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  1. polemos
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    I have spent hundreds of hours in this project guys. I hope you like it.

    The source code can be found, PR and downloaded in github here. Sorry for the delay.
    Please do note that it is optimized for standalone usage (as an executable)...

    Note: Before posting a bug report about the installers, do a "Full Refresh". It fixes things in between version updates.
    Note2: Please supply the error log when submitting bugs.

    The guide for my fork can be found in it's Github Wiki, if you wish to preview it.
    It is updated so it has a lot of differences with the guides of other Wrye Mash forks/versions.

    My fork of Wrye Mash works best when in synergy with TES3CMD.
    Do yourself a favor and get it. You need the standalone version and having it inside the "Data Files" directory.

    • My version of Wrye Mash does not need to be inside Morrowind directory to work (only the "Data files" folder needs to be, if it is the first time you are using Wrye Mash). That means that you can test my version without overwriting your older Mash install. Do a full refresh in the Installers tab after installing it and before you start using it, to avoid problems.
    • For versions older than v99: If you have problems running my fork in Wine (linux), remove these files from Mash folder: gdiplus.dll, msvcm90.dll, msvcp90.dll, msvcr90.dll, Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest and w9xpopen.exe.

    For another take in Wrye Mash, you may try Sharlikan's fork of Wrye Mash: Sharlikan's Wrye Mash Collection.
  2. polemos
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    Status: Working on the next version.

    What is ready in the upcoming v101:

    Bugfixes, failsafes and safety additions.

    -Fixed many issues with the exception handling and also made it more user friendly.
    -Added experimental support for MCP extended map updating. Needs testing...

    Published on the v101beta6:
    -Added latest commit from Nullcascade regarding the MWSE 1024 plugin limit for the mod masters tab.
    -Fixed some pathing issues and fixed an issue with using the apostrophe character on renaming installers.
    -Added an information dialog to notify users of the new ability to enable MWSE 1024 plugin
    -Added switches on Greatness7 and NullCascade commits so that they may be enabled/disabled from the settings.
    -Implemented Greatness7 and NullCascade commits for supporting up to 1024 plugins with MWSE .
    -Added an option in settings for enabling/disabling MWSE support of 1024 plugins.
    -Reverted, temporarily, the new file-drop functionality in the Installers since it is conflicting with the internal drag and drop.
    -Fixed a bug in the Settings dialog which was not resizing the elements (options) correctly.
    -Updated the pickle implementation to use binary so it can be slightly more efficient, compatible with newer pickle protocols and it will (supposedly) minimize the EOF error which plagues many users (in all of Wrye Mash forks) in many instances. The change is implemented with being backward compatible with the older settings format (which after first execution gets upgraded). Pickle is also set to use the latest protocol available (also supposedly more efficient). Extra care has been taken to avoid corruption of any pickle file if an error occurs (unless it is catastrophic).
    -Fixed a regression bug with the "Installers" being enabled without user approval. (Thanks StormcloakViking)
    -Fixed a regression bug with the "Updaters" list not being loaded, late night mistakes... (Thanks KarmicKid)
    -Added a very fast Copy Tree class in Wrye Mash. It is currently used when Dragging and Dropping in the Installers but it will also be implemented elsewhere in the future.
    -Added Drag and Drop functionality for the Installers list. You may drag packages and folders directly on the Installers list to import them.
    -Added Ctrl+A and Ctrl+D to select/deselect all items in the Installers list.
    -Added a store/restore button set on the Installers tab, for storing/restoring Installers order. It will store the order of the installers and their active state. On restoring the order, a choice appears for the user to either sync the restored order, by re-installing the installers, or do nothing.
    -Refactored/optimized store/restore functionality for mod/plugins order.
    -All lists will focus now on mouse hover allowing to mouse scroll without clicking on them (user friendliness).
    -Cosmetic fixes and GUI user friendliness additions on the Installers tab.
    -Fixed a locale problem with wxpython. Tested with Korean locale but it should work with other locales also.
    -Credits updated.
    -Fixed/refactored/updated TES3CMD clean window. More stable and user friendly.
    -Fixed a bug which threw an exception when running saved custom commands.
    -Added Abot's "'tes3cmd.exe dump --raw-with-header dump.esp [selected files]'" option as "Merge with TES3CMD".
    -Added Abot's "Update header field and sync the list of masters." option as "Sync Masters".
    -Fixed a possible Unicode exception with when show logs of external programs (e.g: TES3CMD).
    -Fixed a possible freeze situation with "Fixit (all active)" and "Create MultiPatch" commands."
    -Added Abot's "Copy linear mod list" option.
    -Added Abot's "Redate selected files from selected file time" option.
    -Added Abot's "Redate from current system time" option.
    -Fixed "sort" command dialog text.
    -Added the ability to set the mod redate interval in seconds (default of 60") in the settings.
    -Refactored settings module.
    -Updated credits and credits module.
    -Upgraded/refactored the logging functions. Now "WryeMash.log" is saving up to 20 logging sessions in a Queue/Dequeue fashion. It was not working correctly since before the days of my fork. Now it will finally have some use.
    -A lot of speed optimizations in the installers module.
    -Optimization: Increased "Refresh" speed in the installers.
    -Fixed a bug preventing renaming folders in the installers tab. (Thanks wildbane)
    -Optimized "Copy Active Mods" option.
    -Fixed a newly introduced bug in the "Snapshots" functionality. Also optimized and faster. (Thanks KarmicKid)
    -Dialog Refactoring.
    -Fixed the BSA reordering problem in OpenMW implementation.
    -Fixed some bugs in OpenMW implementation which were causing plugins to deselect.
    -Fixed a bug in mod order restore when an empty item was included in the list.
    -Added more encoding failsafes, for example when changing encodings, to abort any operations.
    -Added the ability to insert the datetime as a text in the datetime dialog (where you change the date and time of a mod).
    -Added a copy and a paste button next to the datetime field, on the mod details (right sidebar). You may use them if you wish to make a fast copy/paste of datetime between mods.
    -Wrye Mash will auto-correct capitalization (based on existing filenames) of OpenMW configuration entries.
    -Implemented de-duplication for esp, esm, bsa, omwgame, omwaddon for OpenMWconfig file entries.
    -Fixed BSA archives bugging out when no no Datamods folders are selected in OpenMW.
    -Fixed a BSA archive enumeration bug in the status bar.
    -Fixed OpenMW plugin extension parsing to be case insensitive.
    -Refactored and optimized OpenMW Data-mods implementation.
    -Fixed a bug where (in some scenarios) OpenMW config files were increasing by one empty line every time they were parsed.
    -Wrye Mash will auto-correct capitalization (based on existing filenames) of manual Morrowind configuration entries.
    -Implemented de-duplication for esp, esm, bsa for Morrowind config file entries.
    -Fixed some archaic problems with MashError exceptions.
    -Added a manual backup/restore menu option for Morrowind.ini (and OpenMW.cfg/pluginlist.json) (besides the automatic one).
    -Updated the profile engine.
    -Updated codec open with io.
    -Fixed the problems with special characters on multilingual morrowind.ini (Tested on French steam version) It should work with all translations (Russian, Polish, etc), but the user needs to select the correct encoding for their language from the settings.
    -Fixed some newly introduced bugs with the error messages.
    -Wrye Mash was saving, unnecessarily, twice the 'morrowind.ini' (or 'openmw.cfg'). This is now fixed.
    -Reinforced a fail-safe which reverts to the last 'morrowind.ini' (or 'openmw.cfg') backup in case of fatal errors.
    -Various encoding fail-safes.
  3. polemos
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    Wrye Mash Polemos fork Main Features:

    • All the Yakobys fork additions (like Drag and Drop with the mouse).
    • All of Yakobys fork bugs replaced with mine.
    • Better Unicode Support,
    • BSA Archives registration/ordering ability,
    • TES3cmd integration (needs TES3cmd executable in Data Files, tested on 0.37v only):
      * Mod Cleaning,
      * TES3cmd Fixit,
      * TES3cmd "Create Multipatch",
      * Restore changed files option,
    • Mlox integration (needs mlox executable):
      * mod ordering and revert to previous order options,
      * mlox auto detection or manual location setting,
      * automatic mlox icon addition on the toolbar for easier access,
    • TES3lint integration (needs TES3lint script and to install Perl):
      * With a built in Configurator
      * "Check with TES3lint" option when selecting mods
    • Create Custom Commands:
      * You may save your commands and execute them on selected mods
      * Extra "Run Custom" when you just want to type a fast command
    • Restore Default Dates for Official Bethesda Masters (ESM) and Archives (BSAs) (good for Steam users),
    • MGE-XE integration: automatic MGE-XE icon addition on the toolbar for easier access,
    • Mod Order Position Enumeration: a new column in the Mods tab which shows the mod order position arithmetically (like Wrye Bash),
    • A "Create Mashed Patch" option, automatically create/import/enable your Merged Lists,
    • A Menu (great for newbies) with an option to enable/disable it or the original columns menu,
    • An Update check for new released versions with option to enable/disable it and frequency of checks,
    • Better dialogs for a more streamlined interface and for easier mod manipulations (also less clicks),
    • Many cosmetic changes giving a more modern look (take a look in the screenshots),
    • A snapshot menu which allows you to backup/import/export/share your mods load order,
    • MWSE support, Installers Tab recognize 'MWSE' from packages and install contents into 'Data Files/MWSE',
    • Animations support, Installers Tab recognizes animation packages,
    • The ability to restore your mod order from a saved game (ess) file,
    • A first use Wizard for easier configuration,
    • A pair of backup/restore mod order buttons,
    • A "Repack" option for the Installers Tab, to ease the pain of repacking unrecognized installers,
    • Updated Help Documentation,
    • Many speed improvements and optimizations.

    Future planned Improvements and their status:

    • Theme support, (Basic version ready in v99)
    • Profile support, meaning a global profile solution for regular Morrowind/OpenMW for mod order, selected mods (like Mashed patch) and saves, (in progress)
    • A color Legend button for easier mod status identifying,
    • A better help integration,
    • Full OpenMW/TES3mp integration, (Beta release in the near future - 100% ready - basic functionality)
    • An option to create a file which it will contain everything necessary to rebuild your mod installation from scratch (no more huge mod instructions),
    • Implement a faster copy function (already implemented for OpenMW/TES3mp part)
    • Implement multi-threading/multiprocessing for Installers.
    • Mod Update Notification the way Mod Organizer does it.
    • And more...

    (For bug fixes and other stuff check the changelog)
  4. polemos
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    OpenMW compatibility:

    Wrye Mash for OpenMW (in the future also for TES3mp) alpha has been released.
    It is sharing the same code base as Wrye Mash Polemos fork. The goal is for both Original Morrowind and OpenMW/TES3mp versions of Wrye Mash (by Polemos) to converge into a single profile based solution.

    Until that time here is the link to the home of the development branch of the OpenMW/TES3mp version.
  5. polemos
    • premium
    • 37 kudos

    1. For Wrye Mash Polemos fork:
    2. Mod Guides and lists:
  6. polemos
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    v101beta5 version (and later) has implemented the MWSE increased 1024 max plugins limit (thanks Nullcascade and Greatness7 for your GitHub commits). This can be enabled on the advanced tab on the settings dialog.

    Any issues regarding MWSE and it's 1024 mods implementation should be directed to the MWSE devs, nevertheless any issues with the Wrye Mash implementation of supporting the aforementioned feature should be directed here.
  7. Baconsama
    • member
    • 4 kudos

    For full refresh, click on the Actions tab, upper left in the software.
  8. HadToRegister
    • premium
    • 195 kudos
    One feature that all of the WRYE Mash/Bash programs really need is a SEARCH Box, where you start typing in the name of the ZIP or ESP/ESM you're looking for in the list, like Vortex or MO2 does, where it slowly changes the listing ass you type more and more letters in, until only the Mod with the matching word shows.

    It would make looking through a load order or Zips in the Installer Tab so much quicker, than going carefully line by line, looking for the ESP/ESM or ZIP/RAR/7z etc...
  9. LordServerus
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Looking for some help just getting the program running. I get through the installation wizard, set up all my file paths, hit continue then nothing happens at all. When I go to launch the program again it simply goes through setting up file paths and doesn't ever procede to the actual program itself. Anyone have any suggestion? 
    1. Mooie34
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm having the same issue did you find a fix for this?
    2. Garurudere
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      The installer adds folder labeled Mopy in the Morrowind directory, and inside the folder is an application labeled mash64. Use that to launch.
  10. dreughjiggers
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Has anyone run this on steam deck? 
  11. GOLGOTHA17
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is there a way to increase the mod limit? its screwing me big time
  12. bryan22ec
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does anyone know what my mistake could be? I installed the wyremash, the mwse and everything, now that I have finished installing the mods (about 458) the game does not start and when I go to options every time I activate query.mwse.max.plugins it tells me to accept but when I go back to opening the options is disabled, do I need an external program or do you know what it could be?
    1. polemos
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Wrong place, that tab (Defaults) is for the warning prompts.

      The setting is elsewhere, in the advanced tab if I remember correctly but also check the other tabs as well.
  13. Dolsebela
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is there any way to make sure tes3lint doesn't take HOURS and HOURS to run? i'm using the fastest setting
  14. Dolsebela
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  15. Starblast16
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    How do I get it to recognize that MWSE has increased the mod limit?
    Edit: Nvm. I'm blind.
  16. Mondriaan456
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I think I experimented a bit too much. I had first installed Mod Organizer 2, but it does not put anything in my data files, so I downloaded and installed Wrye Mash and everything worked properly. At one point I tried to link .7zip files to MO 2, now the installer of Wrye Mash doesn't work anymore, the installer talks about repacking the archive but MO 2 has no problems.I much prefer to use Wrye because I have experienced it as a very valuable app in the past. The error message I get is:7z module is unable to read archive. Try extracting it and then repacking it before trying again.
    1. HazardDuty
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      Uhh the point of using MO2 is that it doesn't put anything in your data files. You need to run the game exe through MO2, and all the mods will be deployed at game start. Also you can add Wrye Mash to MO2 and run in through it, so you get the best of both worlds.