Note: If you want to view changelogs: "files".
Each file has logs of changes in its description.

In the "Articles" tab, you can find more details about the changes in the 6 classes.

Hello community! How are you? well, Well to say, I’m a fan of fantasy FPS s, I've loved Thetis' Woc mod, and the truth is that this presentation is based on his great work.

For those who don't know this mod, this is a mod that RPGes the Hexen. It grants experience and level, statistics points, skill branch for each class and 3 more classes apart from the known ones.
It is used in Hexen style obviously, but also certain patches, it can be used in doom and heretic style.

Well, since I like challenges, I did some specific things with what Thetis already did, all of this is to increase the action and difficulty making it a little more challenging for the player.


This mod works from version GZdoom v4.11.3 as the latter incorporates flags that are used in the current release.

Important clarification:

If you load extra packs (wads, pk3, etc) that include replacements for original monsters, it may happen that these imported monsters "step on" the monsters already edited by me. Especially when they are loaded after the main woc.
For example, the original Ettin from hexen, is replaced by several monsters in my edition, e.g. his most faithful replacement "newettin". The newetttin has all the work done to be disarmable e.g. If you load a pack that also replaces Ettin, you will step on the newettin and this will make this ettin imported by you, not have the right functions like e.g. being disarmable.
Therefore it is best to play packs that are only maps and not added monsters or items. Or in any case, load these packs before the main file (Woc 3.3.... ).
An example to know that a new monster stepped on the woc monsters, is to see that it doesn't have its life bar at the top of the screen when you target it.

1) Classes:

*The voices of the 6 heroes were changed and personalized.

*Rework was done on the sprites of the Assassin, both in 1st person and 3rd person.

*From version 4.0.0 BETA onwards, a substantial change is proposed in the management of the abilities of the 6 heroes making it a more immersive scenario from the visual, realistic and sonorous.
Most of the active skills of our heroes have animations of their casting, channeling or execution. They can no longer be cast instantaneously and at the same time as the shots of the weapons but now they will be able to be intercalated.

As you might guess, the player will lose some of his combat agility because of these changes but it makes it more realistic.
This will be compensated with the following benefits:

The damage of all skills (not summons) that do skillart are increased by 8% with the exception of:
-Stomp: Damage in addition to the extra 8%, depending on how long the Fighter is falling, accumulating damage per tick up to a maximum of 2s of fall,
because if it exceeds 2s the skill is cancelled. Jumping with stomp and falling from above is a good damage strategy. His Cooldown is now 2.2s instead of 2s.
-Hook Shot: 30% more damage.
-Blessing: changed its color from white to gold and heals 8% more.
-Darkness: has a Cooldown of 4.5s instead of 5s.
-Raise Dead: +20% movement speed for resurrected monsters.
-Metamorph: you can no longer use all abilities while transformed, you can only use Blight, Poison Blast and Miasma.
These 3 magics will be empowered with dark force that will be mixed with poison making them almost twice as powerful.
In addition the demon form will give you 70% physical damage reduction instead of 60% and cause stun with a(20+LvlAbility*2.5)% chance with melee hits.

----This revolution in gameplay is under test, I hear reports of bugs. There is more to improve of course, in other patches I will be perfecting this new style of play. Thank You----

Major modifications have been made to the 6 hero classes to choose from. They are detailed in "Articles" due to their length.

2) I modified some properties of the monsters to give them a little more power. This is not only damage and health, but also attack or movement speeds, additional attacks, casting curses, stunning, bleeding, and disarming.

These changes include:

- I made substantial modifications to the Priest (Bishop class) and now heals his allies with VileAttack, that is, with instant healing to the target in his line of sight, with sound effects and graphics. It heals a good amount and in a small radius to its target. On the other hand, it uses a super heal projectile to heal at a wide angle. Finally, this priest can grant to himself or an ally a shield that will reduce damage by 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% or 100%, respectively at the difficulty levels of the game.

- Added a powerful enemy of the ChaingunGuy family called "Diabolist Persecutor" (MysticDiabolist for the DOOM style). He grants his allies a buff that dobles their damage. For the HEXEN style it is called "Cult Necromancer" and is a more powerful variant of Cult Mystic, which throws 2 curses, grants doble buff damage and triggers the secondary attack of Heart of Yorick.
Pyrosuccubus and Shadow hunter are also added to the bestiary, the latter can disarm with his glaive.

- I took the idea of the debuff that generates the Hierophant, but I made a curse system, in which certain enemies curse us with VileAttack, this would be similar to the launch of the arch-vile, but when exploding, the disadvantages apply to us.

I designed 8 curses:

*Curse of Slow: Slows down movement when walking by 60%.

*Curse of Frailty: Deactivates physical abilities and receives double damage. (Disabled physical abilities from players' skill tree and some non-spell type abilities of monsters.)

*Curse of Blinding: Apply a red alpha 1.0, covering the vision. If he is in monsters, he forces them to attack without aim and nowhere (he does not focus objective).

*Curse of Decrepity: Reduces movement speed by 50% and damage by 50%.

*Curse of Gloom: Silence and consume blue mana, green mana and magic little by little. (Silence is blocking the use of weapons that do not require sharp objects for use and are magical, such as weapons 2, 3 and 5 of the wizard, weapon 3 of the cleric, 2 of the necromancer. Skill tree skills that are "magical" will also be blocked.). If it is in monsters, they suffer about 20% of their current life.

*Curse of Anchor: Paralyzes position and downward force. Also avoid special moves such as charges or evasions.

*Curse of Deterioration: Inflicts damage per second over a long period of time as a percentage of the target's current life. Damage can be avoided by being invulnerable.

*Curse of Betrayal: Enchants a summon of the player or friends summoned by the objects, so that they turn against it for a few seconds.
The launcher will prioritize from most powerful to least powerful of the summons and does not necessarily have to be provoked by them. The player cannot disavow his charming summoning.

These curses have an effect similar to the fire of the archive plus a sound that warns us that we are being targeted by a casting. They can also be avoided if you are invulnerable (except with the "GOD" trick).
To feel their cast on us and see the effect they apply to us, we have:
Purple for Curse of Slow, Green for Curse of Frailty, Red for Curse of Blindness, Blue for Curse of Decrepit, Dark purple for Curse of Anchor, white flash for warn effect of Curse of Gloom and orange warning flashes debuff for Curse of Deterioration. All curses and blessings between enemies have visual effects applied.

3) Effects of new incorporated states

*Disarm: On the other hand, although it is not a curse, we also have "disarming", a debuff that disables the use of tangible weapons for few seconds. This means that those weapons that make use of the mind or hands without any objects taken out are out of this deactivation (weapon 1 of the fighter, weapons 2, 3 and 5 of the magician, weapon 3 of the cleric and weapon 5 of the necromancer).

However, the Assassin's Kick skill and the Fighter's Hook Shot skill have a chance of violating this protection depending on the level of these skills.
The Shadow Hunter enemy always violates this protection.


This effect is caused by Curse of Gloom or Doom (Necromancer Curse, Korax Super Curse and Scroll of Field of Doom effect).
Silence, override the ability to cast attacks considered "spells" or "conjurations" (or Fighter battle cries).
(This information is detailed in Curse of Gloom).

The restrictions on monsters' attacks and spell casting, if they are under the effects of disarm or Curse of Gloom are as follows:

-Enemies who use powers with their weapon, e.g. Bormereth, will be neutralized with disarm.
-Enemies who use powers from their hands or mind (spells), will be neutralised with silence.
-Enemies who use projectiles launched from their nature without invoking spells or using weapons, will not suffer neutralisation. E.g. dragon serpents, lava golems, etc.
-Enemies that hit melee without using weapons will also not be disarmed. E.g. stone golem.

These characteristics also apply to pets and allies.

*Stun: Disable the affected character for a short time. Certain enemies such as The Stone Golem, the Iron Golem, the Golden Golem, the Earth Lich, are not affected by their condition.

*Sleep: This state puts a specific target to sleep by rendering it disabled, but unlike a stun, it lasts considerably longer, but it can wake up the victim with pain status.
If the monster has little or no chance of pain (Stone golem for example), it is very effective because if it does not wake up, it will be defenceless to attacks.
There are exceptions with powerful enemies or bosses, who will awaken at the slightest damage, as well as players.

----The duration of disarm, stun and curses is scaled by the level of the enemy caster----

5) Cooldown system:
Some of the skills in each class have a cooldown so you know when to use them correctly. These are clarified in the description of these skills.

6) Spell scrolls: These are dropped by certain enemies . In hexen style you can find this in chests. You can carry up to 3 of each type (Doom Field, Congregation and Storms 2 max).

At the moment we have:

*Scroll of Chaos: Cast Chaos at an enemy. Lasts 40 seconds.
Can be dropped by: Hierophant, Fleshwizard, Skullwizard, Shadowwizard, DarkImp and it is safely dropped by ArchWizard.

*Scroll of Visions: Cast Visions at an enemy with a moderate chance of success. Lasts 40 seconds.
Can be dropped by: Priest, Bishop and DarkPatriarch and it is safely dropped by Heresiarch.

*Scroll of Fire Trap: Locate a high-level fire trap whose damage depends on the intelligence of the bearer.
Can be dropped by: Pyrodemon, Bruiserdemon, PyroSuccubus, Centaur Warchief, LavaGolem and Guru.

*Scroll of Congregation: Summons an ally Priest (his shield lasts only 3 seconds and has a 33% chance with respect to of its launch to enemies and heal to player 5+level points). It lasts for 120 and then dies.
It is safely dropped by Heresiarch.

*Scroll of Field of Doom: When activated, curse all enemies within a radius of 750 with Curse of Decrepit, Curse of Frailty and Curse of Gloom for 20 seconds (10 in BOSSES). Is safely dropped by Korax.

*Scroll of Storms: When activated, it launches Lightning Surge in the 4 cardinal directions and Thunder Storm lightning around. (damage depends on intelligence).
Is safely released by D'Sparil (_Sorcerer2).

*Scroll of Protection: Grants immunity to damage to allied monsters and summons at 500 AOE for 10s (includes the caster, with its respective time reduction). Released by Priest and Dark Patriarch.

*Scroll of Unholy Strength: Grants doble damage to allied monsters and summons for 500 AOE for 10s (includes the caster, with its respective time reduction). Released by Diabolist Persecutor / Cult Necromancer.

*Scroll of Angelic Help: Applies, within a 300 AOE radius, an effect against enemies that causes them to target the caster, lift them into the air with holy flames that damage, force pain and disarm.
In Hexen style monsters can suffer 1000 constant damage when falling from above, and there is a chance for this power to slam into the ground ensuring damage.
On the other hand, at the same 300 AOE radius, it applies a regenerative effect to the caster and monsters or allied pets in 6 pulses for 5s. Has 5s CD. The healing on the player is 20% of the total intensity.
Has chances from Priest, Hierophant and Dark Patriarch.

*Scroll of Rain Somniphera: Unleashes a drowsy rain forward, whose droplets cause Sleep to enemies it reaches for 80s (20s to Bosses).
It can be dropped for Succubus, Vampire and Moon Satyr.

*We also have scrolls of curses from enemies. Each one is dropped by the enemy that casts said curse, with certain chances. They are differentiated by the appropriate colors.

7) Items

*The accessory "Ring of Focus" was changed to "Crusifix Rosary". The latter blocks a curse that is thrown at the carrier every 6 seconds, but does not block Korax's Field of Doom curse.

*Disk of Repulsion damage ghosts with arcane damage.

*The Blue Flask, Red Flask, Maroon Flask and the White Flask were improved

*New Flask, Indigo Flaks: it is thrown like the Yellow Flask but when it explodes it generates a cloud of somniferous magic that, if an enemy touches it, will absorb it and go into Sleep for 20s (5s in bosses).
It also works if the flask hits the enemy directly, applying the effect.

It is created in alchemy, with Blue Flask and Purple Flask.

*Thor's Will : this projectile has the particularity of having 3 charges each time you get it and it is always grabbable.
When you launch a charge, you will send a powerful electric hammer, with the ability to bounce 2 times and when it hits a monster or runs out of bounces, it will cause electric damage in area and will return to the player causing aoe damage.
It can only be reused when the hammer has returned to the player.
If it hits an enemy it will do physical impact damage and cause stun for 4s (2s to bosses), in addition to causing electric AOE damage.
If it hits a ghost instead of physical damage, it will do electric impact damage.
If you have no more casts left, the hammer will be destroyed and clearly, it won't come back.

*Spirit spheres have been incorporated as powerups. They are self-activating items (without the possibility to load in inventory), that grant attributes equal to the player's
attributes equal to the player's current level for 3 minutes and their effect is not removed by death (for a possible resurrection) or by passing from one map to another.
You can only have one at a time and you cannot take one if you already have the effect of another one.

There is one of each color according to the attribute to grant:
Brown: Strength
Green: Agility
Red: Constitution
Violet: Intellect
Yellow: Wisdom
Purple: Charisma

The Constitution sphere recharges all life, the Intellect sphere recharges all mana and the Wisdom sphere recharges all magick.
The Charisma sphere creates 3 allied Knight Archers.

Their appearance has a low chance.
In Doom style: They will appear in replacement of Berserk and Soul Sphere as well as dropp chance from bosses.
In Heretic style: They appear in replacement of Tome of Power.
In Hexen style: They appear in replacement of Porklator and Banishment.

*A new item called "Levitation Disk" was created, which allows you to make small jumps for each use.
It is a special artifact like Thor's Will, since it works with 7 charges and these are regenerated every 10s, but the user must be careful, because if the last charge is used up, the item will break.
the last charge, the item will break. It will also break when crossing a map in Doom and Heretic style, and a hub, in Hexen style (a complete episode).
It can appear in chests as well as artifact replacements. Like Thor's Will, it cannot be dropped by the player.

8) Multiplayer (GZdoom only - ZDL)

Multiplayer becomes Survival.
Each player will appear with 4 extra lives added to the one they already have at the start, this would make a total of 5 kills to be out of the game.
You can have up to a maximum of 10 extra lives per player.

There are monsters that give lives. These drop 1 life for sure (In Doom style they release 1 life and safely: Bormereth, Arch vile and Dark Patriarch. In Hex-Her style they release 1 life and safely: Bormereth, Hierophant, Cult Zealot and Dark Patriarch) and the bosses drop more lives for sure and some extra with chances.

The lives will appear as a Raven Software icon at the top right of each player with the number of lives as a sub-index.

If a player runs out of extra lives, a "death" icon (formerly Death Blow) will appear warning the player that dying will crash everyone's game.

How do I play coop in Gzdoom?

This unofficial edition of Woc is not compatible with Zandronum and other multiplayer engines.
It only works in GZdoom, so you can only play with ZDL.
In this application you can play Coop and deathmatch with up to 8 players in LAN mode.
It is stable and you can save and load games to continue the adventure with your friends after a break.

Expectation: The work on my personal edition of this great mod is in constant process and depends on how I get inspired and the time I have.
I'm sure some bugs will appear and I will always try to fix them. I will release iterations periodically and if they corrupt savegames, it will be made clear in parentheses (they will corrupt savegames!) in the fixed line in Changelogs.
If you are playing an adventure game, do not paste the new patch with those iterations or updates because you may lose your game saves. Finish the game and reinstall the new patch. I hope you like it.

How to make it work?

Explained in detail in "files" in each corresponding file to be downloaded. GO!


*The original, created by its author Thetis, is this:

*Mage's weapon 5 sprites (Aestus), Fighter's upward fist for Mighty Blow, and curse scroll spell circle, created by eharper256 from the Walpurgis-JT-0.93 mod. A great HExen MOD too!

*Sprites y sonidos de Tornado Demon (Diabolist Percecutor) (Realm667):
Enviado: Maelstrom
Decorate: Maelstrom
GLDEFs: Dreadopp
Sounds: Id Software, Monolith Games
Sprites: Id Software
Sprite Edit: Maelstrom

*Sprites and sounds of Succubus and PyroSuccubus:
Sounds: id Software, Blizzard, Midway
Sprites: YuraoftheHairFan, Espi, Ebola, Vader

*Sprites and ShadowHunter sounds:

Enviado: DoomedArchvileDemon
Decorate: DoomedArchvileDemon, TheMightyHeracross
Sounds: Freesounds, SeriousSam
Sprites: HorrorMovieGuy
Idea Base: HorrorMovieGuy's sprite sheet on this enemy

*Sprites del Rosario Crusifix:

Enviado: MagicWazard
Decorate: Ghastly_dragon, MagicWazard
GLDefs: MagicWazard
Sounds: NeuralStunner
Sprites: MagicWazard
Idea Base: Wanted a Doom-themed "fear" inventory item

*Spell scroll sprites:

Enviado: Blue Shadow
Decorate: Blue Shadow
Sprites: Raven Software
Sprite Edit: Blue Shadow

*Butcher Sprites (Legion Soldier):

Enviado: Código de rollos
: Ghastly Dragon
GLDefs: Ghastly Dragon
Sounds: Ripped from Baldur's Gate II, Quake 4 y Heretic
Sprites: Raven Software
Sprite Edit: Rolls

* Megawad where the demo was made: "Epic2", by author Alexander "Eternal" S.

*And some sounds: Blizzard and Valve games

------- Specials Credits -------

Thanks to the great creators of the Walpurgins mod for their sprites. A part of this work was thanks to their great artwork.

Thank you all!

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*From version 4.0.0 BETA onwards, a substantial change is proposed in the management of the abilities of the 6 heroes making it a more immersive scenario from the visual, realistic and sonorous.
Most of the active skills of our heroes have animations of their casting, channeling or execution. They can no longer be cast instantaneously and at the same time as the shots of the weapons but now they will be able to be intercalated.

We will have the following skills with arts:
Fighter: Mighty Blow, Stomp, Charge, Hook Shot and Legion Call.
Cleric: All active skills except for the 3 auras and Sacrifice.
Mage: All active skills except Mana Charge and Arcane Barrier.
Hunter: in addition to those already made by Tethis originally as Spinning Slash and Wind Slash; Raven Companion, Wolf Companion and the 4 traps are added.
Necromancer: all active abilities.
Assassin: in addition to those already made by Tethis originally as Kick, Imaple and Lunging Strike; all the remaining active ones are added except for Shadow Walk, Fade and Spectal Killer.

*In addition to their particular characteristics and abilities, classes have aversions and resistances to certain types of damage that are detailed in the character selection.

*The voices of the 6 heroes were changed and personalized.

*Now each player, start with 4 Disc of Repulsion to defend against ghosts that may appear at the beginning of an adventure.

*Certain magick costs of some Skills have been modified as well as some requirements.

*Now the Wisdom attribute does not give the experience gain bonus, making it fair to all classes and not just those who benefit the most from this attribute.

*Mage classes like Mage and Necromancer will have higher resistance to curses, this means that the duration of curses on them will be reduced by 25% of the time, the Fighter will have 50% more of the time of curses and the other classes will have the standard duration.

*Regarding the stun effect, Mage and Necromancer classes will have 1.5s, Fighter 0.5s and the others 1s.

*Several changes have been made in the 6 classes to choose from.
From tree skills, as well as their Paths.

*Mechanics such as disarm, silence and stun have been incorporated as in the monsters, which will be detailed in the following sections.

*Agility now grants a chance to make special attacks on Weapon 1 weapons in all classes, as well as to cast multicast attacks on "casting" type weapons. This information will be detailed for each hero.


This brute force class has the following changes:

-Weapon 4 is now holy damage.

-Mighty Blow: Now has a chance to cause stun, as you level up, the chance also increases.

-Stomp: Damage in addition to the extra 8%, depending on how long the Fighter is falling, accumulating damage per tick up to a maximum of 2s of fall,
because if it exceeds 2s the skill is cancelled. Jumping with stomp and falling from above is a good damage strategy.

-Charge: Like Mighty Blow, it has a chance to cause stun on impact, but now in addition, its impact is a single hit and this blow pushes the target back.

-Hook Shot: Now causes forced pain to anyone who can suffer it and disarms anyone who can be disarmed.

-War Cry: Now the scare it causes lasts 10s.

-Vengeance now activates when taking damage above 10% of maximum health or if health is below 25% of maximum health.
Lasts for 10s and has a CD of 20s. Damage is now higher, increasing by 5% per level starting at level 1 at 15% instead of 12% starting and increasing by 2%.

-Death Blow: This skill was replaced by "Legion Call". Requires Sword Mastery and Vengeance and 28 points invested.

Summons an army of soldiers to assist the Fighter, in addition, repeated showers of arrows will come from behind you for 35s.

These warriors are equipped with thrown hammers, charge, chance to stun with melee strikes and hook shot. Charisma influences the power and health of these soldiers.

Paths of the Fighter:

-If you are Destroyer, you will have a chance to cause heavy stun with weapon 3 if you have Hammer Mastery at level 10 if you manage to land a critical hit (Critical Strike skill).

Relentless lasts 6s instead of 8s and increases strength 8% instead of 4%.

Also if you use Stomp, you can disarm around every 6s increasing your damage 30% for 6s.

-If you are Vanguard you can increase your attack speed with swords if you have Sword Mastery at level 10.

Reworked the Last Stand talent. It is now called Knight's Honour and allows Blood Rush to give immunity to poisoning and bleeding while active. It also grants Deflection the ability to reflect curses during the effect with a (56+AbilityLvl*4.4)% chance to damage the caster.

-If you are Commander and if you have Axe Mastery lvl10 you will now throw 3 axes with the secondary shot every 20s and if they don't collide, they will come back to you and will spin around you for 6s.

On the other hand, if you use Legion Call, for its duration, an aura will activate around you that provides +25% damage absorption and +25% damage to non-player allies.

Agility plus:

Weapon 1:
Requires Agility > 21 and the chance is 0.39% per point of Agility.
Throws repeated, swift punches on primary shot.


This versatil and support class has the following changes:

-The shield hit (secondary attack of weapon1 and weapon5), now does not produce forced damage, but has a chance to cause stun. This chance increases according to the Cleric's strength and Blunt Mastery level.

-Curse: It is now called Judgement and the duration has been significantly adjusted.

-Holy Shield: Now prevents the passage of piercing projectiles.

-Holy Bolt: Now has a more reasonable healing area and heals monsters or allied pets as well.

-Retribution has been reworked, now every time the Cleric receives damage for more than 8% of his maximum health, he has a chance to execute a lightning bolt from the skies instantly.
The damage is 100% of the damage received at level 1 and increases 22.2% per level.
For damage lower than 8% of the maximum health, the traditional attack (a spiral projectile) is executed.
The chance of retribution is 30% at level 1 and increases 3.3% per level.

-Intervention: Now safely prevents the Cleric's death if charged and removes all curses when activated.

-Visions costs 15 magicka every time, and an extra 25 magicka if you are Oracle and there are convertible enemies at 128 AOE on impact.
(This was done so that you don't necessarily need to spend 40 magick to convert a single enemy).
Also changed the graphical effects of the projectile as well as applying a graphical and sound effect to the converted monster.

-Divine Punishment: Now the pillar of light that is summoned travels in the direction the Cleric is facing and bounces back normally. It also has an area of damage.

-The Cleric's Mystic Ambit Incant now does not heal, but grants immunity to direct damage for 2s.

Paths of the Cleric:

-If you are Purifer, curses will last 25% less.

In addition, Consecration will reduce the duration of curses with each pulse to all nearby allies (including monsters), as well as healing players.

On the other hand, holy damage will be 10% stronger.

-If you are Oracle, Judgement will blow up whoever clung to it in the final burst (double damage than before).

On the other hand, when using Visions, besides affecting AOE, it applies a buff to converted monsters that gives them 50% more movement speed and 20% more damage.

Summon Legend: now it doesn't last forever, it lasts 120s.
No longer fires with Lightbringer, but instead Holy Bolt (can heal players and allied monsters in the vicinity of the explosion).
It will also stun every 10s for sure when attacking melee and some chance too.

-If you are Inquisitor, the shield hit has a slightly better chance of causing stun.

If you have Blunt Mastery at level 10, you will have a safe stun of 2s duration and you will notice it by having an icon indicating that it is ready.

Agility Plus:

-Weapon 1:
Requires Agility > 12 and the chance is 0.58% per point of Agility.
Gives the ability to cast shield slam as a combo when performing primary attack without losing attack tempo. Does not operate the Inquisitor's safe stun.

Weapon 3:
-Primary and secondary shot with 0.58% chance per point of Agility. Quickly prepares a next attack and this next attack is faster.


Nuker of massive power. His changes are:

*The weapon 1 has a reworked mechanic.

It now attacks in the traditional way but without going through enemies and with a far but not infinite range.
Its damage has been increased by 8%. The primary shot has a super repetition speed but requires to be charged to launch projectiles.
These shots depend on the charges it accumulates and can accumulate 15 charges.
It recharges every 0.6s.
On the other hand, the secondary attack is melee, the weakest of the 6 classes but agile. If the agility is higher than 17, it has the chance to cause accurate disarms if
useful for not spending charges or accumulating them in the meantime (Charges always regenerate, whether this weapon is used or not).

*Modified the primary attack of weapon 5.

-Telekinesis: Now this ability does not act like the Disk of Repulsion, but when activated, creates telekinetic waves in front of the Mage that repel projectiles and return them to their source. It also subtly and steadily pushes surrounding enemies. The downside of this is that the Mage is slowed down a lot. Its duration increases as you level up.

-Ice Shards have been added to the Ice Bolt explosion. To the 2nd level 8 shards and to the 3rd level, 12. In addition Ice Bolt now applies bleeding from level 7.

-Fire Trap releases lava particles that burn constantly.

-Spark between levels 4 and 6, applies a little longer impact duration, and between levels 7 and 10, even more.

-Mana Charge now costs 2 magick points instead of 1, but passively grants AbilityLvl mana regeneration every 20s. On the other hand, it also recharges the wand charges. The higher the level of this skill, the higher the recharge rate.

-Arcane Barrier: Grants 25% of max mp as base shield + (MaxMP*LvlAbility/40) and lasts 40s instead of 10s.
It now has a CD of 40s.

In addition if Arcane Barrier shield is active, mana draining projectiles, poisoning, bleeding, stun and disarm will not affect the protected.
A graphical effect has been added to the shield.

The only damage that gets through Arcane Barrier is Cult Zealot's direct attack.

-Thunder Storm: Lightning no longer strikes randomly in close terrain, but falls on nearby and sometimes not so close enemies. The animated graphics are more realistic. Not pass through walls.

-Reworked Mage's Meteor. Now Burn Souls: Cast a fire curse that burns the soul of the affected party, damaging them by % of their current health to end with 3 internal explosions.
Skill leveling increases the damage percentage.

-Polymorph: This ability, as well as items that produce transformation, were removed from the mod, as they sometimes caused crashes. Until a solution is found, they will remain out.

Now the ability used instead of Polymorph is called "Guardian Orb".

You summon for 35s a wisp orb that sits on your head and helps you. It has some abilities such as firing arcane projectiles, pushing enemies that get too close to you, healing you if you're at less than half your max health, and firing powerful piercing arcane follower projectiles that explode for good damage. This allows the Mage to make use of Charisma, to increase the damage, the chance of casting the super shot and the healing power of the Guardian Orb.

-Artic Glacier: You now explode a very powerful cold wave with a large surrounding area that applies an 80% movement slow to nearby enemies (40% to bosses). It then emits a stream of icy air in front of you for 4.5 seconds.

Paths of the Mage:

Resistances to the elements provided by each of the paths are now 50%.

Being Pyro and when receiving pain, Molten Shield does not damage the source with a fireball, but generates a heat wave around it that damages in 12 pulses (1 pulse per tick) and pushes the enemies. Every 1s.

Iceborn grants in addition to 50% to ice, also 20% to physical, 30% to bleed and 10% to other sources.

Weapon 2's primary shot, now launches a slower but tracking ice ball that when exploded, damages all around and affects ghostly enemies.

Iceborn: Deep Freeze slows 60% (30% in BOSSES) of the movement speed of affected enemies for 3s.

Agility Plus:

Weapon 1:
-Requires Agility > 17 and the chance is 0.58% per point of Agility. Strikes from the side disarming the target for 3s.

Weapon 2:
-Primary shot with chance 0.58% per point of Agility. Quickly prepares a next attack and this next attack is faster.
-Secondary shot with chance 1.17% per Agility point. Throws swiftly.

Weapon 3:
-Primary and secondary shot with chance 0.58% per Agility point. Quickly prepares a next attack and this next attack is faster.

Weapon 5:
-Primary shot with chance 1.17% per Agility point. Rapid fire.
-Secondary shot with chance 0.58% per point of Agility. Swiftly prepares a next attack and this next attack is faster.


This skilled hunter poacher:

-The mechanics of weapon 1 was changed in its movements.

-Weapon 2 can now fire infinite physical arrows at will, no need for it to just be for lack of mana,but its range is short and it will fade away.

It is activated with secondary button like the other types of shots.

-Fire Arrow, Ice Arrow and Lightning Arrow are now passive abilities but they are activated as usual with the secondary attack having weapon 2 active.

-Ranged Mastery has been improved, giving it a chance of (2*LvlAbility) % that when finishing an attack with weapon 2, it generates a fast bow charge. If the Hunter is Marksman, he will have a 50% more chance to generate a fast charge.

-Reworked the Hunter's Spike Trap. Now affects only the monster that activates it, damaging it initially, then stunning it and damaging it over time during stun.

-Trip Bomb: Fixed Hunter's Trip Bomb where an enemy triggering it would explode on the spot. Now the trap when triggered runs along the chain until it hits. It has a short range (if the chain does not embed in a wall, ceiling or floor, the trap is triggered and if the bomb does not collide, it disappears).
For balance, its damage has been reduced slightly.

-Wolf Companion now added to the Hunter's summoned wolf, the ability to eat organic corpses and restore % of its maximum health every 10s, having Wolf Companion from level 7.
At level 7 the wolf restores 5%, lvl 8 restores 10%, at lvl 9 it restores 15% and at lvl 10 it restores 20% of the enemy's maximum health.

-The Hunter's Mystic Ambit Incant now no longer gives speed but provides immunity to poisoning and 25% poison resistance for 30s.

Paths of the Hunter:

-Skirmisher: Now you have chances to cause bleed with machete attacks. Also, if you have Melee Mastery lvl10, you may have the chance to execute quick stabs according to Agility, and these can be reiterated.

On the other hand Wind Slash disarms all enemies it hits, every 6s and add the ability to cast an arcane slash with machete counterattacks, every 4s.

Now the physical arrow shot from weapon 2 has a chance to launch a poisoned arrow that slows the enemy by 60% for 9s. This effect can stack. On the other hand, every 25s an icon will be active indicating that you can safely shoot a poisoned arrow.

Noxious Trap will be activated when it hits a target.

If Wolf Companion is above level 7, you now summon the wolf in translucent form, with immunity to fall damage and the ability to become ghostly and perform surprise attacks, gaining ghostly immunities during the effect.

-Marksman: now has 15% and 30% damage amplification for zoom 1 and zoom 2 respectively, instead of 25% and 50%.

Agility Plus:

Weapon 1:
Requires Agility > 25 and the chance is (AGY*MeleeMastery*0.031) %.
Works with counter attack after the block and you launch several slashes from side to side in 3 instances and are interruptible by normal attacks or another block.
If you do not interrupt this sequence, you will create a tornado with physical damage based on Strength and the ability to force pain and if you are also a Skirmisher, it will deflect or block some projectiles.


This dark wizard, has the following changes:

-Necromancer's skill tree was readjusted, making 3rd branch not require 2nd branch, Raise Dead drops at the end of 3rd branch, and Metamorph requires 3rd and 4th branches.

-Improved the casting of the 4 necromancer curses, they now apply instantly if the target is targeted.
If aiming is missed, a projectile will be launched that will seek out nearby targets to ensure application.

-Enfeeble, Terrify and Chaos durations changed to 1.5s per level starting at lvl1 at 6s instead of 1s per level starting at 11s. Doom which will last 7s (between lvl1 and lvl3), 8s (between lvl4 and lvl6), 9s (between lvl7 and lvl9) and 10s at lvl10.

This ability now affects all enemies including bosses. It now creates torments in the enemy's mind that cause them to shoot anywhere in addition to running away. His zeal will cause him to not change targets until the torment passes or he dies. It will also decrease his resistance to Shadow damage type (dark, purple) by 25%.

This ability will also affect all enemy types. But unlike before, the fight will be all against the affected enemy and he will not respond because in these latest versions of the mod, no enemy gets angry at another enemy if he damages him (NOTARGET flag on every monster). On the other hand, if you are a Harvester, and it affects multiple enemies, of course there will be a fight between the affected ones. At the end of the effect, the fight will stop.

-Life Tap:
This skill has been replaced by a new skill called "Doom".

This is a powerful curse that powerfully disables the affected monster.

The effects that apply are: 100% extra damage taken, 50% reduction of damage power, 50% slowdown, damage percentage of their current life, silence and disabling of special moves (frailty).

Life Tap however, remains on Revenant (summon) as long as you have Doom learned.

However, there are enemies that have resistance to these, such as the "ArchVile" species and also BOSSES.

Enfeeble lasts 100% of the time on all enemy types.

Terrify And Chaos lasts 100% of the time on all enemies with the exception of certain resists like archvile and others, and also on bosses which will only last 25% of the time.

Doom lasts 100% of the time with the exception of BOSSES which last 1s, 2s, 3s and 4s respectively.

-Reworked Raise Dead. Now casts instantly wherever targeted with no magick or DC cost.
When successful in hitting a resuscitating corpse, spend (10+HPMaxEnemy/50) magick and apply a
a DC of 30s. Leveling up the ability maintains the effect of 10s per level starting at 70s.

-Summon Shadow, Summon Ghoul, Summon Revenant and Summon Death Knight now have requirements of 0, 11, 22 and 33 points invested respectively and last for 60s, not forever.

Reworked charge on Ghoul and the Revenant only casts Enfeeble and Life Tap as curses.

-Darkness: This skill has been reworked. It is similar to the "Shadow Poison" skill of the hero Shadow Demon from Dota2.

When cast it applies instances of corruption to those it affects, each current can cause 1 or 2 instances depending on how it is cast as when an instance is applied, 1s must pass before a next instance can be reapplied. The maximum number of instances is 5 and the enemy will be shown the number of instances they are carrying in damage per second and the more instances the enemy has, the more slowed they will be. It explodes 10s after the last application and the damage will be pure and unalterable across invulnerabilities.

Its damage formula is: (Charge*Charge)*(10*LvlDarkness+Intellect/2) and damages double if the target is under the effects of Doom (curse).

-Poison Nova: This ability is now passive and activated by taking damage and having at least 1 enemy nearby.

-Miasma: It was withdrawn. Now you believe in the target, wall, ceiling or floor where it hits, a toxic flame that damages whoever is in it and that emits pulses of poison around it (no longer penetrates walls).

-Bone Shower: Reworked. Now called "Bone Jail".You create where you aim, on the ground, a circle of bone debris that traps enemies inside. They also release bone spikes inside the circle. Enemies will sometimes try to break through these walls. Charisma increases the damage of these bone spikes and the resistance of the debris.

-Raise Dead: +20% movement speed for resurrected monsters but stop necromancer in the process.

-Metamorph: Being in this form grants extra resistances to all 60% damage types, except for fire damage that is reduced by 40%. Physical damage is reduced by 70%, Shadow damage is reduced by 75% and poison damage reduced to 80%. Poisoning damage is zero. But beware because the Holy damage is still the extra 20%. You're immune to slowdowns and Curse of Anchor.

You can no longer use all abilities while transformed, you can only use Blight, Poison Blast and Miasma.
These 3 magics will be empowered with dark force that will be mixed with poison making them almost twice as powerful.
In addition the demon form will give you 70% physical damage reduction instead of 60% and cause stun with a(20+LvlAbility*2.5)% chance with melee hits.

Now the transformation has 4 attack modes that when changing from one to another is indicated by message:

1) Attack 1: Fire 5 rounds of weapon-like poison 3 costing 2 of magick.

2) Attack 2: creates an acid rain in a large area costing 4 of magick.

3) Attack 3: Launch a powerful frontal attack costing 6 of magick.

4) Melee: You can now use this attack to not spend magick, it depends on strength and damage in area around the impacted target.
If you run out of magick by default you will attack melee.

Paths of the Necromancer:

-Plaguebringer: Outbreak reworked, It gives the certainty of causing disease to enemies when they are hit with any melee attack every 20s. It also gives Miasma a chance to get sick according to the level of this ability. The diseaser educes the victim's physical defense by 30% and damages % of current health for 10s and if the monster dies sick, explodes throwing green particles that if impacted on others will be infected also.

Now has 50% resistance to poison and poisoning.

Attack mode 3 during Metamorph now has a chance to cause stun to whoever it hits, based on strength and skill level.

-Conjuror: Servitude changes to "Eternal Servitude", and this allows invocations not to die in time.

Agility Plus:

-Weapon 1:
Requires Agility > 12 and the chance is 0.58% per point of Agility.
Works as a primary attack and you launch a secondary attack quickly between attacks. Disease is not applied if you are Plaguebringer and you have charged that attack.

Weapon 2:
-Primary shot with chance 1.17% per point of Agility. Speedy Throw.
-Secondary shot with chance 0.58% per point of Agility. Swiftly prepares a next attack and this next attack is faster.

Transformed mode:

-Melee attack:
Chance is 1.17% per point of Agility. Launches a second, faster left-handed attack.

-Attack 1:
Chance is 0.58% per point of Agility. Launches a second, faster left-handed attack.

-Attack 3:
Chance is 0.58% per point of Agility. Swiftly prepares a next attack.


Note: If someone can work on the sprites of this heroine to change them, it would be appreciated. I'd like to give her a more realistic and appropriate look for an assassin, as the current ones are a mess. Thanks.

This shadowy killer had several readjustments:

-Secondary dagger attack is slower but with 33% more damage.

Now the kick disarms the target. Leveling up the ability makes it possible to disarm the target with a higher chance during the disarm protection that is applied after the first disarm applied. On the other hand, Kick rearms the assassin if she was disarmed.

-Impale has a graphical power effect that differentiates it from the secondary dagger attack. On the other hand, you do not push the enemy with the damage of this stab.

-Caltrops: Skill replaced by "Munition Empowerment".

This new ability applies a buff to the Assassin that empowers certain shots as the primary shot of weapon 2, causing it ignite the enemy, causing fire damage fire damage over time for 3s per bolt, weapon 3 expel caltrops when grenades explode and weapon 5 causes the primary shot to damage 50% more and its secondary shot to damage 10% and force pain to the target.

-Shadow Neddles, now not firing many but only one but at a lower cost, so that they can be used repeatedly.
Description of Shadow Neddles has been improved.

-Fade: is now a passive ability as well as an active one. Passively activates when taking damage.
Grants the ability to pass through monsters and projectiles making it easier to escape or counterattack. It is also immune to damage.Its duration is based on tics (35 tics = 1 second(s)) and with the following formula: (10+LvlAbility*6 ) tics.

-Glaives: Reworked. Now launches a glaive that looks for targets and bounces between them damaging them and with the possibility of disarming.

Lunging Strike: Now if the Assassin is somehow camouflaged during the Lunging Strike effect it will damage with arcane damage and 50% more. In addition, you now recover Magick when using Lunging Strike if Spectral Killer is active based on (LvlLunging + LvlSpectral)/2.

-Murderous Intent: Skill replaced by "Spectral Killer".

This ability is active and grants the Assassin a buff that gives her ghostly form making her partially invisible, immune to physical damage, poisoning and bleeding. It also crosses monsters, projectiles and items.

If you kill an enemy with Impale, you'll become reckless, for 5s having Spectrall Killer active or reckless buff until the chain is and for each time it happens she gets 7 magick back.

Its duration increases 1s per level starting at level 1 in 6s.

-Fan of Knives: Now besides being an active ability, it is also passive and activates when taking damage while enemies are nearby (not ghostly).

Paths of the Assassin:

-Shade: Nightfall now grants 20% extra shadow damage and +25% MP reg, if in dark areas.

On the other hand without needing to be in the dark, it grants the ability for Blackout to blind those affected for a few seconds.

-Whisperknife: It will now regenerate quickly blue and green mana if these are below 14 when Munition Empowerment is active.

-Executioner: Now Execute is activated if the target has 35% of its maximum life.

Sadism: Killing Spree will heal (5+AbilityLvl*0.5) % of the enemy's max health killed by dagger melee attacks, as well as Impale, every 20s.

Agility Plus:

-Weapon 1:
Requires you to have Agility > 25 and the chance is (AGY*DaggerMastery*0.043) %.
Works with primary attack and makes you evasive making certain projectiles that wouldn't hit ghosts also not hit you anymore.
Immunity to physical damage and stun while executing 2 special dagger attacks that bleed heavily in 2s.


R 1

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Woc v4.2.0 HEX-HER Released

Woc v4.2.0 HEX-HER Released

Patch 3 comments

Welcome! IMPORTANT NOTE: This mod works from version GZdoom v4.11.3 as the latter incorporates flags that are used in the current release. If some bugs...

Woc v4.2.0 DOOM Released

Woc v4.2.0 DOOM Released

Patch 2 comments

Welcome! IMPORTANT NOTE: This mod works from version GZdoom v4.11.3 as the latter incorporates flags that are used in the current release. If some bugs...



Patch 3 comments

Campaign mode made by Onox792. With his permission, I adapted his great work into my edition of Woc 4.1. It's BETA, but I reckon it's going very well...

Woc v4.1.1 DOOM Released

Woc v4.1.1 DOOM Released


Welcome! IMPORTANT NOTE: This mod works from version GZdoom v4.11.3 as the latter incorporates flags that are used in the current release. If some bugs...

Woc v4.1.1 HEXEN-HERETIC Released

Woc v4.1.1 HEXEN-HERETIC Released

Patch 21 comments

Welcome! IMPORTANT NOTE: This mod works from version GZdoom v4.11.3 as the latter incorporates flags that are used in the current release. If some bugs...

Woc v3.3.3 (B) HEXEN-HERETIC Released

Woc v3.3.3 (B) HEXEN-HERETIC Released

Patch 9 comments

Welcome! IMPORTANT NOTE: This mod works from version GZdoom v4.11.3 as the latter incorporates flags that are used in the current release.

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erafox - - 15 comments

i love so much this mod !

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ElPoder36 Creator
ElPoder36 - - 113 comments

Muchas gracias por jugarlo amigo!. Si gustas, puedes votar este mod para dar mas insentivo y seguirme.

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neto592 - - 107 comments

I would like to report a bug about the WoC3.3.1 Hexen-Heretic version:

If you are playing Heretic or Hexen, after a certain amount of charisma you had invested (I don't know from what specific number of charisma, but it happens if a level 500 Mage has 259 points of Charisma), if you summon the Dark Servant it dies immediately.

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Guest - - 699,639 comments

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darkmessenger - - 244 comments

How can I choose skills and distribute stat points in the game? I already tried almost every button and key combinations but nothing happens. It is really annoying since I am already level 5...

Another question. Do the enemy monsters level up as well? I read that on an old forum and this was mentioned there as a negative feature of the mod.

Besides that this is the most awesome mod what could be done for this classic retro game!

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ElPoder36 Creator
ElPoder36 - - 113 comments

Hi. To configure the keys in the RPG menu just go to customize keys and in the Wrath of Cronos section you can do it.

The monters level up as you play in their spawn when the player first steps on the map.

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berrу - - 114 comments

I wish someone can make roguelike doom mod where you clear endless dungeons, and after you die you get more stronger and dungeon change

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ElPoder36 Creator
ElPoder36 - - 113 comments

Hi Berry! You once told me that you would like to translate into Russian. Is that proposal still open?

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berrу - - 114 comments

Yep. What do you need help with?

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