10/15/20, manacost from 20/40/60/- to 25/50/75/100
Mana Sink duration from 20/30/40/50 to 45, absorbed damage from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20, manacost from 20/40/60/90 to 22/44/66/88
Water Breathing Rank II duration from 20 to 30
Detect Life range from 15/25/30/35 to 15/25/35/45, duration from 30/40/80/50 to 30/60/90/120
Light duration from 60/70/80/90 to 120/150/180/210, manacost increased, magnitude of rank 3/4 increased
Light effects are brighter
Eye of the Midnight duration from 20/40/60/80 to 15/30/60/120, manacost from 20/40/60/80 to 20/35/55/80

Bloodletting health lost from 60/120/200 to 60/120/180, mana gained from 38/70/95 to 40/90/150, manacost reduced to 0
Fixed the description of Bloodletting/Antidote/Catharsis
Silence duration from 5/10/15/20/25 to 4/7/11/16/22, manacost increased on higher ranks
Dispel manacost from 25/50/75/100 to 20/40/60/80
Soul Trap duration from 5/10/15/20/25/30 to 4/9/15/22/30/40

Spectral Invisibility duration from 7/12/17/22 to 7/14/22/30, manacost increased on higher ranks
Spell Capture duration from 3/4 to 3/5, manacost from 50/90 to 50/100
Telekinesis manacost from 23/23/23 to 23/43/65, duration from 10/15/20 to 10/20/30
Midnight Sleep lowered duration on higher ranks, increased manacost of first rank
Teleport spells are now mysticism, manacost from 1 to 40-65
Mark manacost from 10 to 40
Recall manacost from 20 to 70

Blinding Flash manacost from 22/46/63/84/105/126/147 to 20/40/60/80/100/120/140,damage from 39/57/88/128/155/171/205 to 35/56/80/106/136/168/203
Curse of Suffering damage from 2/4/6/8/10/12 to 2/3/4/5/6/7, duratiion from 20 to 15/20/25/30/35/40
Fire Arrow manacost from 12/24/36/48/60 to 13/26/39/52/65, damage from 19/34/51/69/85 to 25/40/57/76/97
Fire Bite manacost from 8/18/27/36/45/54/63 to 11/22/33/44/55/66/77, damage from 18/29/35/58/72/89/110 to 25/40/57/76/97/120/145
Frost Arrow manacost from 12/22/39/51/63/76/91 to 13/26/39/52/65/78/91, damage from 30/48/77/110/125/160/180 to 20/32/46/61/78/96/116,
Frost Arrow duration from 4/4/5/5/6/6/6 to 3/3/4/4/5/5/6, chance from 18% to 18/20/20/22/22/24/24%
Life Drain manacost from 15/24/32/38/60/72 to 15/30/45/60/75/90, damage from 2/5/10/15/20/25 to 2/4/7/11/16/22, duration from 15 to 10

Arcane Discharge manacost from 15/30/45/60/75 to 27/54/81/108/135, damage from 15/25/45/60/75 to 26/42/60/80/102, area from 10/10/11/11/14 to 10/11/12/13/14
Blizzard manacost from damage from 12/24/36/48/60 to 16/26/37/49/62, chance from 10% to 10/12/14/16/18%
Inflame manacost from manacost from 8/16/24/32/40/48/56 to 20/40/60/80/100/120/140, damage from 2/4/6/8/10/12/12 to 5/8/11/15/19/24/30, duration from 15 to 5, area from 5 to 8
Shadow Flame renamed Rank III/V to I/II, manacost from 60/100 to 50/85, damage from 60/100 to 43/73, Area from 12 to 10


Removed some unnecessary weapons, this affects mostly iron, steel and silver weapon variants (about 20 weapons deleted and replaced with similiar ones)
For example there were 2 different "Dull Steel Daggers" with slightly different stats and no "Steel Dagger" equivalent
There are several examples of this. Many weapons had variants with slightly different stats that made no sense and only caused confusion.
The weapons available are now Dull Iron/Runed/Iron/Steel/Fine Steel etc. (instead of several in between weapons with weird naming)

Renamed axes to be consistent: War Axe 1H/Battle Axe 2H/Beard Axe 1H/Great Axe 2H
Fixed/Reworked the naming of many weapons
Renamed "Runed Iron" weapons to "Runed" weapons
Weapons now have proper speed and reach values depending on their weapon class
instead of seemingly random ones: (with some exception on uniques)
Shortswod 1.2 0.8
Longsword 1.0 1.0
Bastard Sword 0.9 1.05
Claymore  0.8 1.3
Greatsword 0.75 1.4

Waraxe 1.1 0.8
Beardaxe  1.0 0.8
Battleaxe  0.8 1.2
Greataxe  0.75 1.3

Mace  0.9 1.0
Battlehammer 0.8 1.0
Warhammer 0.7 1.3

Bow 1.0 1.0
Dagger 1.4 0.6

Rebalanced the damage of weapons depending on their speed/reach (e.g. Longswords deal more damage than Shortswords but less damage than Maces)
Fixes to weapons that were weaker than intended (e.g. some lvl 35 enemies had worse weapons than lvl 25 ones)
Some other smaller changes to some weapons (weight/value/enchantment etc.)

Replaced Sharp Dagger at the beginning with Dull Iron Shortsword
Iron Soul Robber renamed to "Soul Thief", damage from 2 to 6, is now a unique weapon (no longer sold)
Thorium enhanced sword renamed to "Thorium Sword", base damage from 29 to 21
Added a new Staff of Fire Wrath to some low level mages
Frost Arrow physical damage from 13 to 8, frost damage from 4 to 10
Lethal Gem Arrow renamed to Gem Arrow
Fixed arrow enchantments (effect from self to touch)
Changes to unique weapons sold by the master craftsman (more info in the 1.04 changelog)
Renamed "Sword of Goth" to "Goth"
Soul Flayer base damage from 32 to 33


Renamed "Runed Iron" armor to "Runed" armor
Renamed higher level "leather" armor to "black leather"/"reinforced leather" armor
Removed Miners Armor (replaced with identical looking leather armor)
Battle Pride set is now light armor
Renamed "(Alessia's Battle Hymn)" to "(Avenzin's Battle Hymn)" (the original german name which is referenced in game)
Replaced "Rusty Iron Greaves" with "Iron Greaves" on hundreds of guards/soldiers etc.

Fixed sets only granting the current bonus and not everything (e.g. 2 part bonus not included in 3 part bonus)
Set bonus names changed, last set piece is always called "Complete", removed "Bonus" from the names
Renamed the complete set tokens, removed value/weight/armor
Magic Wind set bonus added intelligence bonus and increased willpower/magic resist slightly
Embrace of the Novice set bonus changed illusion to intelligence, 1 willpower shifted to 1 intelligence
Slightly increased armor of the Star Battalion set
Rebalanced the value/health of set armor

Rebalanced armor:
Helmets/Gauntlets/Boots have about the same armor
Greaves/Shields have about x1.5 times the armor of Helmets/Gauntlets/Boots
Cuirasses have about x2 times the armor of Helmets/Gauntlets/Boots
Rebalanced armor values with the above guidelines
Some armor sets had too much armor, some had too low armor (e.g. mithril (light) was better than steel (steel))
Fixed the armor/weight/value of armor (e.g. iron shield had 12 armor, steel shield had 8 armor)
Changes to unique armor sold by the master craftsman (more info in the 1.04 changelog)


Reworked sigil stones (weight, value, charges, model, magnitude)
Added Fatigue sigil stones, Added 5 missing stones, removed fire/ice shield sigil stones

Shockball renamed to Arcane Discharge, area from 0 to 10, damage from 40 to 25
Fireball renamed to Inflame, area from 3/3/5 to 8/8/8, damage from 35/72/170 (instant) to 25/50/100 (over 5 seconds)
Burning Hands renamed to Fire Bite
Frostball renamed to Frost Arrow, damage from 30/80/150 to 30/60/120
Soul Trap duration from 8/11/30 to 6/15/30
Paralysis renamed to Midnight Sleep, duration from 2/4 to 1/3
Healing Flash renamed to Healing Spark, healing from 30 (instant) to 40 (over 8 seconds)
Healing healing from 40/80/150 to 30/60/120
Boon duration from 4 to 8, healing from 12 to 5


Health Potion duration from 3 to 7, health from 11/20/35/70/120 to 4/9/15/22/30
Mana Potion duration from 4 to 7, mana from 10/19/28/38/45 to 4/9/15/22/30
Stamina Potion duration from 5 to 8, stamina from 10/20/30/40/50 to 4/9/15/22/30
Plants now always yield ingredients
Reduced the value of ingredients that are very common
Added missing Fire Shield Potion (Quality)
Potion weight from 0 to 0.5

Ambrosia regenerates magicka instead of health
Soap regenerates fatigue instead of magicka
Raw meat no longer heals and instead damages fatigue
Hearts (3 variants) no longer have restore health (replaced with different effects)
Removed Mugwort Seeds, they were rare and had only 1 healing effect (which made no sense)
Renamed Vynwurz to Vynroot, value from 0 to 20
Antidote/Cure Paralysis Potion value from 100 to 80
Ingredients now have weight
Removed many duplicate ingredients


Increased damage of lava and contaminated water
Increased base trap damage by x1.5-3 (mostly x3), reduced level scaled trap damage by about 30%
Increased torch light radius by about 2 times, reduced the duration of the first torch
Crafting lockpicks now adds 3 instead of 10 pieces
More NPC's can follow the player through cells
Decreased regeneration of some NPC's (e.g. Kim) by about 30%
Some changes to diseases