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Version 1.6.2 (10-01-22)

Better Combat : More Realistic Perks ; Regeneration ; Digestion ; Carry Weight ; Selling Prices ; Dirt Application
- Saddles have been rebalanced: "Plain" and "Hunter" saddles have had their capacity increased so none of them give an overall negative when the weight of the saddle itself is taken into account. "Noble" saddle has had its capacity slightly decreased, so in general the various saddles are more equal. There's also an overlap between the types now, so e.g. a "Hunter" saddle without bags can carry less than a "Plain" saddle with three or four bags.

Less Effective Pots : Less Alcohol Nourishment : Less Animal Meat
- "Spirits" now also has its nourishment halved.

Version 1.6.1 (04-06-21)

Better Combat : More Realistic Perks ; Regeneration ; Digestion ; Carry Weight ; Selling Prices ; Dirt Application
- mod.cfg now includes the console command to turn slow motion off completely (still requires "No Mo' Slow Mo" installed).

Better Combat Lite (optional)
- Now also comes with a mod.cfg that includes the console command to turn slow motion off completely (still requires "No Mo' Slow Mo" installed).

Less Effective Pots : Less Alcohol Nourishment : Less Animal Meat
- Raw meat now decays a bit slower (decay time increased by 12 hours) in order to make it slightly easier to complete hunting quests.

Version 1.6.0 (06-11-20)

Better Combat : More Realistic Perks ; Regeneration ; Digestion ; Carry Weight ; Selling Prices ; Dirt Application
- Skill level effect on damage has been lowered even further, and max damage in Normal mode has been lowered to the same as Hardcore mode - to avoid too over the top damage output when perks and skill level etc. stack up.

Less Effective Pots : Less Alcohol Nourishment : Less Animal Meat
- Animals now drop significantly less meat. Where before a hare would drop up to about 30 pieces of meat, they now drop around 3-4; the same goes for all other meat drops from animals, with a similar 7-8 times less.

Realistic Groschen Weight
- Groschen now have a weight to them, so you can't carry tens of thousands around without effort. The groschen of this time weighed about 3.6 grams. We can assume that one unit of weight in-game is about 1/3 of a kilo (that seems reasonable when considering the average weight of objects in-game; and the old Roman pound, i.e. "libra" which translates to "scales" which is incidentally the symbol used for the in-game weight unit, had about this ratio to kilo). This would mean that 3.6 grams (0.0036kg) is 0.0108 in-game units, which means e.g. 1000 groschen weigh 10.8 units (3.6kg).

Unlevelled Random Encounters : More Cumans Fewer Peasants
- NPCs generated in ambush encounters will no longer be scaled to the player's warfare level, now set at the same mid-tier skill and equipment no matter the player's level; avoiding having to constantly fight bandits equipped as knights throughout the forests of backwater Bohemia when you're high level - and also increasing early game difficulty.
- NPCs generated in skirmish encounters will no longer be over the top in some areas of the map (such as in Skalitz and between Talmberg and Pribyslavitz) now being weighted more towards mid-tier skill and equipment.
- The generated NPCs in both ambush and skirmish encounters will be much more randomly picked, so even though they're generally weighted towards mid-tier skill and equipment, there's a good chance you'll see both low and high tier enemies among them.
- There's now a significantly higher chance that you'll be ambushed by Cumans rather than peasants (normal bandit chance remains the same). Cumans will generally favour assaulting rather than halting the player - and also slightly more likely to be in a group rather than solo. Peasants, on the other hand (except drunkards) will be more likely to halt (and try to extort) the player rather than directly assault.

Version 1.5.4 (21-10-20)

Better Combat : More Realistic Perks ; Regeneration ; Digestion ; Carry Weight ; Selling Prices ; Dirt Application
- The AI master strike chance has been lowered significantly again since further play-testing revealed that setting it too high, using the new zone mirroring requirement, results in too many failed blocks, even more frequent when the AI level is higher than yours (since they will attempt MS more often, and if they're not in the correct zone they'll fail to block, which could be abused to win, e.g. by repeatedly stabbing to the face while they're not in the mirrored zone).
- General rebalance of AI behaviour: No Defence raised (almost back to default again, since lower level enemies would be too strong defensively otherwise), Perfect Block slightly raised, and, as mentioned above, Master Strike lowered.

Version 1.5.3 (07-10-20)

Better Combat : More Realistic Perks ; Regeneration ; Digestion ; Carry Weight ; Selling Prices ; Dirt Application
- Rebalanced both player and AI combat.
- Master strike window has been widened quite a bit more for the player (closing the gap between MS and PB) but the perfect block window narrowed a tiny bit.
- AI dodge probability increased, normal block and no defence decreased.
- AI slightly more on the offensive.
- AI will change zones a lot more frequently.

Polearm Perfect Block Patch
- This is a new patch for machinegod420's Polearms Unleashed mod. It makes it so the PB riposte for polearms is only performed when zones are mirrored; exceptions are stabs (can always PB riposte stabs) and high slashes (can PB riposte when in upper right or upper left zone).

Version 1.5.0 (25-09-20)

Better Combat : More Realistic Perks ; Regeneration ; Digestion ; Carry Weight ; Selling Prices ; Dirt Application
- Master strikes have been completely revamped: You now have to mirror the zone to perform it (though normal stabs can only be master struck from top right and top left, and high stabs only from overhead zone). The MS window for the player has consequently been widened, so it's quite easy to perform it when mirrored upon weaker opponents. Skilled opponents will also MS you frequently if you strike into the mirror zone (or equivalent for stabs). This means that if you get master struck, it's entirely your own fault rather than some random chance. Thanks a ton to machinegod420 for showing how this could be done!

Version 1.4.4 (07-03-20)

Better Troughs and Bath Services
- Female characters are now, by spending some extra time, able to clean themselves in troughs even though they're very dirty (mostly because baths are not available during the Woman's Lot DLC quests).
- The tool-tips now more accurately reflect the new use of the troughs.
- The dirt on clothing now updates instantly after using a trough rather than delayed (fixed by using the WashItems function before WashDirthAndBlood).

Better Combat : More Realistic Perks ; Regeneration ; Digestion ; Carry Weight ; Selling Prices ; Dirt Application
- Dirt application has been slowed down even more. If you use the troughs regularly you don't have to bathe often.

Version 1.4.3 (01-03-20)

- All localization changes have been gathered into one xml file that only edits the individual rows. This also means you just have to remove the individual lines (e.g. compass points) if you want to disable a part.

Better Combat (Lite)
- All tables are now once again mod-specific (I somehow messed up the 1.3.8 packing).

Better Combat : More Realistic Perks ; Regeneration ; Digestion ; Carry Weight ; Selling Prices ; Dirt Application
- The "Against All Odds" perk now gives 10% rather than 20% bonus.
- The "Chain Strike", "Blood Rush", "Furious", "Blacksmith's Son", and "Cuman Killer" perks have had their damage increase halved.
- Tool-tips for potion healing time etc. now included.

Medieval Timekeeping
- Text changes in the Monastery schedule restored. Now consistent with the Roman timekeeping.

Version 1.3.8 (21-02-20)

Sensible Blood Splatter
- Integrated a custom version of dDefinder's Blood Mod, with permission. This version is a lot more subtle: Blood splatter only appears when penetrating clothing or bare skin using a slashing/stabbing attack with a cutting weapon (mostly swords and axes). Unlike dDefinder's current version blunt weapons, arrows, hits that don't penetrate, and hits on armour (chainmail and above) won't cause blood splatter on the ground/surface - only the standard blood effects, if any. Credits: dDefinder's Blood Mod.

Dynamic Hoods : Better Bascinets
- The player now wears common hoods up except when also wearing a helmet or a hat. Note: Clipping will occur when using some padded coifs along with hoods, and multicoloured hoods will invert their pattern when hood up - nothing I can do about those issues. Credits: ctobias' Dynamic Hoods and Scarfs & hankyspanky69boi's All Hoods Up.
- Open bascinets (common and old) have had their stats buffed so they're no longer the worst helmets in the game.

Better Troughs and Bath Services
- Troughs now work differently: If the player is only slightly dirty the troughs can clean very well (blood cleaned off all weapons, worn equipment cleaned 95%, other inventory items 60%) but if the player is very dirty and/or is wearing any very dirty piece of equipment (>35%) the troughs can't be used; you'll have to use the bath services. Note: Being in combat can make you more dirty than you look, so a bath may be required afterwards. Note2: For old save games, you may have to bathe and launder once for all items to have their dirt reset, otherwise some items that may appear clean can prevent you from using the troughs.
- Bath services now fully clean all your inventory items, not only your worn equipment. Credits (for finding the WashItems function): EddieShoe's Trough Washing Deluxe.

Only Interaction Hud
- Discovery messages disabled. Credits (discovery message removal): petr222222's Hardcore Map Mod.

No GPS : No Fast Travel
- Minor map icons such as nests, camps, crosses, etc. hidden. Credits (map icon removal): petr222222's Hardcore Map Mod.

Longer View Distance for Light Sources
- This no longer works in the mod.cfg for some reason, so you'll have to copy the line into your user.cfg for it to work.

Version 1.3.4 (12-02-20)

- All Table xml files have been made mod-specific, meaning only rows that are modded are included, and thus much wider compatibility with other mods that include frequently used files like rpg_param.xml etc.

Version 1.3.3 (06-02-20)

- Dummy pak files removed.

Better Combat : More Realistic Perks ; Regeneration ; Digestion ; Carry Weight ; Selling Prices ; Dirt Application
- AI PB probability very slightly lowered, MS lowered, dodge and normal block raised in relation to the previous two.
- Player PB timing very slightly eased, MS probability lowered.
- Clinch timing eased very slightly. It has been balanced so top level players will have an easy time winning clinches against the first opponent of the tourney, they will be able to win against the second if he is down on stamina/health, and it will be very hard to win clinches against the last opponent unless he's comletely depleted.

Less Effective Pots : Less Alcohol Nourishment
- Pots now give 20 nourishment but drain 20 energy. This makes more sense to me as a way to limit the effectiveness of pots than the previous lowering of the nourishment to 5.

No GPS : No Fast Travel
- Dog icon removed from the map.

Polearms Sold and Unlocked
- As a little extra you can now purchase the Zoul hounskull helmet, both open and closed version, from the Sasau armourer.

Polearms Sold and Unlocked (alternative)
- In this version polearms are equipped in the shield slot. This means you can have them equipped along with your sidearm, as well as store and sell them. Note that you have to unequip a drawn polearm through the inventory, also when you want to use your sidearm. NPCs with polearms will now always use them in combat, though they will only have their sidearms visible out of combat.

Only Interaction HUD
- Headcracker perk announcement disabled. It was triggering even when the perk didn't fire.

Version 1.3.2 (08-06-19)

Better Combat : More Realistic Perks ; Regeneration ; Digestion ; Carry Weight ; Selling Prices ; Dirt Application
- Healing slowed down a lot more for both regular health and injuries.
- Food and potions will heal at a much slower rate.
- Revenant perk healing is 10 times slower.
- Exhaustion rate rolled back a little, but sleeping heals and regenrates energy a little bit slower too.
- Dirt applied slightly slower.

Version 1.3.1 (31-05-19)

No Arrow Trail
- Now works properly again.

Less Tattered NPC Attire
- Now works properly again.

Less Effective Pots : Less Alcohol Nourishment
- Now works properly again.

Better Combat Lite (optional)
- Fixed tool-tips to show the correct values.

Version 1.3 (30-05-19)

- Updated for version 1.9

Better Combat : More Realistic Perks ; Regeneration ; Digestion ; Carry Weight ; Selling Prices ; Dirt Application
- New tweaks to regeneration and digestion: your hunger and fatigue rates are faster so you now actually have to eat and sleep somewhat regularly; and wounds will last longer.
- Other minor adjustments to already present tweaks.

Version 1.2hotfix (18-03-19)

Better Combat : More Realistic Perks : Less Carry Weight : Lower Selling Prices : Slower Dirt
- Included a pak file with the old name as a dummy to ensure that you get the new values and features even though you overwrite the old version.

Version 1.2 (16-03-19)

Better Combat : More Realistic Perks : Less Carry Weight : Lower Selling Prices : Slower Dirt
- Added a new feature to this part, Lower Selling Prices, that lowers the amount of grochen vendors will give you for your items.
- Strength to inventory capacity decreased by 1 again (reverted to my former value) since the increase made it too arcade-y.
- Very slightly eased off AI Perfect Block and Master Strike probability.
- Made the Player's Master Strike timing narrower by a tiny bit.
- AI attack delay per enemy slightly increased (they still attack far more often than default).
- AI base attack delay lowered (they will be more aggressive, also when fighting 1 vs. 1).
NOTE: Please remove any older version of the compilation you might have before extracting this. Overwriting will result in duplicates due to the name change (added 'feature').

Better Combat Lite (optional)
- Combat tweaks as described above.

Version 1.1.9 (05-02-19)

- Updated for version 1.8.1

Better Combat : More Realistic Perks : Less Carry Weight : Slower Dirt
- Minor tweaks to AI combat behaviour, most notably a slight lowering of Perfect Block probability.
- Player Perfect Block timing narrowed a tiny bit less than before (made easier) and thus also the Master Strike timing.
- AI clinch timing very slightly widened (they are a tiny bit easier to defeat).
- Armour status effect on defense values slightly decreased (especially for Normal Mode).
- Dirt applied yet a little bit slower.
- Strength to inventory capacity increased by 1 (you now get 2 per point as opposed to 1 before, and 4 in Vanilla) due to the new mounting limitation.

Equal Base Armour
- Player and NPC base armour value lowered slightly (still being equal).

Medieval Timekeeping
- Text changes in the Monastery schedule removed due to compatibility issues with commonly used item sorting mods (can still be acquired from the "Medii Temporis - Medieval Clock" mod).

Version 1.1.6 (13-11-18)

- Changes have been properly documented within each file.

Better Combat Lite (optional)
- Initial release.

Version 1.1.5 (13-11-18)

Only Interaction HUD
- The use of hud.gfx has been abandoned due to it potentially causing too many issues.
- Localization changes and the use of buff.xml has been introduced instead to remove the remnants of the compass and the buff icons in the HUD.

Better Combat : More Realistic Perks : Less Carry Weight : Slower Dirt
- The tooltips for perks have been changed in the localization files to reflect the new values.

Medieval Timekeeping
- Initial release.

Version 1.0.3 (05-11-18)

Only Interaction HUD
- Fixed an issue that caused parts of the persuasion screen to be messed up.

Version 1.0.2 (29-10-18)

Only Interaction HUD
- HUD now also shows quest popups.

Version 1.0.1 (28-10-18)

Better Combat : More Realistic Perks : Less Carry Weight : Slower Dirt
- Combat tweaks and dirtying speed now also affect Hardcore mode!


Link to Nexus:

A compilation of mods that aim to improve combat and immersion in KC:D - made by EkErilaz

It's not so much an overhaul of any specific aspect as it's a number of tweaks to the game, compiled into a collection. It aims at immersion, but also more fun gameplay (especially combat); to some degrees it also promotes realism and harder difficulty, but that is not to say that every change is governed by that.

The compilation contains my personal mods, made by me, as well as mods that I use, created by others.

I have included mods made by others only if the creators have granted permission to do so, especially mods that have not been updated by said mod creators.

The compilation of mods is, of course, subject to personal taste, and you may want to disable parts of it either because you disagree with the changes or it conflicts with some other mod you're using.

The download includes the full compilation, but within the mod folder you can find each part in a .pak file of its own. To disable a part, simply remove the corresponding .pak file - or in the case of the mod.cfg, simply remove the line in question. (The text changes belonging to any of the parts can also be disabled by removing the .xml files used by that part from the language .pak files in the localization folder).

Underneath you can see what each part contains and what they change.

(NOTE: Outdated contents, see Nexus page for up to date information)





- Slightly shorter Perfect Block window and significantly shorter Master Strike window for player.
- AI Master Strike and Normal Block probability lowered, raised Perfect Block and Dodge probability.
- More aggressive AI (AI max attack delay lowered. Delay increase per attacker lowered significantly).
- AI is much better at clinching. Clinch perk only gives 10% bonus rather than 40%.
- Headcracker perk probability halved.
- Damage increased by skill halved.
- Armour force field decreased. Less armoured areas more vulnerable.
- Armour status effect on defense values slightly decreased (especially for Normal Mode).

Carry weight:
- Carry weight increase per strength level lowered to 1 from 4.
- All Mule perk effects lowered by 10.
- Horse saddle carry weight halved.
- Heavy Duty Pony perk gives 10% bonus rather than 20%.

- Contemplative perk now lowers exhaustion and digestion by 10% instead of completely disabling them.
- Vendors will give you a significantly lower amount of grochen for your items when you try to sell them.
- Dirt applied slightly slower than default.

NOTE: This part is made especially for use alongside "No Mo' Slow Mo" by Raok (



- Troughs can now clean you 95% rather than 80%.



- NPC and player base armour equalled. NPC has more and player has a lot less than default (more than a deer, but less than a boar).



- Pots only give you 5 nourishment rather than 25, also in normal mode.
- Alcoholic drink nourishment halved.



- All NPC classes have higher item health; NPC armour less damaged, tailors no longer in tattered clothes, etc.

NOTE: Unfortunately this only works upon starting a new game.



- The in-game clock has been remade to reflect medieval standards of timekeeping which divided day and night into 12 hours each, between sunrise and sunset and vice-versa, with the hour lengths depending on the time of year. The eight canonical hours have been added in Latin, signifying the hours of bell ringing and when you were expected to say prayer.

Credits (basic concept and textures): ilya1502 (



- Arrow trails removed.



- Sharpen effect when drunk removed. You still get other effects like swaying etc.

Credits: TheCorex (



- Player marker and fast travel removed, also for normal mode.

Credits: Kachiun97 (




- All of the HUD except for interaction elements and quest/level popups disabled.

NOTE: This part overrides the buff.xml file of the main part. This means it contains all the changes to buffs/perks of that part plus the changes to their visibility, and that if you tweak the buff.xml in the main part, you have to also do it in this one for it to take effect.

Credits: Nic0h (



- Polearm skill shown and polearms sold by blacksmiths.

Credits (shop_type2item.xml): Knoxogoshi (


- No automatic centering when riding.
- No depth of field in conversations.
- Longer view distance for light sources. (May cause flickering at times).

Note on usage: Feel free to tweak, change, re-apply, and re-publish any of my work, provided due credit is given (refer to secondary credits under each part).

Thank you to all user on Nexus that have made this possible!
