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  1. EkErilaz
    • supporter
    • 27 kudos
    Due to being very busy with life, it's become necessary for me to cut down on my modding time, including troubleshooting support for BCAIC.

    Over the past few years I've answered a ton of posts in here, so it's very likely that any question or issue you might have has already been addressed. Try flicking through the pages before posting.
  2. EkErilaz
    • supporter
    • 27 kudos
    Check out the brand new BCAIC tutorial video here!
  3. EkErilaz
    • supporter
    • 27 kudos
    A major change to how master strikes work has been implemented in the most recent version:

    - Master strikes have been completely revamped: You now have to mirror the zone to perform it (though normal stabs can only be master struck from top right and top left, and high stabs only from overhead zone). The MS window for the player has consequently been widened, so it's quite easy to perform it when mirrored upon weaker opponents. Skilled opponents will also MS you occasionally if you strike into the mirror zone (or equivalent for stabs). This means that if you get master struck, it's entirely your own fault rather than some random chance. Thanks a ton to machinegod420 for showing how this could be done!
  4. EkErilaz
    • supporter
    • 27 kudos
    We've seen some excellent and advanced new mods recently by machinegod420, and one of them has surpassed my own meagre attempt at making polearms more useful. I highly recommend checking out his Polearms Unleashed mod.

    NOTE: I have made a patch for the Polearms Unleashed mod, found in my optional files section, which restricts the polearm perfect block ripostes (follow up attack after PB) to mirrored sides (except stabs and high slashes which you can riposte from upper left/right zone). E.g. if you attack from your right, and the NPC carrying a polearm is either in its upper or lower left zone, the NPC might perfect block and riposte you - and the same for the AI, e.g. if it attacks with a stab, and you're holding your polearm in either your left or right upper zone, you can follow up a perfect block with a riposte (or fast attack).

    This was done because I think the polearm riposte was too strong when it was triggered from every zone, especially with BCAIC's increased PB probability for the AI, and taking into account how fast the polearm riposte animation is.
  5. Behemelo
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I was finally able to win a Tourney and Duel Zoul on hardcore after many hours with this mod! It is so satisfying once you learn the combat system. At first i thought there were a lot of "unblockable" attacks and felt like enemies were cheating me - turns out i just didn't understand some key mechanics of the mod. Let me share some rookie tips i've learned so far.

    1. Perfect Block: [General Rule] Time perfect blocks at the start of the forward swing or very soon after.  However, some enemies do a slow/delayed Riposte that bait you into blocking too early. For the slow ripostes, take your time and finally block when he puts his body into the swing (slow right and lefts swings) or sometimes block at the wrist snap animation (mace overheads). Remember if the enemy does a Perfect Block, then their next attack is called a Riposte. Ripostes can only be perfect blocked (or Master strike as well?). If you felt you got hit by an "unblockable attack" it probably means you got hit by a Riposte and failed to Perfect block it.
    2. Feinting Past their Guard: Most combos are hard to pull off because the enemy usually blocks your initial attacks.  To get around this guard, what i usually do is hold an attack on their heads then feint and hit the low right. After the hit, you can chain strike follow up the upper left attack and move into your combo. 
    3. Play slow: Don't get too eager trying to combo without watching the effects of each of your hits. When you swing, confirm how the enemy reacts first - a hit? normal blocked? or perfect blocked? Hit will show a bit of recoil. Normal block will not lead into an attack and they just go "ooof." Perfect block will lead to a immediate riposte or a tricky slow riposte - you can tell because the enemy's weapon will stay in motion and move into an attack unlike in a normal block. 

    To the author, thanks so much for this mod! It really fixes many problems with the vanilla game and will still offer me many many more hours of trying to learn and master its mechanics!
    1. EkErilaz
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      This is great. Thank you for the write up. Might be very helpful for other newcomers!
  6. EkErilaz
    • supporter
    • 27 kudos
    There are several complaints about the clinch being too hard to pull off.

    This is intentional. In Vanilla KCD, the clinch is basically an exploit at higher levels. You can beat anyone by clinching and then hitting when they're stunned. The NPCs on the other hand will never follow up on a clinch, so them winning clinches is harmless.

    From this point of view, making the NPCs win clinches almost every time is a way to prevent this easy win exploit from ruining the challenge - without any real harm done to the player.

    What clinch is useful for still is to finish off low-stamina/health opponents (especially if they're also low-skill). It's a finisher, not a "starter" move anymore, as explained in the tutorial video.
  7. Exana97
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    For some reason, while using this mod, mutt cannot damage any animals but can damage/stunlock people. Any idea why this mod does this?
  8. Morning0v0Star
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Doesn't feel right about 19 meats from one boar, it's like 15 pounds meats come from one boar, not really immersion in my opinions 
    1. Morning0v0Star
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      After a hunt trip I found out the reduce meat actually make hunt more playable, in vanilla you hunt one boar thats about it ,you dont have the room to carry the meat, especially with this mod reduced carry weight a lot, and if you want lv hunt skill feel bad about waste all the meat 
  9. Nyghtrid3r
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    The clinch nerf feels wholly unfair. Now it feels like the AI is exploiting it against you (especially when they have shields, they will just spam it) and you have no defense unless you backpedal constantly.
    1. Morning0v0Star
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Fistfight tbh is way worse,and I found out if you dont hold S key they actually dont really clinch that much in real combat ,use stab to create space 
  10. WhoCaressz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    why is this called better combat if it makes literally the combat WORSE? LOL the combat in this game is already utterly s#*!
    1. Neeksta
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      It's better because combat became quite too easy after some level ups. In mid to late game you one shot everyone and Master Strike + Clinch was way too powerful.
    2. Morning0v0Star
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I guess you never player hard mode, for that mode is definitely better, otherwise just wait for MS no play or fight at all 
  11. PsychoYuri
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Any chance for a compability patch or something for the "More Sensible Weapons and Armor" mod?
  12. Politechnik
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    After deleting "zzz_BCAIC_OnlyInteractionHUD", the Bow reticle/dot, appeared. I deleted this file, as i like having vanilla HUD/icons, though Bow Reticle is a BIG NO NO.
    How do I delete Bow reticle, while having game HUD intact as in vanilla Hardcore mode?

    Edit: I fixed it. There's a file in the main directory called "autoexec.cfg". In this file, I changed "wh_pl_showfirecursor = 1" from 1 to 0.
  13. roanbez
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Can you help with editing the weight and Mule perk? I want them restored to vanilla values. 

    To edit weight I went to

    Inside there was a file called rpg_param__BCAIC. I edited the line to look like this: <row rpg_param_key="StrengthToInventoryCapacity" rpg_param_value="4"/>

    This seems to have done the job but I wanted to make sure I did it right.

    In the same pak file I found another xml called buff__BCAIC 

    I edited several lines to look like this: 

    <row buff_ai_tag_id="" buff_class_id="4" buff_desc="" buff_exclusivity_id="1" buff_id="28aba630-a4ca-4c7c-8961-40b9c7cf5c12" buff_lifetime_id="1" buff_name="perk_mule_2" buff_ui_name="" buff_ui_order="" buff_ui_type_id="4" buff_ui_visibility_id="" duration="-1" icon_id="0" implementation="Cpp:Constant" is_persistent="True" params="cap+15" slot_buff_ui_name="" slot_icon_id="" visual_effect=""/>
    <!-- BCAIC: -10 -->
    <row buff_ai_tag_id="" buff_class_id="4" buff_desc="" buff_exclusivity_id="1" buff_id="63d5e1a6-fa33-4f10-87d4-5b9c0e359c75" buff_lifetime_id="1" buff_name="perk_mule_3" buff_ui_name="" buff_ui_order="" buff_ui_type_id="4" buff_ui_visibility_id="" duration="-1" icon_id="0" implementation="Cpp:Constant" is_persistent="True" params="cap+15" slot_buff_ui_name="" slot_icon_id="" visual_effect=""/>
    <!-- BCAIC: -10 -->
    <row buff_ai_tag_id="" buff_class_id="4" buff_desc="" buff_exclusivity_id="1" buff_id="a684d24b-f828-4998-8164-acbadaa64af9" buff_lifetime_id="1" buff_name="perk_mule_1" buff_ui_name="" buff_ui_order="" buff_ui_type_id="4" buff_ui_visibility_id="" duration="-1" icon_id="0" implementation="Cpp:Constant" is_persistent="True" params="cap+15" slot_buff_ui_name="" slot_icon_id="" visual_effect=""/>
    <!-- BCAIC: -10 -->

    This did not change anything. The perks still increase carry weight by 5, 10, and 15 pounds respectively to their tier. 

    I like this mod but I want the carry weight values to be completely restored to vanilla. Also, now that I mentioned it, I don't have a horse yet but I would like to restore the carry capacity to vanilla values. What do I do for that?
    1. Flynski
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      For the  Perk changes. The text wont change, but the values will. I tested it just now and they did change. I also noticed that when I tested ClinchMaster.

      Also the values should be to add ten to each one instead of +15.
      <row buff_ai_tag_id="" buff_class_id="4" buff_desc="" buff_exclusivity_id="1" buff_id="28aba630-a4ca-4c7c-8961-40b9c7cf5c12" buff_lifetime_id="1" buff_name="perk_mule_2" buff_ui_name="" buff_ui_order="" buff_ui_type_id="4" buff_ui_visibility_id="" duration="-1" icon_id="0" implementation="Cpp:Constant" is_persistent="True" params="cap+25" slot_buff_ui_name="" slot_icon_id="" visual_effect=""/>
      <!-- BCAIC: -10 -->

      <row buff_ai_tag_id="" buff_class_id="4" buff_desc="" buff_exclusivity_id="1" buff_id="63d5e1a6-fa33-4f10-87d4-5b9c0e359c75" buff_lifetime_id="1" buff_name="perk_mule_3" buff_ui_name="" buff_ui_order="" buff_ui_type_id="4" buff_ui_visibility_id="" duration="-1" icon_id="0" implementation="Cpp:Constant" is_persistent="True" params="cap+35" slot_buff_ui_name="" slot_icon_id="" visual_effect=""/>
      <!-- BCAIC: -10 -->

      <row buff_ai_tag_id="" buff_class_id="4" buff_desc="" buff_exclusivity_id="1" buff_id="a684d24b-f828-4998-8164-acbadaa64af9" buff_lifetime_id="1" buff_name="perk_mule_1" buff_ui_name="" buff_ui_order="" buff_ui_type_id="4" buff_ui_visibility_id="" duration="-1" icon_id="0" implementation="Cpp:Constant" is_persistent="True" params="cap+15" slot_buff_ui_name="" slot_icon_id="" visual_effect=""/>
      <!-- BCAIC: -10 -->
    2. keopswho
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      on this line <row rpg_param_key="StrengthToInventoryCapacity" rpg_param_value="4"/> did you also remove the BCAI -3 ? im trying to edit so i get Mule perk 1 to give me 10 instead of 5 but for some reason is not changing. i also edited the value of this line from +15 to +20

      <row buff_ai_tag_id="" buff_class_id="4" buff_desc="" buff_exclusivity_id="1" buff_id="a684d24b-f828-4998-8164-acbadaa64af9" buff_lifetime_id="1" buff_name="perk_mule_1" buff_ui_name="" buff_ui_order="" buff_ui_type_id="4" buff_ui_visibility_id="" duration="-1" icon_id="0" implementation="Cpp:Constant" is_persistent="True" params="cap+20" slot_buff_ui_name="" slot_icon_id="" visual_effect=""/>
      <!-- BCAIC: -10 -->
    3. Rezandi
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      There's another buff__BCAIC.xml in zzz_BCAIC_OnlyInteractionHUD.pak, you have to tweak the values on both xmls for it to take effect
  14. ederwolf94
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Good compilation but with better combat addon, using the heal potions, especially lazarus potion became pointless... For it to cure you from 10% to 100% you have to wait over 4 HOURS IRL!!!!! THIS IS STUPID! Longer, ok but NO 4 HOURS! 
    Unfortunately, this makes me want to throw away this addon. 
    1. TheShadow2077
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      I presume you have realtime mod installed.  Yeah those will BREAK all consumables in game since they expect a fast in-game timescale. 
  15. Iditenahui1337
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Garbage mod that makes fights last for years because enemies will perfect block 99% of your attacks, makes combat tedious and sorely unfun. Absolutely not recommend. 
    1. Torvich
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      So use this mod as a template and edit the values yourself to make the AI use perfect blocks and dodges less often.

      Why do you have to be so brainless? Respect modders and leave constructive criticisms hoping for a fix rather then baseless insults.
  16. cyberdamn
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is terrible, perfect block is much harder but not for enemies who manage to block perfectly almost every time now, but their stupid combos cant be blocked lmao, even vanilla had better combat.
    oh yeah and hares having ~400 grams of meat is just laughable.