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  1. TheManualEnhancer
    • premium
    • 293 kudos
    Please report any bugs HERE

    Please include the following in your report:

    • Pc specs (CPU, GPU, RAM, SSD/HDD)
    • All files used (from main files and optionals)
    • As much information as possible about your issue

    I don't expect any more bugs, but you never know what could creep up...

    Please don't report "I get lower FPS with this" as a bug (if this somehow happens to anyone)... Comment here instead and I will try to help you with your particular situation......
  2. TheJDWats
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    This mod is magic. I was using the performance boost optional file from cyber drift (which will conflict with this one due it editing FloodMinNonLoadingThreads). I ran the bench mark without yours and my min fps was 26, max was 96 fps, and average was 64. Then I ran it again with your mod and with out the other file and the increase was in that average fps was +1, max fps was -1 but the magic happened on the min fps which was +25 fps. Now the game is butter smooth. Thank you for this! 

    I'm running on a Ryzen 9 3900xt CPU and RTX 3070, 32gb of ram
  3. avenuetheory
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Holy crap, these tweaks made Cyberpunk with a whole suite of mods playable on the Steam Deck.

    It also did wonders on my Macbook Pro with a RX560.

    Thank you!
    1. TheManualEnhancer
      • premium
      • 293 kudos
      Hell yeah! Awesome to hear :)
  4. anygoodname
    • premium
    • 253 kudos
    Thanks a lot!
    And thanks for splitting it in well described setting category files so users can easily identify it and choose preferred settings.
  5. Arkhe0
    • premium
    • 181 kudos
    Gained like 5-10 FPS on most pop places. Thank you so much for this, im now able to play with raytracing with a decent fps amount, on ULTRA/psycho.
    I will try it with my girlfriend computer tomorrow, i think she will enjoy it ! (she play on a GTX 1060, it will be a good game changer for her)

    Also i see the notepad for autosave, and i totally remove the autosave option i think i gained 1 fps or something like that, still good to take. I always press F5 to save soo :) 

    Thanks !
  6. Gamerskepeer
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The best and quality optimization mod ever. I think it should be supported for more development and updating.
    1. TheManualEnhancer
      • premium
      • 293 kudos
      Whenever I find new tweaks to improve performance (without degrading visuals), they'll be added :)
    2. Gamerskepeer
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      We are waiting for your updates. I get 10 15 FPS difference. my system;
      AMD 3900x CPU
      32GB Ram
      RX 5700 OC
      At high settings, sometimes 55-50 FPS, I experience instant drops. Normally I get 80-90 Fps.
      In addition, there is an unusual fps drop while driving. I realized it was because of Motion capture.
      Your mod is really nice. Graphically, there is no difference in the game. We are waiting for your updates. I wish you continued success. I'm following.

      Note: The settings that affect the game the most. Reflections. And shadows.

      Unnecessary settings; Volumetric smoke (cloud) I don't think anyone paid attention to this during the game. It makes a lot of difference in the game.
  7. mostafaPCG
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hi. i wanna know if this mod will make the game playable as I don't have minimal requirements. 
    GPU: GTX 1060 6GB
    CPU: intel core i5 6400
    RAM: 8GB
    I have an HDD
    ram and CPU is lower than minimal 
    1. TheManualEnhancer
      • premium
      • 293 kudos
      You're not gonna be able to play on an HDD (at least not smoothly)... If you had an SSD (even just a SATA SSD), you probably could play on that system with low/medium settings, though...
    2. Aske1836
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      my system is similar (gtx 980, i5 6600k) and i can run the game on 1080p lowest settings with FSR on ultra performance and this mod for a stable 1080p (well not rly with the upscaling) 60fps
    3. Colerian
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Man, use the FSR3 FG from Nexus for +10-15 FPS.
  8. KaneRonnie
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    i wish theres a cyberpunk steamworkshop.
  9. Aske1836
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    This mod is the best, gave me at least 30% more fps on my CPU-bound system
  10. Gamesbondcdm
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For some reason, my fps got worse in both versions
  11. kira5z
    • premium
    • 122 kudos
    Absolutely insane, i dont know what kinda dark magic vodoo you did but this upped my performance and stability all around.
  12. Mooonn
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Had to comment immediately after downloading and trying it, I can't believe the performance improvement lmfao, went from averaging 80fps to 90-100 and this is with using HD reworked project etc. What a great mod! I love u.
  13. Fabioguzs
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Beautiful mod, although it didn't give me much of a performance boost (+3 to 5 fps on my 4060 with rt overdrive) it did something even better: it
    fixed the performance degradation when using the map and/or inventory
    that was driving me crazy. It could only be solved by restarting the game before, so the mod did indeed improve the way the game handles vram.
  14. soobinhoangngoc
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    still a great mod, but can you fix the npc ambient occlusion problem ? i noticed that high ambient occlusion make the shadow under npc look so big and very off ( raster ), if this mod can fix it tho.
  15. dekanos
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    Hi, will it be bad if I will turn the ASYNC off if I am using GTX 1650?
    1. a7x5631
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      I'm using the same card and leave it off. It's not insanely noticeable but it's definitely better. 
    2. dekanos
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      I'm kinda confused now. Some Youtuber told me it's better to leave that on for GTX 1650s.

      They said: "No, 1650 supports it so its best to leave it on if youre cpu bottlenecked"
    3. TheManualEnhancer
      • premium
      • 293 kudos
      I'm kinda confused now. Some Youtuber told me it's better to leave that on for GTS 1650s.

      They said: "No, 1650 supports it so its best to leave it on if youre cpu bottlenecked"

      Not all cards that support it will run better with it enabled... Cards have varying levels of support for it...
  16. Marked04
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Been trying this mods and can make sure that they do work nicely (I'm using a potato laptop so an increase in playability are noticeable) in version 2.12a. I have no comparison of performance based on different version though. I have a question regarding the CET version though (I'm using the individual once at the moment.) 

    Where can I change the values like the one shown in the images??? I have the latest version of CET but all I can see in the console bit was some kind of start up logs. Also there are options in the native setting image that I don't see in my own game... (e.g. the resource loader throttle)