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SammiLucia and Xerme

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  1. sammilucia
    • supporter
    • 258 kudos

    • DLSS: 3.7.20 (Normal DLSS dll here, preset C, Force Auto-exposure: true, Resolution Offset: 0)
    • DLSSD: 3.7.0 (Ray Reconstruction dll here. 3.7.10 does not include SHaRC bounce cache! looks terrible)
    • DLSSG: 3.7.10 (Frame Gen dll here)
    • DLSS Preset C vs E

    • The DLSS Ray Reconstruction DLL 3.7.10 does not appear to include Nvidia SHaRC! (Bounce Lighting Cache.) You definitely want this. Use 3.7.0 instead. Happy to be proven wrong...
    • Please report bugs at GitHub (search first), or talk to me on HDR Den Discord or Cyberpunk 2077 Modding Discord (search for the Ultra Plus threads). I can't respond to posts when I get busy
    • Game crashing, or shadows smearing 🠞 Rename or delete %LocalAppData%\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077\UserSettings.json 
    • *New Slow/crashing screenshots use the Unwatched Dog patch 
    • If you have low FPS, try disabling your overlays (e.g. Steam, GameBar, NVidia)
    • Photo mode crashing? Try disabling overlays. This can also happen due to using non-standard DLSS scaling (ty to EtaKrysaTarakan)
    • Using RT+PT? Disable PT in graphics and enable RR (if you have it). You will likely also need to increase your gamma, or use RenoDX and a gold LUT (see the main mod page for recommendations)
    • To re-enable the GameBar, use this reg file
    • I recommend DLSS Preset C. Yes I'm aware of Preset E. No I don't agree 😊
    • Rectangles on left of screen? Use DLSSTweaks and in dlsstweaks.ini and change ResolutionOffset from -1 to 0
    • If you get really low FPS (even without this mod) and have 12GB or less of vram, CP is out of vram (see point 3 about the CP 2.1x bug). Set textures to Medium and remove 4k texture mods. Ultra+ tries to improve this problem, but I haven't worked out how to workaround it completely (CDPR need to fix)
    • FSR3 for Cyberpunk is out for NVidia users. Use the Universal version for least hassle 😊
    • For AMD CPUs, if you haven't, please run AMD's Auto Detect driver tool. If you've installed chipset and CPU/GPU drivers, Auto Detect will usually find important missing drivers
    • Generally, exclude 1) gamename.exe, 2) the game folder, and 3) shader cache from Windows Defender (or other) real-time scanning
    • Also exclude games from Control Flow Guard (click Start > type Exploit Protection > Click Program Settings > click Add program to customize > click Add by program name > type Cyberpunk2077.exe > Scroll down to Control flow guard (CFG) > Click Override > Switch to Off)
    • Enable Resizable Bar more info here and intro video here
    • There is a bug in CP 2.1 vanilla with black appearing on trees. It's a CDPR bug caused by the world position offset not accounting for mesh deformations due to wind... I.e. the textures do not move with the mesh. There is a workaround mod by TheCyanideX here

    Issues? Please let me know:

    • Version of CP = 2.xx
    • Mod version = vx.x.x
    • GPU / vram = ___ GB
    • Mod type and quality? ... Fast/Normal/High/Insane ... RT / RT+PT / PT20 / PT21 / Non-RT
    • Any other mods that might affect it, or does it happen in vanilla?
    • Please provide screenshots or video if possible
    • Crash error message

    Please be excellent to each other 😊❤️
  2. ferzogamer
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, i want to use only reflections of raytracing, whick presets i should turn on, raster or only rt? I have a 2060 6gb
  3. sakmakokk
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Recent update makes manually changed graphic options go back to default setting preset (that I selected in ultra+ cet) when I restart the game. Is this intended feature? Cause I want to adjust some graphic options.
  4. faritoste
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you for your great work!
    Version 5.1.2 appears to give me roughly a 10 FPS improvement, from 30 FPS in version 5.0.1 to 40 FPS with DLSS preset C and everything maxed out in the CP settings and using maxed out PT Next in Ultra+ settings.
    I have just one issue with ray reconstruction: I can't turn it on, it's greyed out in the settings.
  5. kromancer
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    After some testing I think 5.1.2 takes a step back from previous versions

    Using PT20 / 3080ti

    1. the performance is alot worse, 15+ fps worse (yes I waited for the shaders to compile on load) UPDATE: with no mod installed the FPS seems the same, so I think it's a bug where the presets are not applying and I'm getting vanilla performance

    2. For some reason this version likes to auto "apply" all settings I change in the menu, not a fan of that but I understand the reason behind it

    3. On game load, this version likes to reset my HDR settings, forcing me to change it back each time I load, my "snapshot" should've been what it was before I had the update but the mod only considered default HDR settings (HDR 10+ issue)

    The bright side is the boiling noise in pt20 is gone even when on using fast, (because presets arent applying right) but I'll repeatedly say that if we went back to the config setting that 4.0rd2 had, we wouldn't have the noise at all

    Gonna go back to that version again 😆 
  6. laguna80
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi Sammi, I'm trying soemthing new because the old modded cyberpunk gave me crashes so trying another env and all for fun along this mod.
    I'm following your mod suggestion but Im also trying to avoid using vortex, so installing all manually.
    The problem is:

     1) Download 00 FUJI ENV
     2) Rename it to start with zz so it loads after other ENVs

    I downloaded 00 fuji env and inside there's the correect folders, I assume I need to rename ##GITSHDR.archive to zz##GITSHDR.archive?
    Or all the files need to have zz in front? Sorry for the question, I'm new in cyberpunk modding and is still confusing compared to skyrim/fallout.
    1. Deepsoul26
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      I think it's just the GITSHDR archive that needs the zz in front of it. That's what I've done and it seems to work well alongside Ultra Plus and Nova City too. Leave the rest of the ReLight files named as they are. 
    2. laguna80
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you!! For now I only installed fuji env with g.i.t.s lut to try something different along this mod. I deleted the RTIDIY file from the ENV as suggested, so should be fine I think.
  7. AerynWu
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    Mmm using PT16, 20, and Next on the newest build and my skin glows orange under local lighting
    1. sammilucia
      • supporter
      • 258 kudos
      could you please give a screenshot?
    2. AerynWu
      • supporter
      • 12 kudos
      Ok after a bit more testing I think this is a similar bug to the PTNext hotsampling issue, but now it also gets triggered simply by loading into the game with PTNext enabled. Loading into the game with another graphics mode like PT16 and PT20 and lighting works normally. However, loading in with PTNext enabled causes this local lighting issue on V which takes over the game. Changing to other modes and reloading the game does not fix it. You have to close the game entirely then reboot it to get V's lighting back to normal.

      Below you can see PT16, PT20, and PTNext local lighting for V once the bug has been triggered. I've tried flipping various switches in UltraPlus but none that I've tried have undone this change once it's occurred. I can load into a fresh boot of the game with another graphics setting and then switch to PTNext and it seems to look fine, but I'm willing to bet that as soon as I hotsample the game the bug will fire again since it's existed in every previous iterations of this mod for a while now. However it's 4:14 AM so I can't stay up any later testing lol.

      As always thanks for all your hard work.

  8. ErichKitakami
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Posterization occurs in versions after 3.5.3.How can I improve it?
    1. sammilucia
      • supporter
      • 258 kudos
      what mode is this?
    2. ErichKitakami
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      PTNext in the screenshot
  9. Qballl
    • member
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    I use a 3070ti laptop and when I tried the RT + PT version, I lost over 20 FPS.  Is it ok to use any LUT with this mod?  Or, should I remove all other LUT?  I am not using any reshades.  I also have the default 2.12a DLSS version.

    Emotional vision LUT
    Vanilla Plus Visual Enhancement

    CP:  2.12a
    Mod:  4.3
    GPU:  3070ti  8GB
    Mod type;  Tried Normal and Fast
    No crash, just big hit to FPS.
  10. KurtRoar
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can someone explain what the radiance cache accuracy setting does? Don't understand it
    1. Skipwoof
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      "radiance cache" = "SHaRC". It's for "additional RTXDI denoising of path tracing and a nice performance boost and hopefully help with AMD denoising"
    2. sammilucia
      • supporter
      • 258 kudos
      maybe I should just call it lighting cache or bounce lighting cache ? 🤔 ... something clearer...
    3. KurtRoar
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      ok thanks I've just been using it on Quality since I don't see noticeable fps difference between the Performance and Quality option
    4. decamarks
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      If I have a 4070, what should it be set to?
    5. Deepsoul26
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      @decamarks I would prescribe for you- I dose of either PT20 or PT21 using low or medium quality setting and set your DLSS to Quality. Make sure you select the Appropriate VRAM for your 4070 in the Ultra Plus CET and see how you go with that. You're 'ugly looking game' symptoms should begin to subside straight away, but if you still feel the effects of 'game ugliness' try adjust your quality settings to get the best mix of performance and game sexiness. Come back and see me in another week and let me know how you go. 

  11. mattmartin609
    • supporter
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    Do you recommend switching from DLSS 3.5.1 and DLSS 3.5.0 (Ray Reconstruction) to the ones you listed?
    1. Deepsoul26
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      I can answer that. You certainly should. Do it. Get DLSS Tweaks and use preset C. Trust Sammi, she knows her sh**