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  1. KainOver
    • member
    • 1 kudos

    For any issue, info or request you can ask me here.
    Please leave a feedback either if you like the mod the way it is or have any improvement to suggest. Thank you!
  2. KainOver
    • member
    • 1 kudos

    Changelog of the 1.1 update. (September 2023)

    Good for the player.
    Adjusted the Whip skill to do better damage (From 35% to 45%). Slightly balanced few other skills as well.
    Reduced even more all ingredients needed to craft (Usually requiring only 1 or 2 for each Material).
    Raised all drop rates to a Min of 6%. Also raised some other drops from 6% to 8%.
    Slightly raised Rat Shard damage.
    Slightly reduced enemies HP on galleon (Bone Morte and Dullhahammer By 10HP, Everyone else By 5HP).

    Less good for the player.
    From Valac onward, bosses doesn't suffer poison or curse anymore.
    Slightly raised all enemies and bosses resistance to shards (They will take around 10 damage less), starting from underground waterway (After Bloodless).
    Reduced Tiz Rosain Mp Cost (By 10) and Damage (It's gonna be around 50 damage less). Also now requires Queen's Tail instead of Diamond to Craft.
    Skull Necklace now gives +20% shard damage instead of +25%.
  3. Blackwing75
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hi, im stuck and idk if its the mod that is causing it, i took the dragon twin boss down and get the silver bromide, i took the photo and when a speak to OD nothing happens he is not trigering the pass for the train...any fix? ty
  4. konosubaaa
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    Tried the mod on nightmare and I just reached hidden dessert 

    Very fun and challenging and broken shards are nerfed so you have to rely more on your knowledge and dodging skills 

    Although some shards such as bolide blast and rega storeama are still broken

    May write a more detailed review on it once I finish the run

    Just returned to the game to try chaos mode, got disappointed, then I found this mod and I don't regret returning anymore
    Thx KainOver
    1. KainOver
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      • 1 kudos
      Thank you. I really appreciate It. It makes me Happy to know this much people enjoyed and found the mod fun.

      About broken shards, tell me if there are others you find overpowered, since I'm already recompiling those files to update It to 1.5, I might as well put some Little final balancing into It.

      Also a question. How did you manage to play the mod? You accepted the graphical glitches in the 1.5 update, or you downloaded the 1.4 version to play It? In case you played on 1.5, There are other glitches except the scarf One?
  5. Aisenkuis
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    Tried to play the mod, but Miriams starting scarf is hovering above her. Graphical bug. I tried to play without the mod, and then the scarf works normally. I guess the mod is not updated for May 2024?
    1. KainOver
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      • 1 kudos
      What you are saying is sadly true. The new update created this glitch in the mod, and I don't know if going further there are gonna be more bugs. I'm not sure when I'm gonna update it, since it is a lot of work. And maybe they release other fix update that could broke the mod again. I think I'm gonna wait and think on what to do. Sorry about it.
    2. Aisenkuis
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Totally understandable. I guess I start my first run of Hollow Knight then :D
    3. KainOver
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      • 1 kudos
      Started doing It. Its probably gonna take some weeks. I'll let you know when its ready.
    4. Lokharte
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      As someone who just bought the game, I'm eagerly awaiting your mod update friend! Game is too unbalanced for me to enjoy currently
  6. birkir211
    • member
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    Amazing mod my dude! The increase in difficulty is making the game really fun. I had some trouble in the beginning before i got good gear, but now that i am at the twin tower area i am having not such a tough time. 

    I wanted to post here about the petra ray shard skill..
    The cost to use it is 999MP/S 
    This makes it completely unusable. Just a very minor thing that doesnt really bother me, but you should know about it if you were unaware.
    1. KainOver
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you very much. I'm happy you are enjoying it.

      About the Petra Ray Shard it was intentional. I quote what I already wrote in the description of the mod :"SHARDS : Completely removed the STONE mechanic, as it was pointless to keep a skill that instantly vanish all the mod balancing purpose."
  7. bluedays
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    I'd like to know if there is a way to change back to the old techniques command, I find the "UP UP" command very hard (with analog) to perform especially in mid-air that making "flying air kick" for platforming a hell to me. The mod is perfect I am having a blast. As someone who have completed fresh nightmare at least 4 times, I think your mod makes the game even better.
    1. KainOver
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Sadly there is not, unless manually reverting it back. To do so you should unpack the mod and then either modify the artscommandmaster, or swap it with the original one. But if you do so, you would lose the MP cost and the Expertise balancing as well.

      Thank you, glad you are enjoying it!
  8. Trazgoth
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    Currently going for a nightmare playthrough. I'm just before Bloodless at about 7 hours, I'm not expecting to be able to beat the full game, but it's the most fun I've had since my initial run.
    1. KainOver
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      • 1 kudos
      I'm happy you are liking the mod. How did your nightmare run end? Did you finish the game?
  9. Araline
    • member
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    Has anyone been crazy enough to try this mod in Nightmare difficulty?
    1. KainOver
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      • 1 kudos
      The user haruko did it. I don't know how it did end. Did you try it yourself?
  10. Magatsuhi111
    • member
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    After I installed the mod, unfortunately I'm not able to perform the weapon techniques, has anyone had a similar experience? I believe that maybe it's not exactly this mod's fault, thank you all in advance

    EDIT please ignore it, it was just stupidity on my part, I just managed to perform the techniques
    1. BigBigMint
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      我也有同样的问题,无法使用对角线按钮和其他一些能力施放许多技能,例如武士刀的 →←→+ 攻击。当模组卸载时,这些武器技能可以正常释放。作者好像改了技能的释放按钮,看看这个mod页面的图片吧

      Author's description
      TECHNIQUES: I rebalanced all the techs powering up the weak ones and tuning down the strong ones. Also changed input and time needed to do techs easier and with no directional imprecision (Usually "Up Up" OR "Down Down" OR "Down Up" OR "Up Down" AND Attack). I UPLOADED TWO IMAGES THAT LISTS ALL TECHS AND THEIR NEW INPUTS. You can check them in the image section.
  11. LetsRollPlay
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    (Wasn't aware that this mod has been updated! Stopped playing a about a month or so ago but picked it up again recently!)

    I've really been enjoying this mod. I like this updated balance and it was a blast to play through. Feels like it gives a good amount of challenge, and the boss fights especially felt better. Instead of being long slogs, they felt quicker, but high-stakes. The changes to the weapon vs. shard balance is a nice change too. I like that it makes shards feel more powerful and emphasizes the concept of Miriam being a "Magic Weaponsmaster", especially as you approach the end of the game.

    There were some boss fights that surprised me, but on the whole, there isn't anything really negative I can say. The surprise fights were really just the ones that I "didn't remember being this difficult" or it being more dangerous, like the Gebel fight.

    Despite the recent update too...I do kind of enjoy being able to let poison do its work on the bosses.

    Until then, great mod!
    1. KainOver
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Yes, I remember talking with you on Discord. About the bosses, I really wanted them to feel like boss battle, and not the usual 30 second spam fight between castle zones. And considering this, I really feel like Poisoning Bosses it's kind of cheating. If I could manipulate it in order to let it wear off after some time, I would implement it better. But this way, you just spam some poison, then change to regular weapon and fight the boss in a much easier version. That's why I wouldn't touch it. Poison it's too strong.

      By the way I'm really glad you liked the mod! All the people commenting here are making me feel like I accomplished everything I wanted to. Thank you very much!
    2. LetsRollPlay
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      The poison is a fair point, and considering how the boss fights have been retooled, I can get behind your argument. That said, there's something fun knowing I can add on some extra % damage along with my usual damage.

      I DID almost accidentally kill Gebel with it though at one point, haha.

      Until then, no problem at all! As I mentioned, great mod, and super fun! :)
    3. KainOver
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I agree on that and I would really like to do it in a more balanced way. I could make a lesser % of HP taken, but It would impact yours and the enemies poisoning as well, making it useless. I really wish there was a way to make the bosses wear poison off after a set amount of time.

      Thank you again!
  12. pir3sbruno
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    The game was very nice but to easy, you fixed the game! i'm lazy so i'll just tell what i think of your mod in one word: PERFECT!.
    1. KainOver
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you very much for your feedback. It's very much appreciated!