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Mod articles

  • 0cire420siulTweaksPackV1 Info

    Note: This is the exact same download that can be found in the "Miscellaneous" files section for my Psycho Crowds Improvements mod

    What does this include:
    Basically, the version of this mod without ASYNC Compute disabled (version for newer GPUs), alongside the main version of Psycho Crowds 3... So it improves the crowds and provides even more of an FPS boost (assuming you didn't already use it)... It also speeds up traffic... If anyone would like a version without the speedup, let me know and I'll whip one

    There are some slight changes between the tweaks in this mod and my personal tweaks, though... But they're pretty minor and shouldn't affect the performance uplift (and may even help it on some systems)...

    It also includes t...

  • Extreme Feature Toggles Values


    CharacterLightBlockers = false                   (this makes it so characters don't block light... I
    CharacterRimEnhancement = false            (gets rid of the artificial pure white rim lighting on the characters)
    CharacterSubsurfaceScattering = false     (light doesn't pass through skin anymore)
    DistantFog = false                                        (pretty obvious)
    DistantVolFog = false                                   (again, obvious)
    Distortion = false                                          (This one is subtle... Removes distortion from lights... Most noticeable with car headlights... I ...

  • Benchmarks

    Latest benchmark results (decided to use MSI Afterburner, but still the in-game benchmark):

    No performance tweaks/mods except for my "Half Crowd Densities" mod, which doesn't seem to even affect the benchmark (1080p, Ultra Preset with post-process effects like Motion Blur disabled):

    Average framerate  : 37.2 FPS
    Minimum framerate  : 24.7 FPS
    Maximum framerate  : 46.8 FPS
    1% low framerate   : 25.5 FPS
    0.1% low framerate : 3.4 FPS (lol... This was a real drop, and it basically always happens... Sometimes not quite this bad, though)

    With my "cire420siuolTweaksPackV1" ("Psycho Crowds 3" likely has no effect on the benchmark... Same settings, of course):

    Average framerate  : 39.1 FPS

  • (Almost) Pure Vanilla Benchmarks for Comparison

    Figured I'd share these here since this is my newest mod... Vanilla benchmarks... Almost pure vanilla... Removed all scripts, mods, and tweaks except base mods like CET ( from my testing doesn't affect performance much, if at all, unless I disable features with it, which I did not)...
