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About this mod

This is a slightly fixed version of "Savage Doubled Enemy" by SavageMessiah5. I'm patching this in the author's stead since they have IRL issues preventing them from modding.

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Should the original author returns, this mod will be deleted. Should the original author requests it, this mod will be deleted. Until then, I'm taking it upon myself to maintain it.
Do note that I did this out of annoyance and have no expertise whatsoever regarding modding. So feedback and advice is appreciated.

Installation: same as the original mod

For now I'm assuming most people using this mod would want to disable summon cloning, let me know if you want to enable the feature, since I'd need to detach some of the bug fixes out of summon cloning  script 

Mods compatibilities:
+ Will work with any mod that add enemies, EXCEPT when the mod in question has a new version AND its author changed template NPC between version, the NPCs that you killed along with its clone. This WILL cause ctd on loading with a newer version.
- Resolution: Use Summon Tutorial Chest, or Trashcan: load outdated version, store the dead bodies into the container then save AFTER the container is gone. Exit bg3, update to newer version the load the save you just made. You should successfully resolve the ctd, at the cost of said NPC springing back to life and initiate combat, if you stayed where their bodies were upon saving.(Example: Additional Enemies Extended 3.2.0 -> 3.3.1, ctd on loading a save if the DIsplacer Beast and its clones near the Goblin Camp bridge are already dead in that save)
+ Also Additional Enemies Extended : Underdark dog's grave portion where you encounter 2 Lesser Bullettes, their clones will be invisible without the status 'invisible'. Either blacklist them or bring Faerie Fire / wait for them to strike, you can fire arrows at the clones and can still hit and do damage, but they won't reveal themselves.
+ If an added enemy is based off of a boss with legendary actions, they will receive them. The actions cannot be permanently disabled, since they reactivate each turn. (or until I come up with a script to disable them each time they are turned on)

Added features:

Additional variables in config for gameplay customizaton, including:
+ Disable potentially infinite cloning on revival effects(you miss out on clone xp, but more managable)
+ Toggle clones' xp to match original's (note that you'll level even faster with this on, because most humanoid clones give 1 xp)
+ Toggle and customise randomisation of number of clones for each enemy. ( I am not responsible for your ctds if RNG decides to give you maximum numbers you set up yourself) 
*This setting will be enabled if upper bound > lowebound (i.e to enable randomness for bosses, set BossLowerBound < BossUpperBound, the rest however many you want) . The script will use static number of clone in config if this check fails (randomness  is disabled by default)
+ Toggle giving clones original's items, inform me if it's not doing so while enabled or clones start fisting on while disabled
+ Adjustable xp modifier for clones, formula is xp gain = max(0, round_down_to_integer(XP*XPmodifier)).
* should a non-summon enemy not give xp, its clone will (if its template has xp >0)
+Clones should now share original's passives, spells, boosts attribute points and resistance/immunity
+ Added optional SummonXPClones to allow summon cloning only if they give xp (may be relevant to some mods, but not vanilla). Note that you still have to change SummonClones > 0 (and/or relevant lowerbound, upperbound) for this to work. 
+ Added option to clone original inventory for clone to use. You can toggle whether unique item and/or consumables are cloned along with other items. Note that this doesn't work for unique items being equipped by the original at the point of cloning, i can remove them, but then that'll cripple the clones since most of unique item bearers are bosses or strong mob

Fixes done:

- Inability to change in-game cloning beyond 1 due to Patch 6 release. As a side effect, the clones no longer bunch together but spread out, so make sure your characters have plenty of open space for cloning (unless you turn off teleporting clones)
- Summons being treated as regular enemies: currently detects:
+Worg companion
+Young Mud Mephit
+Cloaker Phantasm
+Hag Doubles
+Helsik's Gilded Boar
+Gerringothe Thorm's gilded halberd
+Invisible Helper (*Let me know if the original still spawns, they might when afflicted by cloned status, idk)
*Enemies not yet added to blacklist
*MCM version can deal with this easily by typing the enemy name, i can't do the same for non-MCM, that requires UUID
(I need names of these, not displayed name on screen, but data name shown in the script extender console when cloning is in progress, such as UNI_TWN_LiftingTheCurse_Shadow_Summon_78b5bf65-4e31-59ba-a8f7-814943e1361d for Oliver's shadowfriend)
+ Claw of Tu'narath from Inquisitor W'wargaz
+ Skeletal Involucre from Ketheric Thorm
+ Basically any honor mode-exlusive summon that don't give xp
* For existing codes restriction I can't add a config option for you to exclude enemies with certain keywords so you don't have to find all of their unique uuids for blacklisting. Either you blacklist as the original mod instructed, or I add the keywords into the script for them and include some exception if some other unrelated enemies have the same keyword.
+ Temporary HP bypass: Replaced the temporary HP system of the old mod with new script. While it's been proven to work, the game will not visually update clone's current hp unless damaged, and max Hp isn't updated at all (it all checks out in their data though). This is only relevant to Tatician/Explorer difficulty, since the modes increase/decrease stats from default Balanced values, which the clones will always spawn with. 
+ The above is the same with resistance, immunities and ability scores. What displays on inspection of the clones may not agree with the clones data when queried by the script extender.

Fixes not done (probably not ever):

-Bugs about weird status effects on clone (e.g animated armour clones under antimagic field can move around): For now please apply status effects AFTER the fight begins, the mod will copy ALL status effect of the original at the moment combat begins, which may have unintended side effects.
-Weird clone behaviours (e.g Ethel Hag clones don't have name and will end combat upon original's death): This mod doesn't touch any AI behaviour AFAIK, so chalk it up to the game engine/ AI scripting, maybe, probably.
-Immunity to disarm: IDK how to fix this

Might-be-asked questions:

-Infinitely xp farm or enemy hell Revivify/No Rest for the Wicked: Can now be toggled on/off in config
- Self-same trial clones oddities: You are still only able to target the original mirror self, Shar will take offence upon hitting a clone without first killing the original mirror self. Once they're dead the others are free game. (working on it)
- They are (not) Billions clones in Act 2 fights (worse if you have Additional Enemies, even with fixes): The mod still works as intended. The issue here is that somehow the clones are susceptible to the Shadow Curse even if the originals aren't, which leads to this situation: (this no longer happens if you turn off REVClone in config)
+ Clone dies with Shadow Curse active
+ Shadow Curse activates, reviving the clone
+ This mod activates, cloning the revived clone 
PROS: massive xp gain, exponentially increases as you up the clone number
CONS: massive lag due to exponential increase in enemies.
As a side effect of this secondary cloning, if the newly added clones are revived right into a damage zone (Hunger of Hadar, Wall of Fire, Spirit Guardian, etc.) and die, they will continue to proc the damaging effect EVERY 6 SECONDS as corpses, only stuffing them into a container will relieve your PC load (As to how they die, there seems to be a delay before adding temporary HP to match the original total HP, so if they get constant AoE while cloning is in progress, this happens
-How much xp do the clones give ? IDK, but it will most likely not the xp of the original enemy, except for unique cases like bosses. Reason is a bit long: 
 +There's only 1 function in the script extender (for now) for spawning creatures, and it uses template (the base creature of a given character). This means the clone xp  = template xp, which may or may not = vanilla character xp. 
 + For reference, throughout my playthroughs, (reached the end of Act 2 with clone normal + boss config 2,3,4,5,9 with xp cap modified to be x1,x1.5,x2,x2.5,x5 original respectively  and with UnlockLevelCurve), I always get around lv 13-15 with all quests completed and enemies slain, higher clone = faster level even with adjusted level cap, so in general your total xp gained from clone (if it's 1 clone) > your total xp gained from vanilla enemies.
This means without increasing xp cap and unlock lv 13-20, you'll reach max lv near the end of act 2 in the latest.
+ I've added XPModifer function to let you tweak xp gain from clone.
Balance however you wish
- Characters that turn hostile mid-combat aren't cloned: This is by design of the script structure: The entire thing will only activate upon either the party joining combat or a new enemy joining combat, switching side doesn't count and IDK the code to detect that.
-What's with the temporary HP on the clones ? fixed, optional , although it still appears as if it's not. Only visual though. Glut is exempted from this, he gets temporary hp because the fix doesn't work on him, somehow
-Compatibility with other mods? Might get in the way of other mods using BG3SE if they modify enemies such as Combat Extender or Configurable Enemies, I can't make whose script take priority and scripting ignores load order (at least with CE and SDE interactions), so solutions would be slow and case-by-case

Questions I will answer with IDK it just works:

- Kethetic Throm 1st fight bugs? Burst down original Ketheric, there'll be another proper fight after cutscene with the clones
- Scrying Eye clones not joining combat: they don't even do anything
- Astral Prism fight clones (the ones before going into the portal) not joining combat: Post-revelation drunkeness ?
- Gerringothe Throm and Surgeon clones being idle (will still trigger reactions): free xp I guess? 
- Gremiskha clone crash: my pet theory is that the little bastard has way more data per creature than the other mobs due to wild magic allergy mechanic, so the game ctd upon handling too many of them at once.
-Grym forge clones multiple threat assessment at once upon original's death: don't get onto the platform, just let them stomp themselves to death.
- Illegal clone corpse looting: fog cloud
- Houndmaster Pol clones are human: you surely are drunk (idk how to fix this)
- Steel Watcher clones immediate activating self-destruct: They have no will, and they must suicide. (idk how to fix this)
- Iron Throne Sahuagins clones idle + end scene ctd: just turn off cloning during the whole scene. (idk how to fix this)

Unintended side effects:

-Remember that Spectator Pokeball ? The clones are hostile to everything, including to the original and each other, easy xp gain.
- You got greedy and think you can farm Spectator xp by opening it out in the Shadowland ? ALL of their shadow-cursed undead original + clones are allies now and will gank on you. Congratulations, it's a hidden boss fight, with (n+1)^2 Spectators, and their rays are innate abilities, not spells, so undead spectator can cause paralysis and fear. Your lv 10 party-limit-broken team might just barely survive them. (no revive version doesn't support this, no special boss fight for you)
- The game will still treat certain cutscene based on whether all orignial enemies are dead, ignoring their clones, this would mean NPCs would walk right into your AoE spells and die mid-combat if you aren't careful (e.g. Gnoll-zhentarim fight, Bugbear Assassin fight and Halsin portal defense)
- For those using Combat Extender, the clones will get their stat buff thrice (idk how, should be twice) compared to vanilla enemies, I'm thinking of a way to exclude changes made by CE from applying more than once. Currently waiting for permission to use their assets, because I can't think of a way to exclude CE statuses without identifying them, which needs CE asset.