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Mass Effect 1 Controller Support (Power Wheel) 1.2.2
By Dybuk

This MOD adds full XBOX 360 controller support for playing Mass Effect 1.

The Mass Effect game shipped with all the original XBOX controller interfaces but in a very broken state with some functionality
removed. This mod corrects these issues and re-implements features where necessary. The MOD switches over to use all the xbox
user interfaces, with the exception of mini games/loadsave and settings. These exceptions have been adjusted to work with the

Installing this MOD will break some elements of the keyboard and mouse support. The console will work fine. If you want to play
with keyboard and mouse, uninstall this mod.

ME3Explorer Link:
Nexus Link:

1.2.2 Release Notes

- Removing MEUITM binaries and updating instructions.


***IMPORTANT***: There are TWO INSTALLATION DIRECTORIES. One inside your user profile, one inside the game directory.

Install order: ME1 -> DLC (Optional) -> ME1Controller -> MEUITM or other textures (Optional)

1. Run the game at least once to create the games profile settings.

2. Extract the files from the archive using winrar or 7-zip.

3. Copy the contents of Config (Backup originals first) to :

C:\Users\\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect\Config

IMPORTANT: Do NOT copy these config files into the game folder, they need to go into the user profile. If you see "Default.ini" you are copying it to the wrong place.

IMPORTANT: these files are marked as "read only" to prevent the game modifying them on startup. If you want to modify them you
must change them back to "read only" before launching the game.

4. Copy the contents of "Mass Effect" directory to your install directory overriding the originals (Back them up first). These files should override the original files.

Example directories :

Steam: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common


Origin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games

5. Use MassEffectConfig.exe to set resolution and aspect ratio to 16:9

Common Problems

- No power wheel appears; I can't put points into stats; Low sensitivity when aiming; Journal entries don't work

You have copied the config correctly but you have not overridden the game binaries.

- Can't loot containers.

You have ignored the instructions and you have copied the config into the game folder (The one with all the default.ini files). These need to be copied to the user profile.

- No controller prompts at all

You have not copied the config correctly. Or the config files are not being copied as "readonly" right click on them and check that they are marked as readonly.

- Controller doesn't work, can't get past "Press Start".

This MOD will only work against the primary Xinput controller. Check you don't have other XInput wrappers or controllers attached.

- Can't disable controller vibrations

The disable option doesn't work through the menu. The binaries from here should help ( disable vibrations.

- Parts of the HUD are cut off.

This MOD does not support 4:3 resolution. Use the MassEffectConfig.exe to change to 16:9.

- Inverted controls, Sensitivity, dead zone. For some reason some users complain of inverted controls and not being able to change sensitivity using the method below.

Open config/BIOInput.ini

Look for:

Bindings=( Name="XboxTypeS_LeftX", Command="Repeat StrafeLeftRight 1.0 0.2 | Repeat TacSel_TalentMode | Repeat GuiAxis BIOGUI_EVENT_AXIS_LSTICK_X 1.0 0.2 | Repeat GuiAxis BIOGUI_EVENT_AXIS_MOUSE_X 0.35 0.2")
Bindings=( Name="XboxTypeS_LeftY", Command="Repeat MoveForwardBack 1.0 0.2 | Repeat TacSel_TalentMode | Repeat GuiAxis BIOGUI_EVENT_AXIS_LSTICK_Y -1.0 0.2 | Repeat GuiAxis BIOGUI_EVENT_AXIS_MOUSE_Y 0.35 0.2")

Bindings=( Name="XboxTypeS_RightX", Command="Repeat CameraTurnLeftRight 1.0 0.2 | Repeat GuiAxis BIOGUI_EVENT_AXIS_RSTICK_X 1.0 0.2")
Bindings=( Name="XboxTypeS_RightY", Command="Repeat CameraLookUpDown 1.0 0.2 | Repeat GuiAxis BIOGUI_EVENT_AXIS_RSTICK_Y 1.0 0.2")

Left is for Left stick, Right for Right stick. X for X Axis, Y for Y Axis.

Taking the first one as an example:

StrafeLeftRight 1.0 0.2

The first number is the sensitivity. Changing it below 1.0 will reduce sensitivity. Adding a - will invert the axis (e.g. -1.0).
The second number is the dead zone. Increasing this number will increase the controller deadzone.

REMEMBER to set the bioinput.ini file back to "read only" before you launch the game.

Installation Video

Still struggling with the installation? Try watching this video from Stiff Kun (my thanks).


This mod uses the same controls as the xbox 360. These can be found here:

Mass Effect 2&3

Excellent XBOX 360 Controller MODs for Mass effect 2 and 3 by Moonshine can be found here :


If you want to adjust the sensitivity of the controller. Open bioinput.ini and modify:


The Y axis can be inverted in the setup menu.

REMEMBER to set the bioinput.ini file back to "read only" before you launch the game.


- Moonshine for his work on ME2 and ME3 which inspired me to make this MOD.
- Heff for all his techincal support.
- Machine4578 and eezonaut for there relentless enthusiasm and testing.
- BarderothReturns for her config only mod which found all the xbox interfaces that weren't broken.
- For extra testing: libm, daninthemix, MotokoKusanagi34, b3ft, Gikoku, Daiyus, rjms1974, Mivey and arkhamtheknight2.
- The creators of the tools used: ME1Explorer, JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler, UE Explorer and Gildor's tools.

Previous Releases

1.2.1 Release Notes

- Changes the "cancel" button to "back" in the load/save screen. This should now be localisable.

1.2.0 Release Notes

- Fixes HUD layout during certain sections of the game where the UI would appear behind the radar. Like for example while
deactivating the demolition charges.
- Changes the quasar ui to be the one from the xbox.
- Reduces the subtitle and conversation wheel font size to match the PC version. Size 22 to 16.

1.1.1 Release Notes

- Changes the behaviour of the X/B button when drawing/holstering your weapon. This should now work like the xbox.
- Adds an out of combat run speed boost when holding the A button (Not just a camera angle change).

1.1.0 Release Notes

- Adding a 50% drop in right stick sensitivity when zoomed in.

1.0.1 Release Notes

- Further tweaks to correct mistakes in the tutorial strings.
- Fixes a crash that was possible by selecting "Mark all as viewed" from within the Journal when a mission or assignment was
currently expanded.

1.0.0 Release Notes

- Fixes Mako control weirdness introduced by the sensitivity changes in 0.3.0.
- Reduces the conversation wheel deadzone slightly (0.25 to 0.2)
- Fixes the map cursor for controllers that introduce their own deadzone (think nvidia shield)
- Fixes map control sensitivity for differing frame rates.

0.3.0 Release Notes

- Controller sensitivity for camera movement changed based on frame rate. The higher the frame rate the more sensitive the stick.
During game ticks the deltatime was not being factored in. This explains the differences in peoples opinions on controller
sensitivity. I've tweaked the maths so it should now take this into account.
- Removes the []'s around the initial "Press [START]" message, which was added in the last release
- Fixes the conversation wheel so no option is selected when the Left Stick is in the resting position.
- Adds button shortcuts ([A], [B], [X]) for the options when starting the decryption mini-game.
- Adds additional control over the decryption mini game.
= Left Stick now operates like the DPad.
= [A] moves towards the core
= [B] moves back from the core
- Updates the icons on the scoreboard in Pinnacle Station to be the correct controller icons.

0.2.0 Release Notes

- Allow user to enter custom name during character creation. Keyboard required.
- Removed back buttom from Mission Control (aka pause menu) and replaced with "Resume" button from XBOX360 Mission Control.
- Removed buttons from load/save screen. These have been replaced with the controller bar.
- Added []'s around controller buttons in tutorial messages.
- A couple of tutorial message updates.
- Switched compression over to 7za.

0.1.0 Release Notes

- Removes the inverted Y axis by default.
- Fixes the DPad squad orders to match xbox 360 controls.
- Fixes Conversation DeadZone Issue in the conversation wheel.
- First beta release

0.0.14 Release Notes

- Changes the way the Mako zoom operates to be like the XBOX360. This could be a risky change as I'm using a class variable called m_nCurConvSelection to hold zoom state.
I'm guessing this variable doesn't operate outside of a conversation. Fingers crossed.

0.0.13 Relaase Notes

- Fixes the intermittent crash when browsing the map (hopefully).

0.0.12 Release Notes

- Switches the Mission Computer (aka the pause screen) controls to operate on from the Left Stick in a similar way to the conversation wheel instead of using DPad emulation. The
way it would have been on the XBOX 360.

0.0.11 Release Notes

- Allows the Quasar game at the back of Flux to be played with the controller.
- Allows the mini game to activate the laser to save liara to be cancelled.
- Allows better control over the mini game to activate the VI on Noveria.

0.0.10 Release Notes

- Fixes the accidental mapping of mako thrusters to the Y button.
- Fixes the problems experienced by players when selling items at a shop.

0.0.9 Release Notes

- Fix Tutorial messages for Femshep.

0.0.8 Release Notes

- Switch Mako thrust to the A button. X button is supposed to be for leaving and going back to the Normandy.
- Updated Tutorial messages to reflect controller commands.

0.0.7 Release Notes

- Fixes icon not getting updated when uninstalling xmods.
- Fixes "undefined" text on xmod screen

0.0.6 Release Notes

- Fixes Left and Right Analog stick inside the map screen
- Increases Right Analog Sensitivity for aiming.

0.0.5 Release Notes

- Fixes Right Analog scroll on the inventory screen.
- Fixes Right Analog scroll in the galaxy map.
- Fixes dead zone problems in the galaxy map.

0.0.4 Release Notes

- Fixes sensitivity issues for some controllers.

0.0.3 Release Notes

- Uninstalling xmods will now work but the icon will not show as blank. Still needs work.
- Removed debugging when pressing LB and RB.
- Removed the ability to mark up a mapped power with RB when out of combat.

0.0.2 Release Notes

- Added LB tap for last weapon switch.
- Added RB tap for mapped power
- Switch around keys to map xbox original and add Mako thrusters.
- Switched DESIGNER_UI back to the PC version. Looks like this was another minigame for doing things like activating the mining drill to save Liara.