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  1. kmcsjr
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Sticky go use the forum lol. I'm sorry. Today is the first I realized forums exist and stickys mean we can't add to lists (crazy embarrased eye emoji)
    1. mjthefirst
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Dude's talking about sharing uuids for anyone interested in adding some to the blacklist. (this is no longer needed if you use MCM version)
      If you "NUH UH" and post here anyway, at least hide them in a spoiler, anyone would be frustrated with long lines of texts while finding what they need.
      Also, when you decide to post pictures, please add [spolier] before and [*/spoiler] (remove the *) after the picture to hide it in a spoiler button, else the scrolling will be very long for other people.
      For the attribute disparity, i'm working on that, there's something increasing enemy stats beyond their vanilla attributes
      To edit the config, go to C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Script Extender\SavageDoubleEnemy_Config.txt (Assuming you use Windows and OS is stored at C, idk for other OS)

      Regarding the MCM version of SDE just released: for blacklisting enemies, you need to type the localised full name of the enemy. This will stop all entities with the name from being cloned, no more needing to hunt for all of their UUIDs. By default 3 entities are blacklisted:
      Oliver, Ansur, and Invisible Helper
      Please reset the blacklist for the latest version 1.11.2 , you'll get errors without it, but now the function is more accessible, sorry about that.
  2. IxZing
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Clones for human NPCs dont have any abilities or passives. For example Zealots in moonrise just run around and make a single weapon attacks. Is this normal or a weird interaction with the other mod im using combat extender
    1. mjthefirst
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Wierd interaction then,
      I'm using Configurable Enemies and if a Goblin Booyagh can cast Cloud of Daggers, all of its clone can cast that spell to
      I'm also using Absolute Wrath, and the clones share all the passives and abilities of the original, in addition to their unique passive/active

      Some clones have wacky AI though, the suicide bomber goblin clones don't do anything regardless of what I tried, but it shouldn't hapeen to zealots, and without their original abilities/passives too
  3. jc4rl05
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    please add:
    duplicated enemies transformations (transform clones into new types of enemies)
    duplicated enemies consumables (clones receive new consumables)
    duplicated enemies equip (clones receive new equipament)
    duplicated enemies spells (clones receive new spells)
    duplicated enemies boost (clones receive auras and status bonus)
    enable/disable duplicated enemies drop added itens

    1. mjthefirst
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      duplicated enemies transformations (transform clones into new types of enemies)
      this requires some kind of database for enemies to transform into, and balance, and whole new categories to balance, which you can get just by downloading Combat Randomizer ?
      duplicated enemies consumables (clones receive new consumables)
      again, this requires a database of consumables, and IDK if enemy AI is designed to use whatever random consumable they get, i've seen them using scrolls and healing potions but not anything else, even traders as enemies
      duplicated enemies equip (clones receive new equipament)
      Again, database for equipments they can get and balance. At present the mod duplicates whatever the original has with some options towards consumables and trader inventory
      duplicated enemies spells (clones receive new spells)
      Beating the dead horse: database for spells, with possible modded spells thrown in. Other mods like Configurable Enemies already take care of this, and for some reason I can't add spells the original doesn't possess to its clones with the current script. The current settings will copy whatever spell the original has though, unless you found a bug in this part ?
      duplicated enemies boost (clones receive auras and status bonus)
      Try Absolute Wrath ? Granted the clones will receive the original's bonus in addition to their unique boost, but you can balance that with reduced stats using other mods, gear mods and number of clones in this mod
      enable/disable duplicated enemies drop added itens
      THis is already present in the settings

      I DO appreciate the feedback, but some of these suggestions are already done via other mods, and consumable + equipment depends on vanilla database of them, which I CAN get, but i need a logic train to distribute them, like how fully decked should a mob be, and with what ? what about non-humanoid mobs ? etc.
    2. jc4rl05
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      There are already some mods for duplicating or creating random enemies with new equipment and spells, however they always change the original enemies too, causing several problems, I think that as this is more configurable (mcm) these problems could be overcome... 
      this mod ( https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/3255/?tab=description&BH=7 ) changes everything and does not keep the original enemies (changing everything and causing problems as a result)...
      the point is: create copies and modify them (new enemies, spells, equipment) while keeping the originals unchanged. Is it possible to do this with mcm?
      Thank you for your effort and help in any way...
    3. mjthefirst
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      I see, if i clone the enemy and only alter the clones it's perfectly safe, i will take a look at how that mod work then try to implement that to SDE
      THanks for the suggestion
    4. jc4rl05
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you so much for trying
  4. EBarracuda
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    So for the most recent version of the MCM Variant, I have been getting this error with the console when trying to spawn a random number of enemies between 0 and 2:

    DEBUG: Enemy: S_FirstFight_Imp_Melee_01_07f1512b-efe9-4eb8-8ade-783435e9d7c9
    bg3se::esv::lua::OsirisCallbackManager::RunHandler(): Osiris event handler failed: [string "SavageEnemyDoubler/BootstrapServer.lua"]:27: bad argument #1 to 'for iterator' (table expected, got string)
    stack traceback:
            [C++ Code]: in function 'next'
            SavageEnemyDoubler/BootstrapServer.lua:27: in global 'CountInstances'
            SavageEnemyDoubler/BootstrapServer.lua:213: in function <SavageEnemyDoubler/BootstrapServer.lua:208>

    Hope this helps, if you need more information just ask!
    1. mjthefirst
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Does resetting the blacklist located in the last tab of the mod fix the issue ?
    2. EBarracuda
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      It has! Thanks for the quick response!
  5. Sa1ntZero
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For those of us using the MCM, the Blacklist text input field is... Tiny. Are there any plans to expand this? It only lets me input 3 UUID entries unless I'm doing something wrong?
    1. mjthefirst
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      dude, write their names instead of their UUID, the display name on inspection
      I wrote so on the sticky post and the release of 1.8 version
      I'll make the field occupy several lines then
    2. Sa1ntZero
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Dude, consider making a new sticky since it's a major version update. I imagine users will need to blacklist more than 3 entities if they're using the MCM.
    3. mjthefirst
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Aye, i made the sentence bold, that should help visibility
    4. Sa1ntZero
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks, man!
    5. Volitio
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      MCM 1.6+ has a list input type and a Multiline option for the text input type
    6. mjthefirst
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Thanks, i'll test the list type
  6. Kaiukian
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Very noble of you!
    1. mjthefirst
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Thanks !! I like big damage number with AoE, and I can code. Might as well share with others who like using the original mod.
    2. Kaiukian
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      I hope you go far with your talents! Goodness, I wish I had the attention span to learn to code. Alas you bare gifts, and you shared them, that is why I think very highly of you. 
      +Respect +Kudos +Follower
  7. SoraGodFallen
    • premium
    • 19 kudos
    Hello again friend!
    There is a problem, when I was updating the translation of this great mod, you used the same handle for both Rel and the handle for the savage, for example this:
    In rel it is "Very rare drop rate" and here it is for "Make clones give the same xp as their originals"
    In rel it is "Give REL-inserted loot priority" and here it is for "Toggle whether clone drops loot (if their templates contain loot)"
    PS: For future changes, should I post this in the bugs section? or just here in the posts?
    1. mjthefirst
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      Ooof, forgot those 2 when i copy pasted the json.
      Bugs should be better, i'll be notified regardless of where you post.
    2. SoraGodFallen
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      Ok I will keep that in mind from now on in the future.
      Keep up the good work :D
  8. AxuniChoperi
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Thank you for your mod!
    I had a question; I was wondering if your mod gives additional experience since there are more enemies?
    Or do you get the same amount of experience as vanilla? 
    Example: In vanilla you will get 100 xp total after "x" fight, with your mod, will I still get 100 xp or will I get more? 
    Thank you so much in advance for your help!
    1. mjthefirst
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      You have the option to change the clones xp reward.
      By default clone xp is whatever number its template contains, not necessarily the original's xp.
      if you use the txt config, change XPModifier value to XPModifier=0, or Clone XP modifier in MCM menu: this will disable their xp reward
  9. Empire385
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Myrkul's clone doesn't lose it's invincibility buff after I've freed Ayelyn. The original loses it, but the clone keeps it.
    Is that expected?
    1. mjthefirst
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      welp, i'll exclude invincibility from the status copying script. Yep, it's expected since the game only checks for the original Ketheric ID for stripping the status, not whoever named Kethetic.
  10. Kangdooname
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello. I'm using the mod well. Thank you. I have an additional question. Enemies replicate as well as I set them up. However, the Taction Health mode and the Level Scaling mode that I'm using together don't work well for replicated enemies. They replicate with lower levels and lower health with higher probabilities than the original monster. There are cases where the same level and health as the original monster are applied with lower probabilities. Is there a way to fix it?

    i use 1.6.5 version

    my mod list setting(mod manager):

    other mods
    absolute warth
    taction health
    taction stats
    player leveling scaling
    savage enemy doubler 
    1. mjthefirst
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      AFAIK, there's no easy way. The generation of clones always make them lv1 upon appearing, then the script in SDE would level them up to the original's level. And scripts from mods don't seem to act according to their pak file load order.
      What this means is that scripts modifying stuff in the game are vulnerable to other scripts which also modify the same stuff. I suspect Taction Health and player level scaling got involved while SDE was still modifying the clones, and they won that by overwriting SDE changes.
      To eliminate this, i need to integrate mentioned mod scripts into SDE, so that they can run first or last and not interfere with SDE. That's not likely, due to permissions and complexity of codes from each authors. You see the REL_SE mod I just dropped ? The coding complexity is more than SDE, but it's nowhere near trying to integrate scripts from both mods into one while still retaining their functionality
    2. Kangdooname
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for your reply. By changing the mod order, I guess the only way to see if the cloned monster has the same level and health as the original monster, right? Or I'm thinking about trying to get the health up using Combat Extender mode after removing Tactition Health
    3. mjthefirst
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      I wish you luck in that endeavour, and happy gaming.
      For the health thing, i suggest switching to Balanced mode for proper testing. Because the clones will always display Balanced-level health bar regardless of difficulty settings, their actual HP, assuming SDE is working properly, is the same as their original's, but somehow it doesn't reach the screen.
    4. Kangdooname
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thank you !
  11. Kangdooname
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, I have something to ask before using this mode.

    Are the default values ​​of the mode set as follows? = Normal monster x1 (double) / Boss monster x 0 (no clone)

    And if I don't create a separate blacklist, will two NPCs like Isobel spawn?

    thank you
    1. mjthefirst
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      And if I don't create a separate blacklist, will two NPCs like Isobel spawn ?

      There is already a blacklist file set to auto-generate for the first time you play the game after installing the mod, you can add NPC ids there.
      Cloning will occur only to enemies at the point of starting combat, or if one joins combat. Isobel won't be cloned if she turns hostile mid-combat, but if she does so out of combat and you engage her or go within her sight without her blacklisted, she will be cloned.
      Are the default values ​​of the mode set as follows? = Normal monster x1 (double) / Boss monster x 0 (no clone)
      Both by default will have 1 clone, unless they are summons.
    2. Kangdooname
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for answer 

      have a goodday