Hello, Dagovax and I have decided to continue work on the Star Wars Total War mod for Rome: Total War- it's been ported to the Alexander Expansion due to it being required in order to have heroes like Darth Vader in the campaign.

The original creator of this mod, and the MODDB-page- SiskinEDGE -has also written to me that he liked the prospect of a completed SWTW-mod, and he created a new group for this mod, invited me and Dagovax as co-developers and gave us increased administrative rights on this page, while at the same time removing the rights for players to upload stuff freely. So SiskinEDGE said he were going to keep an eye out on the progress of this mod, and hence me and Dagovax are permitted to continue the work on this mod.

There existed an old mod with three releases from 2008-2009 made by SiskinEDGE- this version hadn't been updated since 2009 and used re-skinned Rome: Total War models of units. It only had infantry, but did however include Star Wars sound for blasters, a new UI, new loading screens based on the Prequel trilogy, Star Wars music from both the Prequel trilogy and the original trilogy. It had some custom battlemaps for the custom battles with a Star Wars theme, and it had good unit/unit_info cards.

It lacked a campaign map completely, it didn't have new custom Star Wars themed banners, names for the factions, quotes and many animations were missing or lacking.

I previewed this mod for Dagovax Sirrianus, one of the main creators (two) of Total War: 1942, and he liked the idea of continuing this project. I had a bunch of Freedom Force models based on Star Wars, and Freedom Force is an old game from 2005- i gave him the idea to try and use them in Rome: Total War and provided him with these models. He succeeded in importing the Storm Trooper, and later other units as well- he had some issues with the spaceships and some mechs but after finding a way to use an older version of a modelling program he managed to find a way to import all the FF models to RTW. The original mod had been made for Rome: Total War- Dagovax moved it to the Alexander expansion. He did also create new banners for the Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance and currently the Galactic Empire have quite the few units while the Rebel Alliance only has four. Dagovax also made new animations for the units, or ported animations that he had already created for the 1942 mod. New projectiles for the blasters, Deathstar, AT-AT etc have been created- even green laser bombs for the Tie Bombers. And he has created a custom campaign map based on Star Wars Galaxy- which is still lacking most of the settlements (to be planets).

I've uploaded a few WIP videos of the recent version that i'm going to show-off here, as they are simply too big for the video upload feature of MODDB.

If you'd like Dagovax Sirrianus to continue the development of this mod, then comment on pictures, videos on his Youtubesite Youtube.com or on this site, on the Total War Center forum on this link Twcenter.net and simply show that you want this mod completed.

He have said that if there isn't enough interest in the project then he might end the development on it. And he is the only guy who can create new animations, new projectiles etc from scratch that i know is willing to do this work. There are other modellers, but he is the only active modder rigging models for this mod currently as well- needless to say without Dagovax Sirrianus the mod will die. So show him that you want the development to continue by commenting on this site etc.

We will probably get a Patreon up at a later stage where it will be posisble to support Dagovax by donating, something that will keep him working on the mod. Otherwise the risk is that the development might end, if there isn't enough interest in the project.

I don't have the skills to get a mod like this running, due to it being far too unfinished at it's current stage. Remember that all my mods had the models either made already, or i had a modeller who rigged them while i coded them into the mod. Dagovax is such a modeller, but he is so much more than that- without him the mod won't be continued at it's current stage. If the mod has all the models finished, and a map- then I would be able to continue work on it by myself. But in the current state that's impossible.

Message from Sirrianus Dagovax:

"Hello Patreons,

I am Sirrianus Dagovax, modder for some old games, and most of you might know me from the Total War: 1942 and Star Wars: Total War modifications for Rome: Total War.

You can be here because you have seen some of the youtube videos I uploaded, or some other YouTubers featuring my channel. I upload videos whenever I have new content to share, and the content is very different. But you will mostly see Rome: Total War modding stuff, which will provide a lot of things you never knew was even possible on this game engine.

But of course, all this new content costs a lot of time, and I would be very happy if you become my Patreon and support me so I will keep modding.

Thank you
If you are an existing Patreon then I would like to thank you for all your support, whatever the amount, you are making a difference and helping me further into this epic modding projects :)

Supporting me also gives you extra privileges when you choose the higher tier: I created a Discord server for Dagovax Games, where you can ask me any questions at any time!

For all other players, you can also join the Discord server and ask questions, but I might respond a little bit slower to that because I am also busy with my IRL project :D

Join me on Discord: Discord.gg

Thank you all for the great support!

Sirrianus Dagovax"

Link to his Patreon site where you can donate to Dagovax, in order to support him, if you want development on the Free Star Wars: Total War mod to continue uninterrupted:


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Rome: Total War - Alexander is needed - update it to the latest version if using the DVD.

STEAM updates automatically.

It is also recommended and advised to patch the alexander.exe-file with the 4gb patch or the "large address aware"-patch found here:


- It will allow your game RTW - Alexander to make use of more than 2gb of RAM-memory - it will decrease the risk of the game crashing in battle due to too much memory usage.


Place the SWTW-folder inside of your "Harddrive Location":\Game Folder\The Creative Assembly\Rome - Total War\alexander-folder using the CD - then move the Star Wars Total War.bat-file to the main Rome Total War directory and double-click it to start the mod.



The mod crashed when clicking "Start Campaign" on Steam, which I didn't know about - while it worked fine using the DVD/CD. If you have Alexander on STEAM you'd need to download this launcher by Dagovax Sirrianus and place it in the main Alexander folder.


Rome: Total War Mod Launcher 1.4

This Rome: Total War Mod Launcher is a very helpful tool for both Rome Total War modders and users.

Select a mod, change the wanted startup parameters, and launch the mod!
The launcher features a self-extracting method to fix the steam issue (where it can't load the mod), and swaps everything back when the game closes, so don't worry about losing any data.

This Launcher requires .NET Framework 3.5 to be installed to work!

Just place the launcher in your Rome: Total War root directory and run it. You get an error message when you placed the launcher in the wrong location!

The Launcher searches for the engine, so that should be working properly

Features in patch 1.4
+ Fixed the issue where the Launcher could not be used in Alexander from steam.
+ Added a random mod select tool. Roll the dices and let the Launcher select a mod for you!

Features in patch 1.3
+ Fixed an error about the logging file used. It seemed to be a problem for intel core only

Features in patch 1.2
+ Increased sprite generation tool, you can now easily create sprites using the Launcher
+ Added more mods to the known list
+ Fixed some minor bugs

Features in patch 1.1

+ Added Lite version (smaller but fewer functions
+ Now all settings you make should be saved correctly
+ The launcher saves the last mod you played
+ Reworked 'Create Sprites' parameter
+ When 'Create Sprites' is enabled (modders), it automatically uses a special preferences.txt
+ Added log to keep track of errors
+ Registered more mods

launcher select mod

launcher settings

STAR WARS TOTAL WAR - a MOD first conceived and released by modder siskinEDGE between 2008-2009, later revived by me - Mr_Nygren, and modder Dagovax Sirrianus in 2020 during the Pandemic- the mod has had 3 custom battle DEMO's since then where you could play as both the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire, but it only had a map with 10 regions/sectors/planets and with no buildings, no balanced recruitment, no gameplay etc.. This is the first release adding a playable campaign - and possibly the last one too - You'd get a map with all 45 Planets of every movie, you'd get 3 factions - the Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance and the "Neutrals" which is the slave-faction of RTW Alexander - everything has been polished to an extent where there are no vanilla rebel units, vanilla general portarits, heroes have been added for both main factions - 8 for each and everyone starts with 8 planets, costs and stats have been altered to be balanced between the factions - there are some new units!

Dagovax Sirrianus had finished all the regions of the Galactic Campaign on September 21st 2021.

Star Wars: Total War - Galactic Campaign-map Regions all DONE


"Dagovax worked on adding placeholder planets to all his new regions, which he finished in December of 2021, and I've counted and there are 45 regions/settlements/planets in this mod - the Galactic Map is based on a picture of all the planets from the movies episode 1-8, Rogue One and Solo - 45 in total.

Desktop Screenshot 2023 09 10

It won't have any additional planets from the Expanded Universe, as the mod only has two factions plus the Neutrals/slave-faction which is unplayable.

The campaign will start at 2 BBY before the 4th movie and even before Rogue One."

The Galactic Campaign Map had new planets in December 2021, that weren't released because the map wasn't at all playable - but the map itself and the planets were ready:

The Galactic Campaign Map has new planets.The Galactic Campaign Map has new planets.The Galactic Campaign Map has new planets.The Galactic Campaign Map has new planets.The Galactic Campaign Map has new planets.The Galactic Campaign Map has new planets.The Galactic Campaign Map has new planets.The Galactic Campaign Map has new planets.The Galactic Campaign Map has new planets.The Galactic Campaign Map has new planets.The Galactic Campaign Map has new planets.

So Dagovax finished a map with 45 regions and the strat-models for the planets.

Including three unique battlefields - Hoth (The Snowy Planet of Episode V), Endor (The Forest Planet of Episode VI - Including Ewook Huts/Buildings) and Mustafar (The Volcano Planet where Anakin turned into Darth Vader).

Dagovax also finished the Empire strat-map models - A Star Deastroyer General, a Tie Fighter Captain & an Imperial Shuffle Diplomat.

I've added Neutral units to every planet after carefully checking out each planet in battle - they have varied garrisons now based on the most suitable troop-type. Unfortunately we're still limited to the units of the demo.

I've added a new "descr_rebel_factions"-file as this file were missing (got it from LotRTW) - then I've replaced the LotRTW-entries with new Star Wars TW entries.

So we'll have the correct rebels spawning in each area and no more vanilla rebels.

The Neutrals are only held-back by the limited aliens of the demo.

There are a lot of forest-planets with Ewook Huts. All of them now have Ewook garrisons. Only Endor has a dense forest out of these - So it's more impressive.

The recruitment = done, Buildings re-enabled = done, Wookie-Unit Description and name fixed, Diplomat cards fixed (Imperial Pilot is in use by both the Empire and the Neutrals, as for some reason the slave-faction/Neutrals share it with the Empire due to the culture,) & the Rebel Pilot for the Rebel Alliance. The Galactic Empire is also using the IG-88 Assasssin Droid card for their Assassin, and the Imperial Scouts for their spy - while the Rebel Alliance is using the Rebel Marksmen for their assassin (sharpshooters) and the "Rebel Scout Speeders" as their spy (Marksmen on Imperial Speeders - bot the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance are using the Galactic Empire strat-models on the map - the agents are all using the Imperial Shuttle.

All the regional area-of-recruitment-units like the TwiLek Rebels, the Gamorrean Guards (Green Pigs with axes), IG-88 Assassin Droids, Wookies and the Ewooks now spread out to every planet where they should be available for recruitment - the Neutral slave-faction can recruit all of them, and the Empire can recruit the IG-88 Assassin Droids and the Gamorrean Guards - while the Rebel Alliance can recruit the rest.

New garrisons of the New garrisons of the New garrisons of the New garrisons of the

The faction selection has been finished. So the map of the Neutrals have the enemy planets/sectors in red. The Neutrals are holding all the white areas on their map. For the others it's the red areas they're holding. The Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance do start with 8 planets each. This is out of a total of 45 planets, which means that 29 planets are held by the "Neutrals". Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker aren't the "Faction Leaders" but they're kind of the main characters.

I've updated the victory conditions of the mod for both the "Short Campaign" and the "Long Campaign"- the short one is now a "Destroy the other faction"-campaign.

The goal in the short-campaign is to destroy the other faction, as an example the Rebel Alliance will need to destroy the Galactic Empire in order to win - they also need to hold 15 regions out of 45 regions in total - they do start with 8 regions/sectors or planets.

So Regions in the mod are now called "Sectors" - and settlements are called "Planets".

This means that in order to win the faction needs to conquer only 7 additional planets - but if they do that and the other enemy faction still exists the campaign won't end. So the main goal is to destroy the enemy faction, but it also requires you to conquer 7 additional regions. The enemy starts off with 8 as well.

The Galactic Empire has the same conditions but will need to destroy the "Rebel Alliance" instead.

The "Neutrals" have the goal to hold 15 regions and they already hold way more than that.. But they also need to outlive/destroy the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire which will be extremely difficult for them to do.

Then there is the Long campaign - it's the "Total Conquest"-campaign - the goal there is to conquer all 45 sectors/planets on the map as the faction you chose.

The most important Sectors that are extra valuable are specifically named, but as you need all 45 this means that you will indeed destroy the enemy too - the difference is that you won't win until you hold the entire map.

New Victory Conditions!New Victory Conditions!

Improved Battle-UI (User Interface) & Banners re-enabled! I've re-implemented the old Battle-UI by SiskinEDGE, after which Dux Pilos "Palpatinos" Wiseau altered the UI a bit. I've also re-enabled the banners in battle. This is the "Hoth" battle-map.

Improved Battle-UI (User Interface) & Banners re-enabled!

I've also added eight starting heroes for both the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance:

I've added Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewbacca/Chewie to the campaign as heroes for the Rebel Alliance.

Han has the Millennium Falcon bodyguard. So he is inside the ship.

This is the "Mustafar" Battle-Map.

Han Solo added to the campaign for the Rebel Alliance!Han Solo added to the campaign for the Rebel Alliance!Chewbacca/Chewie added to the campaign for the Rebel Alliance!Chewbacca/Chewie added to the campaign for the Rebel Alliance!Luke Skywalker added to the campaign for the Rebel Alliance!

Princess Leia Organa added as well. Princess Leia Organa has a unique bodyguard of "Rebel Speeder Scouts" - essentially Rebel Marksmen on Imperial Speeders. A unit they can recruit in the game.

Princess Leia Organa added to the campaign for the Rebel Alliance!Princess Leia Organa has a unique bodyguard of

I've added Mon Mothma as the true Faction Leader of the Rebel Alliance, she has a bodyguard which is the Corellian Corvette Smaller Starship. She is the leader of the Rebel Alliance, and starts off at Yavin 4 - the secret Rebel base.

Mon Mothma added to the campaign for the Rebel Alliance!Mon Mothma added to the campaign for the Rebel Alliance!

I've added Admiral Ackbar as a new general or hero for the Rebel Alliance, and he has the ship that looks the most like his ship in battle (We're still limited to the unit models of the Demo), and is one out of three generals with giant Starship bodyguards.

Admiral Ackbar is mostly known for his part in Episode VI Return of the Jedi where he says "It's a Trap" in the attack on Death Star 2.

Admiral Ackbar added as a new General/Hero for the Rebel Alliance!Admiral Ackbar added as a new General/Hero for the Rebel Alliance!

I've added Lando Calrissian as a new hero for the Rebel Alliance, starting at the planet of Bespin - he has a Nebulon B Starship as his bodyguard!

Lando Calrissian, Mon Mothma, Han Solo and Admiral Ackbar all have starships as their bodyguards.

Lando Calrissian added as a new general/hero for the Rebel Alliance!Lando Calrissian added as a new general/hero for the Rebel Alliance!

I've added Wedge Antilles as a new hero/general of the Rebel Alliance, using an X-Wing Starfighter as his unique bodyguard - he is starting at the planet of Naboo! With this all the eight starting planets of the Rebel Alliance have their generals or governors.

The portrait of Wedge Antilles is also in use by the generic generals of the Rebel Alliance, and by the generic generals of the "Neutrals" - the Rebel Alliance generic general in battle is a Rebel Pilot after all - this means that the vanilla RTW Roman general portraits have been replaced for the Rebel Alliance and for the Neutrals.

Wedge Antilles is Luke Skywalker's old friend from Tatooine who later fought side-by-side with him in the battle of Death Star 1.

With this the Rebel Alliance is done as for their starting heroes.

Wedge Antilles added as a new hero/general for the Rebel Alliance!Wedge Antilles added as a new hero/general for the Rebel Alliance!

The Rebel Alliance has eight starting planets, and eight starting governors/heroes - the Wookie Chewbacca isn't on this picture and he's the eight one.

All eight starting heroes of the Rebel Alliance added to the campaign!

The generic general in battle for the Rebel Alliance is the "Rebel Pilot", and he has a bodyguard of "Rebel Marksmen" - female sharpshooters of the Rebel Alliance!

This is the bodyguard you'd get when adopting family members, or when earning generals after victorious battles during the campaign - I didn't want to enable the player to spam starships by adopting lots of family members.. So this is the ordinary general.

Rebel Pilot added as the

The "Hoth Troopers" are used as the generic Captains during the campaign, the commanders of the forces present on the battlefield when there is no general/pilot leading the troops.

The reason Luke Skywalker is in the battle is because this was taken in custom battle, where any hero is just an officer - not the general nor captain.

In the campaign Luke is the general of his unit.

Hoth Troopers new

Grand Moff Tarkin has been added as the first new general/hero of the Galactic Empire, using a Death Star I Bodyguard unique to him - a unit you can't recruit or build/construct in the game - you only get one Death Star with Tarkin.

Grand Moff Tarkin added as the first new hero/general of the Galactic Empire!Grand Moff Tarkin added as the first new hero/general of the Galactic Empire!

Emperor Palpatine or Darth Sidious has been added as the new faction leader of the Galactic Empire in the mod, obviously we had a Roman general previously as the campaign wasn't finished - he has a bodyguard of "Red Guards" or "Royal Guards" - but with his own unique entry added for him to make him stronger than the regular unit.

He also has unique voice lines.

Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious added as a new hero/general for the Empire!Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious added as a new hero/general for the Empire!

Lord/Darth Vader added as a new hero for the Galactic Empire in the campaign, he has a bodyguard of Imperial First Order Officers, they're elite Storm Troopers with better stats than the regular ones - and he also has his own unique entry which makes him much better than the regular unit.

Darth Vader also has unique voice lines.

Lord/Darth Vader added as a new hero for the Galactic Empire!Lord/Darth Vader added as a new hero for the Galactic Empire!

Admiral Thrawn from the Book "Heir to the Empire" or the "Thrawn-trilogy" added as the Heir to the Empire.

He has a bodyguard that is a Star Destroyer Imperial-I Destroyer - the best Starship the Empire can deploy besides the Death Star I.

Grand Admiral Thrawn added as a new hero of the Galactic Empire!Grand Admiral Thrawn added as a new hero of the Galactic Empire!

So Mara Jade, later to be named Mara Jade Skywalker (after her marriage to Luke Skywalker according to Legends cannon/books) has been added as a new general/hero of the Galactic Empire, and she is using a Tie Interceptor bodyguard (the same ship Darth Vader used in the battle of the Death Star I) - she starts on Tatooine where she was said to have been during Episode VI.

Mara Jade unfortunately doesn't have her own model.

She is an important character from the "Thrawn-trilogy" of books.

She was said to have been stationed at Jabba's Palace during the events of Episode VI, she is the right-hand of Emperor Palpatine and she was ordered to hunt down and kill Luke Skywalker.

Later she will marry Luke and become Mara Jade Skywalker according to Legends lore.

Later she'd be trained by Luke into a Jedi Knight, but during the events of the mod she was an assassin trained by the Emperor.

Mara Jade Mara Jade

Maximilian Veers, the AT-AT commander of the battle of the snowy planet of Hoth, has been added as a new general/hero of the Galactic Empire - he has an AT-AT bodyguard.

Maximilian Veers added as a new general for the Empire!Maximilian Veers added as a new general for the Empire!

Tiaan Jerjerrod, the Moff who greeted Lord Vader and Emperor Palpatine in Episode VI, and who later commanded the Death Star II during the battle above Endor - has now been added as a new general for the Galactic Empire!

He has a Star Destroyer Bodyguard due to there being no Death Star II in the mod.

Tiaan Jerjerrod added as a new General for the Empire!

Firmus Piett, a Captain who is promoted into the Commander of Vader's personal Star Destroyer Fleet, after the previous Commander gets choked to death by Vader- has been added as a new general of the Galactic Empire. He is the final general the faction starts out with.

Firmus Piett has a bodyguard that is a Star Destroyer- him being the Commander of Darth Vader's personal Fleet of Star Destroyers.

Firmus Piett added as the final general for the Empire!

The Galactic Empire starts out with 8 planets, and 8 generals/heroes - number eight is Maximilian Veers - the AT-AT Commander of the battle on Hoth.

The generic generals are going to share cards with Piett and Jerjerrod - the two Officers that share the same look as the generic general and captain in the mod inside of the battles.

The Galactic Empire starting generals are now ready!

I've replaced the RTW generic Roman general Cards with actual Star Wars cards for both the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire.

The UI on the map has also been changed, using the UI by Dagovax for the Germans in Total War: 1942 and then replacing the symbols with Empire and Rebel Alliance symbols. The UI used to be vanilla previously.

In battle the UI is the Star Wars Battle UI by SiskinEdge but improved.

New Cards for the generic generals - & a new Strat-Map UINew Cards for the generic generals - & a new Strat-Map UI

I've added the third and final custom battle-map that Dagovax Sirrianus made for the mod - Mustafar, the Volcano Planet - to the custom battle menu when you select stages to fight battles in.

Previously you had Hoth- the Snowy Planet, and Endor -the Forest Planet - now you have the Volcano Planet Mustafar as well where Anakin Skywalker lost to Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Mustafar added as a new battle-map in the Custom Battle menu!Mustafar added as a new battle-map in the Custom Battle menu!

I've added the TwiLek Rebels, IG-88 Assassin Droids, AT-ST and one of the giant ships to the Neutrals both in the custom battle menu and in the campaign.

I figured that the droids and the TwiLek Rebels should be neutral units as well due to being aliens or droids which fit the faction perfectly.

So the Neutrals were a bit weak without ships or mechs.. So I did add the AT-ST to them from forest-planets only where there are Ewooks - as in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi the Ewooks and the Rebel Alliance did actually steal some AT-ST mechs from the Empire!

As for the giant ship I just felt they needed a ship in the late game.

The Neutrals also did receive an IG-88 Assassin Droids Bodyguard.

The Neutrals have a few new units available!

I've added a unit of Imperial Commanders as the new generic bodyguard of the Galactic Empire!

Otherwise their roster is the same.

A new bodyguard for the Galactic Empire!

I've added a new generic bodyguard for the Rebel Alliance - the "Rebel Marksmen".

I've also added a new unit called the "Rebel Speeder Scouts" which is basically the same unit mounted on Imperial Speeders, and unlike earlier information they will be fully recruitable in the campaign - they do use the same unit_info card as the Rebel Marksmen due to no card being made for them and Dagovax has a unique style which made it difficult for me to make new ones for the unit. I've added a new unit_card for the unit though.

An AT-ST Mech is now also available for the faction in both custom battle and in the campaign, but it's limited to "Forest Planets" in the campaign due to the unit only being available as an extra-unit due to the Rebel Alliance managing to snatch some AT-ST's from the Empire in Episode VI - Return of the Jedi.

Finally we have a new starship - the X-Wing Starfighter Bombers (we're limited to the unit models of the previous release so I had no choice but to use the same model/ship for the bomber - there are no Y-Wings in the mod)- the new unit has the same bomb as the Tie Bombers, and it also has the same animation -so it won't fly around in circles unlike the fighter-variant.

The reason for giving the Rebel Alliance a bomber was one, they had bombers in lore, and two - the bombers can kill giant ships easily with a few hits so it was unfair if only the Empire had the unit - especially since the Galactic Empire has the Death Star I and the bombers are probably the only unit that can kill it.

The Rebel Alliance have a few new units available!

I've replaced the vanilla Roman civilians shared between all three factions (The Neutrals, the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance) with new Star Wars models.

Unfortunately both the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire are Roman houses.. So they did share civilians in the game, as such I couldn't add unique ones to both.

Instead I just added Storm Troopers and Snow Troopers as eye candy when checking out cities.. The civilians don't play a role in the mod except when you check out your cities during peace-time - I just didn't want to replace the Storm Troopers with neutrals.

It makes sense that the Empire has troops everywhere like in the movies, and they're just eye candy anyway - better than having vanilla Romans there.

Roman Civilians replaced with Empire troops!

And that's all of the new additions of the Campaign Open BETA of STAR WARS TOTAL WAR - a mod for Rome: Total War - Alexander - it does require the Alexander Expansion as we ported the old mod to Alexander in order to be able to have heroes like Darth Vader, Palpatine or Luke as custom generals in battle.


Credits for the mod:

SiskinEDGE - For the original mod released in October 2008 and updated in February 2009.

- Material he created or added that is still included within the mod would be the custom Star Wars Battle UI, the loading screen pictures, the custom music of the mod and the in-game quotes.

Dagovax Sirrianus - For the rigging of the new models, the new animations (many imported from his other mod "Total War: 1942" and others made from scratch by him for this mod, the new unit/unit-info cards for the majority of the units, the new projectiles of the units, the custom campaign-map, the strat-models on the map such as the "Planets" used by the cities or the Galactic Empire strat-map generals and agents in use by everyone, the custom battlefields of Hoth, Endor and Mustafar - and finally the only custom settlement in the mod which is the Ewook Huts on Endor and other forest planet areas in the mod - I do know that Endor was a Forest Moon though.

Mr_Nygren - For pitching the idea to Dagovax in 2020 and bringing to him the attention of the old Star Wars Total War mod, for providing him with the custom Star Wars models from the game Freedom Force that he rigged for the mod, for playtesting, keeping backups of and making videos of the mod since 2020, for bribing Dagovax with my own money to finish Version 2.0/3.0 + the Campaign Map- and for polishing up the 3.0 custom battle demo by adding missing unit cards, names, descriptions changing the numbers of the units in the mod so that all of them are using the maximum numbers - 30 on small - this mod is intended to be played on "small unit size" or the giant starships will look ugly and you'd get many Death Stars and Millennium Falcons etc, - most of the info previously mentioned was on the custom battle releases.

On the Campaign Open Beta the new Campaign Map was released for the first time, so Dagovax is credited for creating it and I for motivating him to do it - but what about the new release? The map was already finished including the strat-map models back on December 13th 2021 - but the mod wasn't ready to be released back then, no - I'm credited with picking up the WIP (Work-in-Progress)-beta and adding all the playable elements to the campaign such as all the game-play, buildings, recruitment, starting units, additional starting regions, starting heroes, hero-portraits, new bodyguards, the card for the new "Rebel Speeder Scouts", a new Faction Selection Screen for the factions as it was a vanilla RTW selection screen prior to me picking up the mod in early September 2023 - on September 8th to be precise, and I also added additional units to some factions.

I modded this release alone, Dagovax only contributed to this release with the already finished stuff from 2021 that was left unreleased. SiskinEDGE haven't done anything since 2009 except giving us a hand in 2020 by creating a group for the mod and inviting us as co-developers.

Alright, so if I didn't pick the WIP up it wouldn't have been released, because Dagovax had abandoned the project in favor of working on Total War Rome Remastered mods.

So while Dagovax did the most important work, without me this still wouldn't have seen the light of day.

Credits for Star Wars is of course Disney, LucasFilm etc - they do own all the rights to Star Wars and it's characters.

This is a free fan-made mod/project and it's existed since 2008 - the new thing in 2023 is a fully playable Campaign - no earlier release has had a playable campaign.

Star Wars: Total War - Galactic Empire/Rebel Alliance DEMO 3.0 RELEASED!

Star Wars: Total War - Galactic Empire/Rebel Alliance DEMO 3.0 RELEASED!

News 2 comments

I've released an updated 3.0 version of the Star Wars Total War-DEMO. The new 3.0 version of the DEMO has: 1. Ewooks and Wookies added to the Rebel Alliance...

Star Wars: Total War - Galactic Empire/Rebel Alliance DEMO 2.0 RELEASED!

Star Wars: Total War - Galactic Empire/Rebel Alliance DEMO 2.0 RELEASED!

News 4 comments

I've released an updated 2.0 version of the Star Wars Total War-DEMO. The new 2.0 version of the DEMO has: 1. Updated AT-AT Walkers, 2. Three new Galactic...

Star Wars: Total War - Galactic Empire/Rebel Alliance DEMO RELEASED!

Star Wars: Total War - Galactic Empire/Rebel Alliance DEMO RELEASED!

News 6 comments

I've released the Star wars: Total War DEMO - it's not really as completed as I'd wanted it to be but it's a lot better than the old version. The mod...

Rome: Total War Mod Launcher

Rome: Total War Mod Launcher


The Rome: Total War Mod Launcher is a great tool to just run any mods installed!

RSS Files
STAR WARS TOTAL WAR - Campaign Open BETA (STEAM requires Dagovax's Launcher 1.4)

STAR WARS TOTAL WAR - Campaign Open BETA (STEAM requires Dagovax's Launcher 1.4)

Full Version 1 comment

STAR WARS TOTAL WAR - a MOD first conceived and released by modder siskinEDGE between 2008-2009, later revived by me - Mr_Nygren, and modder Dagovax Sirrianus...

Star Wars: Total War - Galactic Empire/Rebel Alliance DEMO 3.0

Star Wars: Total War - Galactic Empire/Rebel Alliance DEMO 3.0

Demo 4 comments

So I gave Dagovax the idea to re-make the old Star Wars: Total War mod. I had the models from the easily mod-able game Freedom Force - and when he tried...

Star Wars: Total War - Galactic Empire/Rebel Alliance DEMO 2.0

Star Wars: Total War - Galactic Empire/Rebel Alliance DEMO 2.0

Demo 6 comments

So I gave Dagovax the idea to re-make the old Star Wars: Total War mod. I had the models from the easily mod-able game Freedom Force - and when he tried...

Star Wars: Total War - Galactic Empire/Rebel Alliance DEMO!

Star Wars: Total War - Galactic Empire/Rebel Alliance DEMO!


So I gave Dagovax the idea to re-make the old Star Wars: Total War mod. I had the models from the easily mod-able game Freedom Force - and when he tried...

Star Wars Total War V0.10A

Star Wars Total War V0.10A

Full Version 12 comments

Star Wars Total War V0.10A is out with three new factions, a UI overhual and more units.

Star Wars Total War 0.05B

Star Wars Total War 0.05B

Full Version 1 comment

This mod from SiskinEDGE replaces some units with those from the Star Wars universe. See File Details for specifics.

Post comment Comments  (70 - 80 of 136)
HeadlessZombie - - 80 comments

You should just stop making this mod, it looks so horrible it makes me laugh.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments

in concept it looks good, but it just doesnt really work u know. im a star wars fan but this mod is just horrible no offence. the total war franchise mostly focuses on hand to hand combat. maybe try making a SW mod for napolion tw or empire tw, might work better.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
glundquist12 - - 83 comments

this mod is ******* Retarded you have clone troopers and battle droids shooting arows at each other. WTF?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
oscar50 - - 32 comments

Shortcut wont work ive changed the path but everything that happends is that a window saying Rome total war appears, the screen goes black for 3 seconds and then its back at the desktop.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
RisnFootSoldier - - 32 comments

Epic fail looks crap need to work on it big time then i might download.

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
BunsenTurner - - 20 comments

I agree, the ideas behind this are aweomse just get a moddler.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
obliterator789 - - 1,052 comments

you need to find a modeler fast, this mod looks like crap at the moment because all this you are doing is reskinning the units... looks like an epic failure

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
headshotking93 - - 1 comments

when i click on the shortcut it says that it is unavailable what should i do

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
SiskinEDGE Creator
SiskinEDGE - - 41 comments

1) find the location where you have installed rome total war
2) right click the shortcut
3) go to propertys
4) go to target
5) change the location of the shortcut to your rome total war instaltion directory's executeable e.g. C:\programfiles\rometotalwar\rometw.exe

Reply Good karma+2 votes
SeCALPHA1 - - 20 comments

Nice idea.. poorly implemented. I agree: proper models would justify this much more than simple skins.

Though, great work and I wish the best of luck!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
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